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Posts posted by LJFHutch

  1. We do not necessarily intend on making a CMx3 game engine. Instead, we intend on continually improving the CMx2 game engine as we have done in the past. At some point we might make such a significant change, such as gutting the graphics engine and replacing it, that we start calling it CMx3. However, we will never again throw out the entire codebase and start from scratch as we did with CMx1.

    So yes, I did mean CM:SF 3. There will probably be a CM:SF 4 too. One great thing about Modern combat is that every year or two there's enough new material to warrant a whole new game.

    The Eastern Front will be probably 4 Families. Basically one whole year (4 seasons) per Family.

    I don't have a problem with people not caring about a particular game, or games, that we make. We know that CM:SF was "noteworthy" for people interested in Modern warfare, regardless of what Normandy fans think of it. Just like CM:BN is "noteworthy" for people interested in Normandy, regardless of what Modern warfare fans think of it.


    Great stuff, I'm looking forward to more modern combat and WW2 combat alike so I'm happy :)

  2. Thirty years ago I had a neighbor who had been a Marine sergeant in Viet Nam and he confirmed that. He also swore that you could take an AK and bury it in mud for a week, dig it up and aside from just hosing it out, do nothing to it but slap a magazine in it and it was ready to fire as long as you'd put ammo in it. Now, he could have been exaggerating, I had no way to tell. But the bottom line is that rugged dependability is one of the AK's main selling points.


    Arguably that's not needed if your soldiers can clean their weapons though. Like the Katana, the AK-47 is hyped so much it has achieved almost a mythic status in people's minds. Remember too that an M16 from the Vietnam era is a very different weapon to a modern M16A4. I think that when given the option to pick up a gun laying on the ground that is foreign or continuing to use the weapon you have trained with, it wouldn't be unreasonable to choose the latter, even if the other weapon was superior. I'll be happy with whatever is the most authentic however.

  3. Right ok, I was thrown by your second post.

    Personally I love just watching things unfold, that's what I do most of the time: set up a scenario in the editor and then just see how things play out, occasionally nudging my guys around to keep things going. I've always played on Iron too. I set up a rough approximation of the battle of 73 easting the other day, trying to get it to play out as close to the real thing as I could, got pretty close which was cool :)

    I'm interested in the whole voice commands business though, how do you do that? I tried a while back with ArmA2 and [name of program forgotten] but couldn't get it working.

  4. Which reminds me; much as the editor now allows you to place vehicles in "destroyed" or "burning" status, in CMN could we gain the ability to have selected infantry units start the game with 50% and 75% casualties (i.e. all the guys are there, but some are already dead and wounded).

    In CM Afghanistan you can set the force manpower, 10-50% (you can start with only half power units for example).

  5. An Israeli module would be very welcome.

    The back storry could be that Syria launches a strike into Isreal in an attempt to get wider support. Maybe less flaming than Israel going the other way. + We get to try Syria on the offensive.

    You could do that and then have a module where Isreal pushes Syria back and does an invasion of it's own. That way you could fight both sides of the conflict.

  6. Yeah, I've been advocating '56-'73 for nearly a decade now to no avail. I understand their reasons for passing on this hot potato and don't blame them, but it sure would be nice if it could happen without starting an online Armageddon.


    That would be pretty awesome, though I can understand it's not an easy issue. It's probably the thing I'd like to see most actually, although the pacific theatre would also be nice :)

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