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Posts posted by LJFHutch

  1. ... Lords of the Realm 2 ...

    Wooo! I loved that game! Grew up on it :)

    To the subject of games changing, it's perfectly normal that games should change, in fact I get more angry when games stay the same than when they change, like you said, you either like it or move on. I think it's when a game changes it's direction significantly that it's annoying (such as the aforementioned "dumbing-down"). But still, no reason to jump up and down for years and years demanding it be changed.

  2. * Being able to place random foliage (maybe checkboxes?): you could check all of the major tree types and make quick good looking forests.

    * Hold fire and/or Stealth commands so that ambushes can work - nothing gives away your position like a solid burst of MG fire.

    * Move to and assume formation - I'd love to be able to tell 5 tanks (all of which are scattered) to move to a location and assume a line formation. The way it works in TA Spring is interesting (you draw a line with the mouse and your units take up positions along it. Would cut out the time-consuming micromanagement a bit.

    * Persistent orders - Would also be nice if units continued their actions after stopping to take cover for example, or did so at their own discretion.

    * Probably not simple, but I'd love to be able to tell a unit to use a specific weapon against a target.

    * More realistic effects - I don't mean any fancy graphics, but to have the dust/debris react in a more realistic manner after explosions and that sort of thing would be awesome. I have yet to see a game that does the mushroom cloud thingies after an explosion like what happens from a JDAM strike.

  3. I think WW2 combat is more interesting , with CM:SF i really felt a complete lack of control over happenings. I think it had much to do with the range and automation of modern weapons.

    That's exactly how I feel, I still have a great time and everything is very epic, but most of the time I get kind of frustrated by the feeling of powerlessness. Everything happens so fast and with such power with modern equipment that is gives little time to think or adjust.

    But who would win, the Werhmacht or the uncons?

    Okay okay, now that I wanna see! :D

  4. For players that weren't interested in modern warfare, they won't have to buy CM:SF, instead all their purchases can be WW2 related.

    If CM:N was a module, everyone who was interested would have to buy CM:SF and then get the CM:N module.

    Also performance would probably be better with a CM:N which didn't have all the modern warfare stuff in over a CM:N which was loaded on top of a CM:SF base, although of course this would depend on how the system is architected.

    I would think that the modern technology has only a marginal hit on the performance, since the vast majority would be severely abstracted.

    What I want to know is how different CM:N will be from CM:SF in terms of [game] technology/features. I know there are some new things coming, but how many?

    Personally I'm looking forward to WW2, I don't especially like it, but the combat will be much more interesting than SF I would imagine.

  5. I'm personally glad that CM is independent. No single group should have so much power over the industry as Steam will eventually have - just look at the way they're monopolizing it now. Other than that I don't have anything against it beside the fact that it has continually not worked for me :D (I will admit though that I have about 40+ games on Steam XD) I hope there will always been independent distribution methods.

  6. Not sure how many people here are in the "Task Force MilSim" Xfire group, but it's great for finding people to play with, especially since to talk to them you have to both be online :)

    You should totally join the group, I'm itching for an MP game.

  7. So would hand to hand combat.

    And pistols.

    And just more stuff. :D

    Why would they leave out weather and hand to hand combat? Seems like something that one wouldn't accidentally forget putting in the game.

    Was hand to hand combat in CMSF? I really can't remember :confused:

  8. Thanks John :)

    On a side note, is it at all possible to tell your guys to conserve ammo? (short of moving them behind a building lol). Either directly or indirectly: it's a pain when you suddenly realize your guys just ran out and became target practice for the enemy.

  9. Anyone got any advice on how to finish the 4th (?) mission? I just tried it then and did pretty terrible, although I managed the primary objective (the trucks), my guys then ran out of ammo and got shot to pieces. On a side note, is it actually possible to win the scenarios? The best I've got is a minor victory, with most of the missions ending in defeat.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but to win you need to not lose any guys, keep a large amount of ammo leftover, kill the vast majority of the enemy and hold onto every bit of terrain while your forces are outnumbered, outgunned and most of the time understrength and wounded with little to no support.

  10. Snipers with Dragunovs should not have any better spotting ability at night, it's not like their scopes are going to suddenly remove darkness or something. I don't know if the vehicles have a rudimentary NOD, but on these types of missions, my prime spotter/killers have been BMPs.

    I think you were referring to my post, I was talking about the outpost defense mission, which took place in daylight. The thing I was getting at however, was that the Dragunov-armed soldiers seem to have unusually bad spotting abilities, at 300m my guys were unable to spot the enemy despite having a clear LOS and being shot at by those same soldiers.

  11. I was able to finish this mission with relative ease in both the Demo as the full game (playing Elite).

    In the demo the Shilka retaliated upon anyone that dared to shoot at my troops, while other vehicles provided extra overwatch. Then my battery of howitzers came available and I targeted the sides of the villages from where I was attacked. After the barrage I could get into the village easily and after some time the Mujahideen surrendered and I had a total victory with only 1 wounded man. However many of the Mujahideen leaders had evacuated the village so I felt I had let them get away.

    In the full game there is no shilka unfortunately and there is only 1 mortar (no howitzers coming into play). So I followed the briefing more close. I started with a barrage by my mortar followed by the encirclement of the village. Something like this:

    ---^ ^

    |^ (0000) ^


    (0000) = village

    ^ = BMP

    | = infantry

    - = supposed to be whitespace

    Keep your infantry at distance from the village, preferably covering behind low walls. Some Mujahideen started firing at my troops but my troops returned fire with obviously heavier firepower from BMP's and PKM's. The fleeing Mujahideens were interecepted by my advanced BMP's and were quickly gunned down.

    End result was 2 killed (unlucky BMP crew) and 1 wounded IIRC, while I utterly slaughtered the Mujahideens.

    So, for me this mission wasn't to hard. However, after this mission it only gets more difficult!

    I haven't been able to get anywhere near the results that you just described, usually I lose at least a soldier per action, whether that's advancing etc etc, even when on the second try I just used everything to pummel any building with windows I still ended up losing a heap of soldiers. Is there anywhere with detailed tactics for the CMx2 games? Because I'm apparently hopeless lol.

  12. iron i believe givs an unrealistic advantage to the enemy, and gives you less. so its bascally making it unfair for you, you should try playing on veteran or elite :) btw what each difficulty setting does is in the manual

    Ah okay, thanks a lot man :)

    Just got the full game, finished the first mission with a minor victory - 22 killed 13 wounded, including the loss of 4 vehicles :|

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