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Posts posted by Vencini

  1. I'm playing third mission "Panzers Marsch!" I'm enyoing with nigth missions because most missions are at day.

    I found this message about this mission and I would like to sugest to put into game "nigth flares"

    Original message from Jhon Malcom: I'm onto the third battle of the Panzer Marsch campaign, and wishing really hopefully that dawn will come soon. It's a pity we don't get parachute flares or illumination rounds.

    So Battlefront, please : parachute flares for night combats! :rolleyes:

  2. I play with Marco Bergman's mod "range weapons"(thanks for it Mr. Bergman). I think it's very important to know the range and distance of all weapons. I think the original CMBN don't have this information...I think it's very useful for players...

    I think that will be new weapons and I hope Mr- Bergman will do another range weapons mod for this module...

    Another question (off topic) will I have to configurate again the grafic card when the module comes (two diferent games)? Will be the mods usefuls to both games (for example weapons range)?

    Thanks and greetings

  3. A) The unit spotting to be in good C2, preferably all the way up the com net. B) Take lots of time, sit a spotter in a good position and give him 2-4 turns to identifly targets..always seems to take longer that u think it should. C) Use units with binoculars for spotting they do a much better job.

    Do you play WEGO or RT, and what level do you play? Try WEGO and lowering the difficulty to begin with.


    Don't wait to see the enemy units. You see a "'?" icon? Fire on it. You expect / sense an enemy unit it's in some place ? Area fire. Use your fire power on expected enemy positions

  4. Thank you for this campaing Paper Tiger. I have learned much about the game playing it. You have managed to create with few german units, scenarios that have been real challenges.

    Ok Phil Stanbridge, I'll continue with "Panzer Marsch" and I'll see if I can finish "Courage and Fortitude" before the module release.Thanks for advise

    I've been playing the game continuously for a year (since release) and still I have not been able to complete it (two campaings remaining). How many battles or campaings will have the Commonwealth module? Will I be playing a whole year without stopping like CMBN allowed me?


  5. looking the pictures on page two, there is a lot of open terrain...Maybe your vehicles are in danger (they are aimed by the units after the river) and the AI can't make up her mind how to do? : to carry out your orders and be in danger or not move to stay safe...

    Can the AI make this kind of things?Just giving my opinion... Greetings

  6. Playing WEGO, you dismount an unit from a vehicle with a move order. In the same turn, you can't give to another unit the order to move inside this vehicle (suposed to be empty during the repetition of the turn)

    You can't give "face" orders, when you set a waypoint into a house or dismouting from a vehicle. You have to do it manualy at the last way point of the movement...


  7. 1) Keep all recon on v small >10m arcs so they don't fire if they see anything.

    2) Recon units need to be as small as possible, in this scenario I think they are all 2-4 men each so that's ok.

    3) When you reach a good observation point tucked into the bocage so you can see thru, leave them there not hiding for 2-4 minutes. (You should get to see enemy contacts/evidence of some kind. Not sure why you are having problems.) Then HUNT or SLOW move em to close by points and repeat.

    4) In this scenario you also have the option of a deeper recon on the flanks (esp the Right) so you try and get to see what you can from a flank.

    + units with binoculars and in command with their HQ will spot better

  8. I think the defense is more difficult because it is difficult to ambush the enemy in CMBN. No armor cover arc. If you have a hidden unit, it will not fire. If you have it not hidden, they will locate and destroy you.

    In my opinion this is one more reason why it is more difficult to defend in CMBN. It is not easier for the attacker, is a difficult challenge (lack of specific orders) for the defender


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