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Everything posted by Superlawndart

  1. Least we all forget here that CM:BO was rated 90+ in a PC gamer magazine. I hard to consider anything in that game a "failure". In fact I'll go on record saying that BF has yet to deliver anything close to what CM:BO was to date... I would say in large part the success and mainstream exposure of CM:BO is how most of us learned of Battlefront... And I don't think I'm the only one dreaming of a CM:BO 2.0... Is that Normandy? As much as I can hope it’s not likely, but I'll buy it, play it for awhile, before something like the next Total war (world domination) or Silent Hunter (Dynamic Campaign) sucks me in for months... I'm also dreaming of Falcone 5.0 (living breathing battlefield, nothing even close to this since, way ahead of its time), never going to happen though... I LOVE the richness and depth of BF CM games, I just wish they would modernize sooner than later... You can innovate without huge budgets, just talk about how CM:BO was done from a philosophical level! Face it, gamers today NEED their playing investment to amount to something, it has to be progressive, meaningful, without this fundamental need fulfilled your only market is the relics (like me) of yesterday (but refuse to accept I’m yesterday). No one has time, and can afford the investment so many hours in something that’s just done, no stats, no progression, just ends like cold turkey… Losing Operations without excepting the technical challenges to overcome why you cut them is the opposite of innovation... I'll keep sending my money and enjoying your CM products but I'm very much looking forward to the next real update.
  2. I really miss the CM:BO game... WW2 is just such a great setting for this sort of engine... Arguably better than other WW2 game platforms... But then again, if there was a Korean modern conflict like Falcon 4.0 had for CM:SF I would love it! Assuming 1.5 million troops don't drive straight through to the middle of S. Korea in an afternoon... a very likely possibility... It would still be awesome... Oh yeah, dynamic campaign would be lovely too... Building all this by hand is a great sandbox but I time consuming one no doubt... not saying a dynamic campaign is at all trivial, but it's more of a pain now vs. pain later steam of logic...
  3. Very interesting, I was art pounding with impunity... I didn't know if carried over, and that also explained my empty art reinforcement... But despite dreading this mission I had one of the greatest experiences happen! I did the opposite of Johns AAR, I went to tiger, it was pretty easy going staying on the far side of the map... But when I got to the mosque for some reason a driver of one of my trucks lumped out and was panicked, he had a negative command rating... so I tried to rewind to figure out and it appears that it was a pretty far off AT miss... So this guy jumps out, the full company of troops stayed in the vehicle... I'm just imagining the reality of such an event and I'm like OMG (80’s valley girl there… lol)... So the second truck, just behind this one, I order to go around (we are going between orchard rows) so as he is turning to go around the "abandoned truck" he bogs down... hilarity just mounts... So I order the driver on the bogged truck into the second truck... they get in the back :/ Just think of this, I REALLY wanted to pull a Patton here and smack the hell out of that panicked driver... this whole situation was SO surreal... Next I empty a truck as the destination (Tiger) and race it back to the "situation". As he is returning the panicked driver finds his sack and gets back in the truck... and go oh so slow to Tiger.... The truck that was sent to retrieved the guys from the back of the bogged truck arrived, they loaded up, and sped back PAST the other truck with the minus command driver... The whole thing was so immersive, my imagination went wild with all the horror stories of bad management in the military... Loved it... not many games invoke this kind of imagination anymore... or I'm just getting too old...
  4. Thanks The Vulture, good to know! Any idea the diffrence in going either way? Or does it lead to the same mission? I'm assuming this choice could change the next series of missions though I have no idea...
  5. So I'm getting back into things, like riding a bike, it’s all coming back... I went ahead and got the modules and man, the marines are some bad ***'s but it keeps encouraging me to keep the company together instead of a more realistic split... I love have assault movements works but I wish there was more penalty to using the full size of the force... or maybe I just haven’t seen it. the reason for my post is that I love each mission, and when I complete one its like a reward in and of itself to discover the next mission... but I got a mission I don't think I like so much, it's mission 4 of the marines campaign, when you have 35 min to get to either Eagle or Tiger. I tried reading the Gung Ho thread but that seemed like a completely different campaign... so I have this small force and it just seems like a big trial and error... there really isn't much strategy I can deploy on this advance as AT units are peppered all over and where they aren’t there are mines... despite the predictability of where you can assume troops are... So I instantly don't really like this one. I don't feel like I'm really in control at all... It reminds me of some old Gauls ambushing a Roman army on a march through a choke point... Though that might seem cool it’s just not when I have no spotting recon ability... and AT’s always make their mark… from across the map, though lots of trees… So what is the suggested method to approach this scenario? No criticism to the designers, this does seem pretty realistic with the exception of the laser precision AT troops on basic difficulty lol... It's just not my preference of play, though I appreciate its necessity. I just want it done so I can get on with the war 
  6. Thanks for all the feedback, one assumption I'm forming here is that designers are making truly epically huge maps? The Google map tie-in is sounds amazing... I can really see where the immersion would be huge! CM just has that feeling no other game does... rewarding in a painfully realistic way... Would really love to get a more gamey progressive career mode, then lets revisit the old CM's and bring them back to life in the new engine... with Google maps (WOW )
  7. Great, I'll havea buddy in the US order them for me and have you guys ship it to me... And lastly, are there are limitations I should know about shipping to Canada? Any additional cost or duties? Surly you have some Canuk fans up here Thanks for your help!
  8. Hey all, I'm getting ready to reinstall CM:FS and had a few questions... Do the add-ons add more than new units? Do the add-ons add any strategic value beyond mixing and matching of the new units? Most important, has any more progressive features been added like carrying over experienced troops to other campaigns or just a longer series of stringed missions that can go back and forth with the same units progressively? Any stats or tallies of your results that stay with your game or is it just static missions, when you win or lose that’s it... start again? I’d love to at least have a global general stat with meddles and awards, giving some glue to all the missions… I remember the original CM having a more progressive model with a huge "rolling" map, it did a good job of simulating a front, but in WWII we all know how these battles ended so it was easier to get your head around a beginning to end... With SF it might be the same with the exception of rolling maps (do they have them?) but being fantasy I'd love to take my unit or battalion though and entire theater of war... Thanks guys, I know much of this will be obvious to you, and sorry for any way off stuff… it’s been a few years.
  9. Thanks Moon... Will you take a credit card with a diffrent shipping address than mailing address? For instance, I can use a US card with a US billing address but I need it shipped to Vancouver... This has been a bit of an obstical in recent years, especially when its Christmas time! LOL
  10. Hi Steve, I'm back, as customary for the past 10+ years for my CM fix You know me but might not remember as its been about 2 years… So damn happy to you guys still working on the “grown up games” as I like to call them. Can't figure out how to log into the main site, and my account here isn't around anymore... So here is my situation, I moved to Canada... And as most new Yanks in CA I'm without a credit card as they don't rec US credit histories (makes internet shopping a non option, welcome to the past!) But I want those add-ons for my Shock Force game (the $35 buddle)... Are you able to take an ATM card over the phone? Here in CA they are just getting around to the VISA/MasterCard money cards so it's a basic run of the mill check card. I'm definitely looking for the boxed version as I love your docs assuming you still print them... Thanks, and sorry to post this in a completely wrong place... T Snowden
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