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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Gryphonne

  1. 200 years ago, I was using candles to light my miniature table top because we didn't have light bulbs yet; really, these arguments are pointless. The entire idea about a new game in a series of games is to see improvements in different areas, thus also graphical. Personally, now that you have models with thousands of polygons, I don't want to be stuck with graphics that are still from the early 2000s in other areas (I'm looking at you distant terrain).

  2. My biggest wish over all the special fx is simply the "far away" texture tiles for the terrain. These look just so incredibly outdated nowadays, even CMBB did a far far superior job here as the terrain at long distance was smoother out somehow to make things far less obvious. But the tiny repetitive tiles really break the game's feel in light of all the close range high res graphics. I still enjoy CMx2 and I will love Red Thunder (because I love the East Front) but fixing the ugly little tiles (and no - no terrain mod has come close to fixing this yet) will be a huge step forward.

  3. I have defended CM valiantly over the years, but here's my personal opinion on it these days:

    Good grief there's a lot of fan-boys defending their turf around here. Personally, I've grown a bit tired of CMx2, I had high hopes of it every time a new release came (SF, Afg, BN and all the modules). Well, needless to say, it was mostly a mediocre experience (more so since BF ceased ALL communication lately and we never got the fix for those ugly Commonwealth models). None of the feeling of grandeur that accompanied the CMBB release has ever been present with CMx2.

    While CMx2 has and probably always will do a great job at simulating hard data, it lacks the oomph to keep players going (outside of the hardcore "i-only-playCM-and-all-other-games-are-stupid-cause-they-are-not-CM"-players). Quite frankly, it lacks a soul.

    If you would leave your ivory CM tower for a minute what you see is a dated, sluggish game that in all honesty doesn't really do a whole lot. It has a mediocre campaign (oh dear, the AI is so easy to fool every single game); sure you can make your own maps, consisting of the same bland palette of textures and "stuff" every time; the graphics engine.. good grief.. what an abomination; the thing that made it fun to play online (WeGo) removed. Pff.. boooring and soulless.

    The comment about CM not using "hollywood" colours and how WE looked unrealistic made me snicker, no, it made me laugh.. really loud. Have you ever compared CMBN to what is outside your window? The colours in CMBN are anything BUT close to reality! Now, having played W:EE myself - which is more than most of the fan-boys can say here - I found it to be a GREAT little Game. It was nicely polished and generally just a lot of fun to play around. Much more realistic than your standard RTS game, but not staring itself blind on hardcore data. Not to say it was the best gaming experience ever, as that place is still held by CMBB, Homeworld and Baldur's Gate, but it was sure far more enjoyable than any CMx2 I've played so far.

    As for CMBN only having one programmer, that excuse is both lame and old (and totally not applicable since they have two these days). These days there's so many indie/one-man games with graphics far superior to CMBN with properly working shadows too! Single-core? x86? DX8? Old.. dated.. really no more excuse to use that crap.

  4. Fianlly got CMWealth downloaded, seems good so far.

    I tried the King Tiger today in a QB. But wait. Is it only me or does it seriously lack in detail?

    I have no hangers for the towing cables, entirely clean sides, tracks look like unmodded CMx1, stange looking exhausts and mantlet.

    Was it released unfinished or is there something else going on?

    I agree, in light of all the models, the King Tiger is just downright ugly and/or unfinished.

  5. Well guys, in case you want to know, all doodads and trees have been modded. Doodads have a dramatic influence in how the game looks. I tried to desaturate them and darken them a bit, applying a light sepia hue. Blending lightness and saturation between all textures and making them work together as a set has taken me hours of testing...phew...CMBN looks quite different to stock now!! I thought about modding shrubs, plants, weeds,...but that it´s a HUGE task that I may tackle later...Mod is 90% done, and possibly will be available on Wednesday.

    Any chance of some preview pics with some terrain seen from further away? I'm curious to see what you did with the textures that pop up in the distance.

  6. Aris, what I'm curious about is how you'll handle the longer distance textures, as they really ruin immersion most of the time.

    You have any plans on how to tackle those? They're not even really the same colour as the ones close-by; in fact, I think in the stock version they're slightly darker whereas by logic they should actually be a bit lighter (and slightly more blue-ish) with the atmospheric haze and all.

  7. Rofl, na, didn't think so. :-)

    Tigrii has a very valid point. Planes are targeting teams of 5 soldiers hiding in bocage+tall grass instead of shooting at my (many) open topped Marder IIIs sitting in VERY open ground in full view. Planes need work on target choice. Planes should also come in at steeper angles when targeting AFVs. This way they would have a much better chance at a penetration vs the ~40 degree dives we currently see.

    It's pretty much impossible for an aircraft to come in at a steeper angle so low over ground. These things pick up speed very quickly and the pilot would be unable to pull out in time.

  8. Always laugh when people extoll the flexibility of German units, they always seem to refer to Panzer forces and never the Leg infantry who had few radios. Osprey has a good book on WWII infantry communications equipment and the German kit is often described as technically advanced but unreliable and two fragile (often two piece radios). Am a little surprised 251's are not given radios as I though they came fitted as standard (a real advantage of armoured infantry which was not really modelled with CM1, given the Borg spotting)

    The radios in 251/1s are modelled, but you need dismounts to occupy the radio station as the driver and gunner are obviously busy with other stuff. I had my mortar HQ (no radio) occupy one 251/2 (radio) so that it had radio contact with a platoon leader calling in the 251/2s 81mm mortar.

    And what is this with Germans having a shortage of radios? In my game I see every German platoon leader with a radio?!

  9. Chill out everyone. You should know by now, that if you order something from the US, chances are, customs are going to charge you import taxes. I'd be much wiser checking your country's customs regulations before you order anything from outside the EU. Other than, complain to the EU parliament and US government for maintaining something as retarded as import taxes in the 21st century anyway. Sure, BFC may have warned you better about this beforehand, but you've had ample time to cancel the preorder. Besides, I haven't seen most other companies/establishments advertising this fact as well as they should.

  10. The situation where this comes up is pretty specific, but WHEN it comes up it definitely sucks. Here's the most likely situation:

    Both shooter and target are stationary. This is the most important part. There is a tree fairly close to the shooter that is directly in the optimal LOF path. The round will absolutely hit the tree. Subsequent rounds will also hit the tree because the vector variance for high velocity guns at such ranges is almost zero, so effectively every shell will follow the same exact path provided neither the shooter nor the target move. As soon as either one moves then it's a whole 'nother ball of wax.

    In real life the vehicle would either slightly change position or slightly change the right/left orientation of the gun (depends heavily on the situation) and fire again. There is no TacAI programmed for such finite, context sensitive moves because it gets the TacAI into dangerous slippery-slope territory with the player. We're not planning on adding new TacAI behavior as it is extremely time consuming and not worth the effort for the effect.

    Also in real life even a huge tree would splinter and be taken out by large caliber rounds. We're looking into why this isn't happening. Bug most likely. Not sure yet.


    Any values on how much wood a WW2 gun would penetrate with AP shot? And would a tree set off the HE filler with an AP shell? In any case, I hope you guys come up with some elegant solution, obviously, programming the TacAI to start maneuvering around may be a little too much of the good stuff. But yeah, at least make them destructible. I would think that a tree with an average density of 700kg/m³ shouldn't be able stop a chunk of metal flying at it with 500-900m/s, and would probably still be able to penetrate a tank behind the tree in some (most?) instances.

  11. They cheated with their CMBN logs on the side of their StuGs:


    Seriously, the foliage in this game is stupid (borderline retarded). I've had two trees stop 11 AP rounds from an M-10 at 20-80 metres because the valiant M-10 aims for the "centre mass" instead of what he can actually see (target was a big phat Tiger side at 120m). Then of course the Tigers takes its time to turn the turret and lands a shot nicely between those trees, one hit, dead M-10.

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