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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Ranger33

  1. I'm guessing that re-writing the code so that the soldiers run in different spots would be another of those "things that would be nice be we don't have the time". A simpler and equally realistic change might be that while marking a known minefield, engineers will reveal directly adjacent minefields. That way you can at least clear them without first getting some of your men killed, which seems to currently be the only way to reveal mines. Once you get 2-3 fields cleared, it becomes a lot easier to move a squad through.

  2. It's got nothing to do with real life but coding but you'll need to get Steve to explain the real coding issues to you. We ALL want them to be able to re-man them because we know it was doable in real life but apparently, such behaviour is not so easy to code in a computer game. The alternative was wait until Charles could code the game so that they could be abandoned and re-manned. Without this compromise you'd have the crews married to their guns until the guns died in v1.01 which is even less realistic.

    Ah, well I won't pretend to understand what's going on under the hood. From the way you worded your previous post it seemed like it was actually a design choice and not something on the "to do" list. It isn't that high of a priority anyway. Would much rather see some convincing fire and flamethrowers sometime this decade. :D

  3. Not being able to re-man an AI gun! Again, working as designed! Would you prefer it if you couldn't abandon them? That was the choice we were given. Crews can't abandon them or the player can force them to but can't re-man them later. Who knows, perhaps it will get coded in at a future point but I was happy to be able to abandon a gun when its position was about to be whacked by enemy mortars zeroing in on its position. Sometimes, you just have to accept a compromise to get a bit of what you want and hope that you will get the rest later. You'd obviously prefer no compromise and no abandoning of AT guns...ever. No thank you.:rolleyes:

    I don't really understand the argument you are making here. In a real life situation where an AT gun crew can see mortars zeroing in on them, what exactly would be unrealistic about them running off to take cover and coming back a few minutes later? When tank crews are scared out of their tanks by enemy fire, they can get back in them later, why shouldn't an ATG crew be able to do the same? As far as coding goes, how would this be different than soldiers getting in and out of any other "vehicle". I guess I missed the original debate on this. It's not too big a deal for me as I've yet to experience this situation anyway, but it would be nice to have the option.

    I'm always impressed at how high the tension can run on this forum. All these old men so set in their ways I suppose. It's like opposite extreme of PS3 vs XBOX debate. Instead of unintelligible garble and insults being hurled, we have detailed and carefully worded paragraphs just seething with passive aggressiveness. :P

  4. I am the "cheater" in two of the examples he gave.

    Case 1: Germany on the March! I was Red. One of my ATGMs spotted a Wiesel on the edge of the first ridge and fired a missile. I could only see the one vehicle, but after the hit there were several secondary explosions. I'm guessing his units were packed way too tight and the first explosion set off a chain reaction.

    Case 2: German Mix vs Syrian Mix. I was Blue. My infantry spotted a couple of his vehicles parked and facing one of the corners of the map, so I rolled a Leopard up into a hull down position from the opposite corner and took them out. There was also an airstrike right in the middle of them of them so that probably contributed. Again he had 4+ vehicles sitting way too close together.

    Thought I would just explain what actually happened. I also gave him the password to my turns so he can see what I saw. It's understandable when someone is just starting to play that they might not understand how everything works.

  5. I would like to think that with the engine pretty much as stable and good looking as it's going to get (considering the improvements from CMSF release to now), the focus now would just be on unit modeling, with maybe a new command or two tossed in.

    I'm kinda bleh on having an entire title for Battle of the Bulge to the end of the war. I can't imagine that we would see much of anything new, besides some new versions of vehicles (compared to CMBN+modules, correct me if I'm wrong). I guess it will serve as the test run for snow, new commands, and misc. features before the epicness that will be the East front.

    Oh well, I'm very happy with CMBN now, can't wait for the modules to flesh it out. Just look at how much more content CMSF+modules has compared to the base game.

  6. I still get lower framerates and more lag than I had during the first round of beta maps. I think punkbuster is partly to blame, since I was getting excellent pings until it was added. I imagine it will all get smoothed out sooner or later, at the rate they are patching.

    Look here comes another patch now! The notes say it fixes some crashes and optimizes performance, one can only hope.

  7. CMBN C2 is complex like God and works in similarly mysterious ways.

    This made my day.

    @skimbo: I've experienced what you are describing with the mortars just once, and it had something to do with where they were in the C2 compared to the HQ I was using as a radio relay (a platoon HQ). You're best bet is to decide which HQ you are going to use for this purpose before starting the match, and do a "radio check" by setting them away from everything else and seeing if the other HQ's can call fire from them.

  8. I'm probably not the same person, only been using this name for a few years. Anyway, right now I have Veins sounds and like them, but I think the other ones are good too, just have a different "feel" to them.

    One tip on the repository is to open each mod in a new tab. Saves a lot of time! Once you get caught up it's easy to just check this forum once a week to see what's new.

  9. There are lots on the repository, the only other big place I know of is CMMODS.

    *Better terrain

    There are a couple but right now I'm using Aris Terrain Mod and really like it. Gets rid of the super bright colors of vanilla, without changing things too much. There are a couple others that are good as well.

    *Better interface

    IMHO Juju's Tweaked UI is a must have. I can't imagine going back to the default.

    *Better model textures

    Definitely start with all of the Aris mods for vehicles, they are amazing.

    For infantry, I like Veins Germans and 82nd Airborne, along with EZ US Uniforms.

    Some others would be all of Veins tweaks like flames, muzzleflash, skies, etc. There are also a couple choices for sound mods, you'll just have to try them and see what you like.

  10. I solve this by moving everything as a platoon at first, more in a general direction than anything, until I get close to actually fighting. Then move individual squads. If I'm playing PBEM, I'll then split the squads into teams so they can spread out more. Once the lines are formed, you usually aren't moving more than a few units at a time, so it's easier.

    Just some friendly advice, don't move an entire company in one big blob. That's just begging to get hit by arty. Unless you are playing against me, then feel free to do so :D

  11. 23 here, I played the Valley of Trouble demo for CMBO way back when, but I couldn't really figure it out, I was 12 or something, give me a break.

    Then one day in EB Games (or whatever it was called back then) I stumbled upon the CMBB Special Edition with the extra disc full of mods and stuff. The rest is history.

  12. Yes, a few assualt rifles really unbalance the game :rolleyes:

    It's not like there were maps in RO1 where 5-8 people could have STG 44's at the same time. Oh wait, there were many.

    The bolt action rifles are still just as dominant as any other gun. At level 0 with a level 0 K98, you can still get to the top of the leaderboard if you know how to play. I know because I did it this morning.

  13. Nope, lots went out. The primary problem is many reliable publications are GONE and much of the rest will only review you if you are an advertiser. We don't advertise any more because it is a huge waste of money based on our 12 years of experience. So no money, no reviews. Ooops... did I say that? I think it was supposed to be a secret, or somefink.


    Why didn't Rock, Paper, Shotgun do a review? They posted several previews, and even announced when the demo came out, but then not a peep. They pride themselves on covering every single obscure PC game out there, and have a pretty big following.

    I'm not trying to criticize you guys on this, I know you don't have a massive budget, but I just love the game and wish that it was out in the spotlight a bit more. It seems the games biggest flaw is that no one knows it exists. I post about it on forums and every time at least a few people will go nuts saying how it is just the sort of game they have wanted to play since the days of Close Combat and such.

  14. Command lines wouldn't really make sense any more, especially now when you can split each squad into three teams. Just one platoon would create a spider web across the map. The new system of highlighted icons works perfectly, I don't know why people get so hung up on this.

    Not sure what you mean about the skills of the squads. I haven't played CMx1 in a while, but I'm pretty sure CMBN gives you all the same info (quality, leadership, morale) in addition to being able to see each individual soldier and what gear he is carrying.

    I agree that there should be more reviews out there. I've asked about it several times but gotten no reply. Every hardcore genre type game out there gets fairly reviewed regardless of how niche it is. (The DCS sims, Paradox's grand strategy games, etc) I have a suspicion that not very many review copies went out, for whatever reason.

  15. One thing that would awesome: Currently you can start the game via H2HH, but this takes you to the main menu, where you still have to manually select the save file. It would be awesome if you could go directly from H2HH to the loading screen for the scenario in question, thus skipping the save games screen (mine is several pages long, due to campaigns and such, so it takes a while to find what I'm looking for) I imagine this wouldn't be terribly complicated, but would require some collaboration with BFC.

    Edit: GAJ beat me to it, but yeah that would be great, make the whole process seamless

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