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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Ranger33

  1. I think I mentioned this once before somewhere but my idea to solve this problem would be to allow a mortar team to act as it's own spotter and go through the artillery menu for direct fire. I think this makes sense and is more realistic than only being able to target one small spot at a time. And it couldn't be that hard to implement, they just need to be given permission to use themselves as artillery, but only themselves, obviously.

  2. Why do people use Steam? It's awful....

    Ehhhh, lets see. Unlimited downloads at any speed, amazing sales, in game overlay (friends list, cross game chat, web browser), steam cloud (syncs your saves and control preferences from one PC to another), stores your screenshots online, uses almost no CPU power, automatic updates for all games, support for indie devs and mods, great customer support etc. That's just off the top of my head.

  3. I've got the naming bug before (without CMBN installed), you will probably have to do a clean install. CMSF seems excessively prone to corruption, for whatever reason. I've gotten that bug and the textures bug (where literally everything has the same random texture applied to it) half a dozen times.

    Thanks for the patch! Figured it would be a few more weeks before we saw this thing.

  4. What I really want to know is whether or not we will actually receive that mythical final patch for CMSF after the first CMBN patch comes out. I still can't play the German campaign due to those missing panzerfausts. I actually find myself longing for those vast open expanses after a few weeks in the bocage.

    I don't need a release date, I just want confirmation that the thing will ever see the light of day.

  5. On the force selection screen for QB, there should be more information about the units. Not everyone knows the difference between all of the different vehicles and types of infantry. I know the CMx1 games had this feature.

    I only recently discovered what those big boxes at the bottom are even there for, when you select certain units you get options like having mortars on map or off, or switching types of bazookas, I had no idea you could do this until today. It would be cool if this was expanded, to let you spend points to give squads extra gear like breaching charges or heavier weapons, not realistic I know but nothing about QBs is anyway.

  6. It is somewhat interesting that for 11 years, they still havent figured out how to implement a "delete" button in the save games part of the games ;P

    Yeah, I know the menu interface isn't the most important part of a game, but it would be nice to some improvement over the course of a decade. For example, being able to click a campaign and see only the saved games that apply to it.

  7. *rabble rabble rabble* :D

    I too would like to see this changed. Another thing would be not giving a generic soldier icon to spotted AT guns. I mean, you can click on it and see that it is an AT gun, you can look at it directly and see that it is an AT gun, your pixeltruppen know it is an AT gun, the smoke and explosions it creates also tend to give it away, yet the icon doesn't change. This just makes me have to click around or move the camera to see which of those icons is the AT gun.

    Also the sound contacts not distinguishing between infantry and vehicles, that would be helpful and make sense. Hearing something tends to inherently include information like "engine sounds" vs "footsteps"

  8. Uh.... previews yeah. Reviews? Not so much. Not even on Rock, Paper Shotgun.

    If you can't get a review there you are doing it very wrong.

    Zilch on any the major sites, still?! I figured some lag because perhaps BFC hadn't sent out pre-release review copies this time. But now I am getting worried.

    Yeah I'm kinda scratching my head on this. CMSF got reviews from all the major gaming sites as well as PC Gamer magazine. They were all bad, of course, because of all the bugs, not because it was a hardcore wargame. I feel like BF might have been a bit gun shy this time around and only sent review copies to select places. I might be totally wrong, but it just seems odd that we are only seeing reviews from relatively obscure places, and very few at that. You guys can't tell me that marketing is that hard, because I see articles and reviews all the time about games that were made by 1-3 people.

  9. ^^ I can appreciate that there are historical and realistic reasons for infantry to fire on unbuttoned tanks, but it just doesn't seem to play out in the game how it would in real life. Every time I notice one of my rifle squads firing on a tank, I have to move them or scratch them off the list, since they are about 15 seconds away from utter destruction.

    I don't think it should be done away with completely, but adjustments clearly need to be made. The current infantry behavior in this regard is straight up suicidal.

  10. Not sure if there is any additional AT ammo in this mission. Make sure if you have AT Ammo bearers that they are near the guns.

    Mortar support is generally only available to HQ units and Forward Observers. Also make sure there is a team with a radio near the mortar team, or you won't be able to radio in fire missions.

    One tip I found for this mission is to spread your forces out a bit to limit damage from the big barrage at the beginning, you should have plenty of time to move into position after it lifts. Make good use of your tank hunter teams, they are very mobile and effective if you can keep them out of sight.

  11. That's not a bug. There is plenty of reason to shoot at AFV's. Suppression, force them to stay buttoned, could break antennas, scopes, secondary armament.

    This. I lost an armored car in the first German campaign mission to a single lucky rifle shot. Not sure what it knocked out but on literally the first hit I saw "Penetration" and the crew bailed.

    Bug: Not being able to click on unit icons through buildings. Seems to depend on the angle but its really annoying, also applies when giving orders sometimes.

  12. Here's an idea I had that is kind of related to this discussion. What if mortars, when used in the direct fire role, were able to use the indirect artillery options, but only with themselves as an option. So they could do linear, area, or point targets, instead of just the current direct line. Obviously they would only be able to do this on what they can directly see, basically they would be their own spotter.

    For example, say you have a mortar set up and it has direct line of sight to a hedgerow full of enemies. Wouldn't it make sense for the mortar team to be able to do a linear target mission along that entire line, instead of just firing at the one spot where you give them a target? In RT this isn't a problem since you can let them fire a few rounds and then shift the target line down a bit, but in wego you have to choose between putting ~60 seconds worth of rounds on one spot, or using a spotter, which means you are looking at 3-6 minutes at least before those rounds are landing. I'm sure you guys have considered this, but I thought I would throw it out there.

    Another, probably simpler fix, would be making it where a spotter that has verbal contact with a mortar unit has a much shorter wait time for fire missions. Right now it seems there is no difference between radioing in a mission from the other end of the map and having the guy turn his head and say "Could I get some rounds on those trees over there?"

  13. I'm playing one on a small map, a company + a couple tanks for each side. The files are all 4-5 mb, which is isn't bad but still takes a couple minutes to upload, no way I would download and upload 20 mb files for each turn.

    We need realtime with pause, or wego with no replay, come on BF! *rabble rabble rabble* :D

  14. I figured the "honor system" is probably the simplest solution here, but I think the issue deserves to be noted. Should have thought of that before we started the match, since we both agree it's a bit gamey.

    @Blackcat Thanks, I will try that next time I have this problem. Right now the only other nearby HQ lost it's radio to the previously mentioned mortar barrage :( so I can't try it. The mystery was that I was using the mortar section HQ, which is part of the company, but they couldn't receive orders from the platoon HQs of the same company. Perhaps I had them mixed up though, however I haven't run into this problem before.

  15. I just started a pbem game (probably my first and last) on a small ME map. Right off the bat my guys are getting hit by accurate mortar fire and it was only out of sheer luck that I didn't take heavy losses. To make matters worse, on this map the setup zones are very small and in opposite corners, so you know exactly where the enemy forces are starting and their likely route of advance.

    The glaring issue here is that accurate pre-planned barrages (with no LOS) don't make any sense in a "meeting engagement" where two forces are supposed to have simply bumped into each other while on the move. Could we possibly see this changed or will we just have to rely on two players agreeing to no pre-planned barrages? The ME maps seem to have been designed without those barrages in mind, since the setup zones are often small and in the open.

    In a semi-related matter, I have 3 mortar teams on this map. Two are part of my infantry company and one is an attached team. The attached team is available for fire missions via radio, while the other two teams are "out of contact", despite all of my efforts to put them right on top of the same HQ unit (who has a radio) as the available team. I haven't had a problem with this before, is it a glitch, or am I missing something?

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