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Posts posted by Pešadija

  1. It's not really needed. If an MBT, today, is in a situation where it needs to fire that many rounds without the possibility to resupply while playing tag-team with other tanks (like the Russians did attacking Minutka square in Chechnya), it's probably boned no matter how well armed it is. Survivability is where the tank's survival chances stay (pardon the pun). Like that challenger, don't remember exactly when, buttoned up for hours against a band of insurgents, resisting RPGs and such.

  2. Ehm. I thought the various arab revolutions were the point of this thread, but, dear costard, I share the passionate hate of these basic loopholes exploited in the west by the people in the finance and stock brokerage sector.

    And, to be truthful, between the awful state of the people in developing countries and the denied economic stability in the supposedly developed countries, I find the latter more jarring exactly because we, relatively educated people (politically and economically), seem unable to defend ourselves against the predations of those ******* neomanchesterian vultures.

    Sorry for the rant.

    BTW, hasn't this thread gotten quite political, in spite of forum rules? :D

  3. Being good at doing something you've never done? Every child manages this process, I don't see that it needs to be impossible to do with human institutions of government.

    I just meant, it would be a bit naive to expect a flawless, smooth process immediately. Trial and error is required. At least, if you don't forcefully remove every public official that has ever been corrupted, and sit all the voting population through an extensive seminar on how stuff is done properly. ;)

  4. Nice, nice! But, you know, this is mainly about pure appearance, not valiance!

    This one is where the knowledge of forum members shows (history? BAH!).

    I've seem many photos of comrade George, but this one! Statuesque!

    De Wiart's hardcore too. For some reason, the color portrait is creepier than the old age photo.

  5. Hi there. Like all of you, I long for the latest Combat Mission of the bunch to come out. But, instead of harassing steve about which animations german soldiers will use to defecate in a field latrine, I'd like to start a light-hearted challenge.

    How about you people post the most imposing/menacing photo of a WW2 officer you can find? And, as much as I like the "leading from the front" figures as much as the next guy, it should be a general officer, from lieutenant colonel upwards.

    I'll start. I think this pic from old J. Blaskowitz takes the cake.


    This dude just evil eyes-you. :eek:

    And sorry, the internet doesn't provide a bigger, fatter image.

    If it does, it's too hard to find. :D

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