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Posts posted by Stagler

  1. As off topic as this post is.

    ARMA 2 is the best military simulator I have played since I bought it in 2009, and the expansion that came out this summer has only made that better. I have alternated between CMSF, CMA, ARMA 2 and Project Reality since september 2009 for the games that I play. All the best games in their own genres, milsim, strategy, etc. I would not perse class ARMA as a shooter as you can command a tank/tank platoon, fly an A10 running close air support, command a company etc. All within the bounds of a realistic gaming enviroment, unlike BF2 where you can jump from a tank into a jet, parachuting out into combat. The makers market it as a military simulation, of which it certainly is, at the personal level of you assuming the role of the soldier.

    ARMA 2 has a mission editor, large expansive maps to create missions on, and has just the right balance of realism and fun, although if you want to ramp up the realism you can try the ACE2 mod.

    The amount of mods and user made content for ARMA 2 is staggering, it really is, and it grows daily. As rightly said by some however, online gaming is best had when you are part of an organised group. Most online "squads"/clans assume the orders of battle and use the battlefield proceedures of the units they are emulating, and there is many different "squads" from many countries, ranging from armoured units to MEUs. I am in Task Force 86. The best part is the editor, as you can simply go into it put in a few platoons or squads and then jump in as one of those soldiers commanding the AI unit, or taking orders from the AI. You really have to try it to get it, and judging by the mature and realism minded people that grace these great forums, you will find it extremely enjoyable.

    - Stags 2 cents about ARMA 2.

    The 9th Company film was a good war film, along the lines of platoon or full metal jacket and it was well worth getting to watch on dvd. It also brought me into the area of interest of the Soviet Afghan war as I had not previously looked into the conflict.

    The 9th company game on steam is quite good. It is more so a modification of Men Of War however as it uses the same engine and the gameplay is exactly the same. It does not follow historical scenarios but loosely follows the film and loosely follows some battles of the war, such as the Panshjir valley offensives. It is not a waste of 10 quid if you want something to do as the game is very challenging.

  2. SLR. If you cant find your CMA files. they might be inside your documents. The installer takes my documents as the default install path. Within your CMA files there is a data folder. You must create the Z folder in there, simply a folder named Z.

  3. The Soviet army and the DRA used SS-1s conventionally during the Soviet-Afghan war to strike at Mujihadeen strongholds before an attack. The DRA used scuds extensively in the closing years of the war as the USSR supplied them with Scuds as compensation for the falling amount of Soviet forces in the country.

    It would be interesting for these to be included as conventional artillery strikes, with one usage, high CEP and a very large accompanying explosion.

    This could also be incorporated into CMSF in a later patch as im sure the syrians would also have scuds.

    Any thoughts on this guys?

  4. boche, the irrigation ditches and boundaries between the fields are lined with trees. Thats what makes it so easy for the AGF to engage then fall back itno another field and we lose them.


    In general in the stan thers also more grass and growth. Keep the desert to the sides of the green zone and vegatation and have more grass inbetween compounds and fields. If you got CMA mate look at some of my maps.

  5. Hey guys just bought CM:A and loving it. My only problem... when i call in for mortar strikes for an area target, and i set a small circle for arty strike, the mortars hit nowhere near where im setting the attack area... why is this? im new to these titles period so any help appreciated.

    Yeah it is the bad quality of the FO and the gunners. This happens also with REDFOR if you have badly trained troops or are not using a proper FO unit. Its worse with airstrikes sometimes. I had a Platoon OC call in a hind strike in the 2nd mission of the early campaign and it ended up dropping a FAB-250 on a cluster of my own infantry way off target. Nice one.

  6. They are only QB scenarios.

    You can open them up in the editor and do stuff to them but give me credit if you want to release. The only 2 maps I have released are quite small though, they arent really suitable for a scenario.

    As I stated in my first post. I ususally havent got time to play a 1 hour or more game. So I just bash on a small QB scenario because they last about half an hour.

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