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Posts posted by Gryphonne

  1. topic created (8th Feb) today = (24th Feb) wow these AAR take time to plan :) ... seriously though , seriously lacking in CMBN literature around here recently ... seriously :) ... getting bored.

    And you think you have it bad :P try imagining how it is for someone that actually attended a preview. CMBN was crystal meth in disguise, now I desperately need more!

  2. I don't know whether this has been considered yet, but...

    Firstly, while seeing the random equipment on vehicles and tanks I realised two things. Seemingly, not all equipment is shared between all vehicles, and the equipment has set positions on the vehicles. Therefore I was wondering whether it would be possible to have foliage on vehicles like the StuG? There's plenty of photos with tank camouflaged with foliage; ranging from the sparsely covered StuG: StugTram.jpg

    To the driving brush of doom :


    Considering how beautiful the foliage in CMBN actually is, it seems you guys are well within the capacity to make this convincingly good. Of course, some form of rarity could be applied to this as I don't know how frequent this practice was.

    And secondly, a small question, there are plenty of screenshots of vehicles with Skirts, and some vehicles that miss skirts. These skirts do provide protection against HEAT projectiles right? Even though, they're randomised? Also, can these skirts be blown away like the ERA blocks in CMSF?

  3. From my experience the game is VERY fluid compared to CMSF. I've complained about CMSFs performance from day one, and even after all the enhancements it still felt quite choppy. I was really surprised with CMBN however. I've played it on a 3 year old laptop and it was smoother than anything i've seen with CMSF, even with the details way up.

  4. Well nothing can compare to a big battle with marine squads, javelins, 20mm auto cannons and laser fast abram tanks. None of these are in CM:BN..I hope the instensity had more to do with first time excitment :)

    Oh no, the intensity is there, but it has more to do with the fact that the combat ranges are 1/10th of those of CMSF ;) Lots of close quarters in bocage country, and it's really tense, but in a WW2 sense. It "feels" slower but more fluid; definitely more personal; less clinical with the lively terrain, and more intense than CMSF imho. Combat at long range is of course vastly different, and it's so nice to see things actually miss for a change. Oh, and not every hit makes the enemy tanks go nuclear (also nice).

  5. Well, i'll follow up with some of the gaming experiences:

    I played several games (quite a lot actually) where i picked some StuGs and halftracks with infantry. The general flow of the units is very natural, the passengers inside the halftracks look great and it really adds a beautiful level of detail. Passengers shooting out of half tracks are even nicer! The animations are very nice in general and people will be in for some surprises :) I don't know how to explain this, but the game has quite some "substance" and lots of things to look at. I felt that with just 2 StuGs and a platoon of mech infantry i had way, way more to look at and drool over than an entire company worth of StuGs + a batallion of mech infantry in CMBB. All in all, it feels WAY more personal as well.

    Another scenario we played head to head was a quick scenario constructed by one of the testers (Dave i think?) he just wanted to see lots of fireworks, but I used my CMSF/CMx1 experience to avoid certain death and lots of burning Shermans ;) The CAS is very nice, also in terms of sounds btw. The scenario was quite tense though as I attacked with smoke, CAS and artillery cover, there were Germans everywhere and they were ready to toast me! Needless to say, two of my Shermans received direct hits from (i think) Panzerschrecks, i heard some cheering in the other room but noticed they were not knocked out. So i remounted them again (just like Elvis did in the DAR thread) and proceeded to deliver swift justice; the cheering stopped.. :D

    The QB, oh the QB :D It's so nice to see it being back to its original state again - and better! There's so much to discover in terms of TO&E and options again, that the force selection will be the "game within a game" again that most people (including me) missed in CMSF :)

  6. At home at last :-)

    first off, it was all nicely organized. There was a big ass beamer set up for those not able to play, and there were 3 machines to play cm:bn on, David and Jurrie had it setup beautifully. Great work guys.

    How was cm;bn?

    It is smashtastic :-). You have all seen the pretty screenshots, but swooping down The camera to streetlevel will give you 'Movielike scenes' like every time. It is a joy to see squads move about, acting natuarly and seeking cover. Infantry movement and combat feels very organic and I think it will likely be here that cm:bn Will show the greatest improvement in relation to the cmx1 series.

    Oh and the vehicles look great :-). We spend some time oogling vehicles, and especially the little variations like shurzen are nice. Trackheads rejoice because they look great :D

    We spend some time playing some evil scenario's, a score made by David and jurrie themselves. There are some surprises, which I Will not spoil, but the scenario's gave us the opportunity to see a lot of interesting tactical situations, and of course for them to see à live test of their work. Some remarks; panthers cream shermans, stugs like to turkeyshoot halftracks, and airstrikes sound and look awesome. :-D.

    The QB is a blast and I solo-played one against the Ai on a very pretty pre-made map, in the fog. I played an mechanized ami force with some greyhounds, halftracks and m8's against unknown german forces. It turned out to be a german mechanized force as well and in the end there quite some burning greyhounds and hanomags on the field.

    Oh, and the QB let's you cherrypick or autopick, it's Nice.

    We encountered some problems as well, head to head suffered from some networking problems and we encountered a German bunker which couldn,t be supressed with even with half the american army firing at it.

    But I am sure those will be adressed soonish.

    All in all the game feels very close to finished, it is stunnningly beautifully at times, feels very realistic and above all is a blast to play.

    Damnit I wants to have it. I wants it now! My precious....

    You forgot the half-track Luger drive-by shooting :D

  7. That was friggin amazing :D Had a great time and CMBN feels like I hoped it would! The details are beautiful! I loved the trees, building and general setting. It felt a lot more lively than CMSF and the maps are so natural looking compared to CMx1 that it feels like something out of real photographs. I think that everyone who is waiting for this WW2 re-visit based on the new CM series will really enjoy this game.

    I thouroughly enjoyed playing around with the QB generator (felt like the good old days of cherry picking, but with a more realistic topping) and playing around with several of the vehicles! Needless to say, StuGs and Panthers are a lot of fun! :D

    Had some good head to head action going as well, and the environment felt a lot less insta-gib lethal than CMSF for example :) It simply felt like an ultra detailed version of CMBO, and personally, I think that's a great thing :)

    Thanks for the great time guys and thanks for the hospitality again Dave :)

  8. The auto pause at 60 seconds would be an elegant solution I think. Especially if you can still control you units in between those 60 seconds. So, in other words, just RT with a forced pause every 60 seconds to get a grip of the "bigger picture". Then both players hit go and the game plays for another 60 seconds. I can't see how this should be difficult to implement as it doesn't change anything about the RT mode itself.

  9. It would be neat to have some more details at some point in time. For me CMx1 was a kind of encyclopedia too. If i hadn't had any books handy and wanted to know something i'd consult CMBB or CMAK (or earlier, CMBO). It was also great fun just placing every vehicle from the game in the scenario editor and looking at their stats, getting a better understanding about them :) But maybe that's just my autistic point of view :P

    Having said that, I can live without the information for the time being, but it would be neat if the interface was updated a tad :) Providing more overview.. What I find most annoying is all the submenus that detract from gameplay. You have 3 submenus per vehicle (while infantry has ONE very NEAT overview!) and then 4 submenus for all the commands. Of course you can use hotkeys and the space key and such, but a more streamlined interface would simply be a more elegant solution to the whole thing. Furthermore, it would probably give the CMx2 games better reviews as well (one recurring item of annoyance amongst reviewers is the clunky interface). Right now, the interface just isn't geared towards RT play which is so heavily promoted with the new engine.

  10. Is the morale state in CM2 affected by running or moving quickly? I really hated that in CM1. Running troops have a poorer SA but they are also harder to hit, in CM1, running was just a way to move your troops faster around the battlefield, when you did not expect contact. It was therefore impossible to reproduce the tactic of sprinting for cover when under fire as the 'running in a dream' advance order was the only sensible way to move under fire. There are countless clips of modern soldiers running under fire as they relocate fireteams in staggered pairs and an equal number of WWII clips of troops running under fire.

    I think this is covered with the "assault" command, already in CMSF. It's one of my favourites; you see the fire teams sprinting one by one, and providing cover for each other.

  11. Yea...I'm bored and getting ahead of things. But my curiosity is getting the best of me and looking for a change here.

    So I've searched through previous posts and found where Steve said there will be terrain tiles specific for Market Garden.

    So does that mean polder fields will be proper polder fields or will the scenario designer have to make the terrain "wet".

    I would imagine just "wet" wont cut it.

    Going back to work now.

    "wet" terrain surely wouldn't cut it, I don't think a tank would be able to cross a polder. Especially not the polders typically found in the Netherlands. However, the terrain in the (South)Eastern parts of the Netherlands is a tad more solid than here (West-Netherlands).

  12. This may be a tad morbid. But when I see pictures like this, I always wonder what happens to the crew if they are still inside. And how can these guys look inside the turret? I mean, doesn't the crew get plastered all over the insides of the vehicle or do they simply vapourise in the violence of the blast? War holds quite a few horrors but I don't think I'd ever be able to look inside a knocked out vehicle like that, scared of what I might find :P

  13. The most correct historical reaction to an enemy tank rumbling in close is to run away. Period. No matter what weapons are in hand. The second possible historically correct action is for exceptionally brave individuals to use their last-ditch AT weapons on the tanks and then run away. The third, and least probable, historical result would be to close assault a tank with a full Squad and only standard fragmentation grenades. And that's because realistically, very few of those 12 men would have the balls or the stupidity (depends on how you want to think of it) to go up against a tank without a proper chance of taking it out of action.

    Now, this is not to say that regular units didn't close assault tanks with fairly mundane stuff. They did, but it was the exception and not the rule by any measurement you care to make.

    There was an example of some shell shocked American soldier, somewhere in Normandy IIRC, who just saw a Tiger kill most of his platoon when it collapsed a building on them. Dusty, bloody, and pissed off he ran over to another unit, grabbed a Bazooka and some rounds, and chased after the Tiger. The Germans weren't expecting this, so when he rounded a corner and found the Tiger they weren't ready. He fired one round and it exploded on the Tiger, killing a couple of the infantry that were accompanying it. He survived, but I don't remember if he actually killed the Tiger or not. Regardless, even in his dazed rage the guy didn't go after the tank with a couple of frag grenades.

    The point is this sort of "bravery" was usually ended, quite early, by some MG fire from the tank or from concentrated fire from either another tank ("hosing off") or supporting infantry. Soldiers aren't stupid, they know this.


    This reminds me, what kind of last ditch weapons are available to the Germans in CMBN? Tellerminen, molotovs, panzerwurfmine?


  14. You could actually do this stuff in CMSF already. I had an infantry squad being banged up in the open, drove a Stryker in between them and the incoming fire and while i kept hearing the ricochets from incoming fire against the Stryker, my men quickly started giving budy aid to the fallen. Then after they were done i quickly loaded them and drove off. Just like the movies ;)

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