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Posts posted by LJFHutch

  1. The worst one is the "any AK variant or anything that looks even remotely like an AK is instantly an AK-47". Or it's assumed the AK-47 is the greatest weapon on the planet, much like how the Katana is viewed as a weapon forged by the gods themselves that can cut through a tank ...

    I can't wait for this scenario, looks great, I just hope I have someone to play with, jump on xfire and steam yall! :)

  2. That's awesome MeatEtr. I once tried to make a zombie scenario with hordes of zombies trying to get a well-armed squad. I imagined that I would take a hundred or so elite fanatic red "civilian" observers with an aggressive AI plan. It didn't work out as I envisioned. :D

    Check out MarkEzra's "Scoop's Big Adventure". :D

    Awww, I always thought zombies in CM would be interesting ....

    Edit: If there's melee in CMBN you could set the enemy to fanatic and have no ammo, that might work.

  3. Does the editor allow you to underlay a jpeg/BMP/etc. image of a map/google image as a background so that it is visible and then you can set the contours, roads, terrain, etc. overtop using the map editor?

    Never got into the Syrian version so no experience with how the system currently works.

    Would be a great feature to have though if not already in.

    I've never come across that in CMSF, but I certainly hope it makes it in, would be really helpful.

  4. CMSF was released about a month after the previews iirc. Its closer than we think me thinks.

    That's soon huh, argh, I'm dying to get my hands on this! :D Playing a whole lot of Commission Fock Sauce while I wait but it's just not the same ... I want a tiger :| It's like being 10 and waiting for Christmas.

  5. I consider 60 fps and above to be smooth, below that you can notice the "lag". It is true though that as an RTT a lower framerate is playable, but 60 is still desirable.

    I just tested "Halt! Hammerzeit" and got 30 fps on Fastest and 9 on Best running at 1920x1080.

    Edit: Tested at 1024x768 and got 31 and 12 fps on Fastest/Best so I don't think the resolution has much of an effect.

  6. I'm on the fence with Assange, on the one hand I sure as hell don't want the religious extremists getting an upper hand (and can't stand it when people act as though the Taliban are just farmers defending their land), yet on the other I don't like the idea of any government sneaking around the democratic process. People need to learn more about a lot of things I think.

    Also, taunting hackers probably isn't the greatest idea in the world :D

  7. I've gone months without a CMSF match and it's getting to me, so here's a list of the best places I know to go looking for a match:

    XFIRE - http://www.xfire.com/communities/cmsf/

    Download - http://www.xfire.com/download/now/

    Current members: 32


    * Easy to see who's online

    * Easy to chat to said person and arrange a game

    * No member limit on groups? (pretty sure there's no limit)

    * Easy to change nickname to include country (US,GER,AFR etc)


    STEAM - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/battlefrontgamers?

    Download - http://cdn.steampowered.com/download/SteamInstall.msi

    Current members: 30


    * Easy to see who's online

    * No member limit on groups? (also pretty sure there's no limit)

    * Displays country on profile


    * Cannot talk to people not in your friend's list - group chat is very rarely used.

    Right now I'd say Xfire is the best option, but many members are not currently active - including the admin, so joining the group may take a little time. If more people joined the group chat in the Steam group it'd be a workaround to the "no friend - no talky" issue.

  8. Not sure about that Mikey, people feel ripped off when a game is way more expensive than its "peers" (regardless of whether or not you think other wargames are as good as CM).

    Well I know I couldn't afford $200 that's for sure. Pricing model is great as is, though I think a nicer DRM system wouldn't hurt, why the limited unlocks? Scares the hell out of me every time I uninstall or change operating systems/format .....

  9. However I feel that if the overall game mechanics in CMSF is what certain people didn't like then I can't see them suddenly falling for CMBN when released...I wonder what it is they think will make CMBN a totally different experience...yes the weapons are different....but the overall mechanics will be the same.

    I think they will like CMBN - even though I'm sure it'll be very very similar to SF - just for the fact that it's back in Normandy. The feeling I got was there was a lot of hate just for the fact that it was no longer WW2.

    Edit: ok was all said and said better already XD

  10. If a squad of soldiers in CM notices hostiles within grenade range they start throwing. If they spot a tank they pick up the AT-4s. If a tank finds itself in a troublesome spot it fires smoke and goes into reverse, similar to what real soldiers do.

    In TOW (which IS a great computer game IMO) the guys tend to die instead.

    I really enjoyed ToW - got sick of it :( - but the thing that really bugged me (hehe) was the AI. It has to be the most mentally deficient AI I've ever seen.

    One of my soldiers actually threw a grenade into a trench trying to blow up a tank that was in the other direction (I think that was what he was trying to do) and then something like "oh no I must now take cover!!" came into his tiny little brain and then proceeded to take cover ON the grenade! Needless to say he was one of the brave little sods that didn't make it.

    Another time in ToW-Africa (demo) one of my guys aimed his AT launcher at a tank and fired. Now, this would have been perfectly fine had he not been 2 feet away from a stone wall ...

  11. I think it all depends on whether you like "wrist twitch" games (as that is the predominant game form these days).

    I love the thoughtfulness of WEGO - working out reasonable tactics that my pixeltruppen have to follow for a minute at least - rather than assuming I can always pause and correct every second. I just don't like that sort of video game.

    The downside is that yes, WEGO games do take a lot longer. But, the planning is what makes it fun. So, far I still love watching the graphics repeatedly too. :)

    The difference with CM though is that even in RT speed doesn't really count for much. Most RTS games rely almost purely on it (starcraft etc), speed only gets you so far in CM RT.

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