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Posts posted by normannobrot

  1. hey all,

    i noticed that some of the vehicle's 3d models were corrected in the patch's that were released, however i am puzzled as to why the jagdpanther was left out???

    in late war, you are able to choose 2 variant's of the jagdpanther one stating without skirt's and the other with skirt's, though none of the 3d models for the vehicle show the skirt's?

    this was most disapointing as it's nice to have the choice. and is the only vehice that has this problem.

    was this just a forgotten glitch or a developing issue with running out of time?

    ps. could this be fixed at all??? maybe a new patch??? :D

  2. Wana start this thread up for people to show some variations of vehicles they would like to see in the game.. and to help bug battlefront enough to make them i the game (LOL)

    if i have managed to do this right, you should see some picture's

    concentrating on the stug 3, which aught to be and should be 100% in the game, just to show a different fashion or style of schurzen...

    would be cool if the engine would allow it?

    what say yee battlefront??? :cool:




  3. well at present it only tends to crash when i try and deploy units on the map, though this doesnt happen every time,

    i have tried changing my nvidia settings from the desktop in the advanced image settings. i have moved the marker down to performance. as not only did i have the game set to max, i also set it further by these setting's via the desktop...

    i do recall installing the module patch for both the british and marine add-on, but just remind me how to check what version of the game i am running?

    thank's for the reply.

  4. hey all, i made this HUGE map, a while back , and it was all good making it n all

    never had any problems with it until now after i upgrade with the brit/marine add-on,

    it doe's run some time's say for example i'll got to the 3d preview of the map, it loads, then i come out of that and go to the unit deploy tab, and it crashes stating fatal applicataion error out of memory???

    just a bit wierd realy, got me confused. got a nice system to run it on.

    dual core, with 8800gts 640mb. any one had anything like this? :confused:

    i can still run the game, just failed on loading big map's at least just 1 so far

  5. hey all, im setting about learning to skin or paint some vehicle's in CMSF, and was putting the question out if any one can lend a hand or source's of more info on how to go about doing this,

    mainly am aiming to make some of the nato camo skin's to desert, or at least i want to try and give it a go..

    and of course would load them up if succesfully done to greenasjade website.

    all the best


    "semper fi" :rolleyes:

  6. I realy can't wait for CM:N to come out...am a big fan of all the combat mission serie's mainly thank's to the fact that there still TURN BASE , so. battlefront please DO NOT get rid of this option if you can help it, as it is pucker the way you have got it in CM:SF giving the player the choice to his/her preference, weither it be turn based or real time.

    and just to point out the only flaw's i found with the earlier serie's (just to let you know)

    was the jagdpanther was labelled as having schurzen in one of the model's but didn't show it in the 3d model in game.

    and was confused a bit with the back of the case for CM:AK where it sais "ARE YOU READY TO DEPLOY THUNDEROUS TANKS LIKE PERSHING,KING TIGER OR FIREFLY?"

    well almost, as there was a firefly and a king tiger but no pershing??

    (was searching the ranks for hour's lol)

  7. these video's are great. though i think it will be a little while til i re-skin a whole vehicle...

    totaly gone nut's on the idea of a video showing the changes on a pre-existing skin..

    am wondering how you start??? do you just upload a pre-existing skin (so you have the shape of the vehicle) or do you have to re-draw it from scratch?? then texture it?

    i must admit, i am a noob at this..

    but any feed back would be brill, keep up the good work. :)

  8. hello all..

    urgently after any info on where to download skin's for vehicle's for CMBB and CBAK !!!

    did see a few on battlefront, but just a few:confused:

    unfortunatlley i was a late comer to the site (cmmods) and saw due to a serious reason that site was only open for a couple of month's which wasn't enough time to grab all the best mod's avaliable...

    oh well, which why i'm here to speak to you all and ask if you have any mod's or skin's as i know them....please get in touch..

    the lovely work of mikey D is a must also like how Der alte Fritz loaded his mod's up to battlefront, all just in a big folder,

    good man,

    thank's all


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