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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Forgive Steve, but I saw this freedom of the information during war in Georgia when Georgians levelled the peace city of Tshinval by MLRS, and СNN showed Russian tanks with an addition "Russian attacked Georgia". Well speech not about it. We consider fighting charters, instead of the brochure "as it is good to live in the USSR". On me a thing different. Especially Russian specifications do not differ from the Soviet. However I with you agree, all say lies, and range it not a battlefield, but I actually understand, when deviations from the specification well in 1,5-2 times, but not in 10, as with СПГ-9
  2. Well and SPG-9 operates four persons, and Javelins only two.
  3. On resulted above a photo it is visible that the Metis is ready to application, the rocket on the starting arrangement, - - sight in a bag, if necessary will result calculation ATMG in fighting position very quickly. Here often to be said that perfect conditions of ranges (though at training of soldiers in normal army of a condition on ranges are specially created far from "normal") described in manuals do not concern a fight stressful situation, having in view of what in fight of soldiers will operate where more slowly and more confused. It probably the truth so though the person in the conditions of stress at times does such improbable things which then are difficult for imagining in simple conditions. But let's understand, what is available in view of under stress? The soldier has got on territory on which fight further will be developed, but to it who does not shoot yet, it is stress? It turns out that in these conditions it already starts to be nervous, hands to shiver, starts to confuse the actions fulfilled on trainings, increasing time of expansion of the weapon from the specification in 2 and more times, so? I think it absurdity, in game there is an indicator of fire influence and as a morale of divisions, and here only these indicators and can be accepted for stress. If division under fire if it sustains losses, yes, soldiers start to lag behind specifications, to be confused, lost. And here if simply to say, what perfect conditions are written to instructions, and in game fighting conditions it sounds not seriously, in what actually a difference when at the person do not shoot? And still it is very frequent at this forum sound think that in the Soviet/Russian manuals idealistic ideas and continuous propagation are written, however thus there and then to be said that the Soviet soldiers it not the Arabian soldiers. It is necessary to be defined already Soviet say lies or Arabs stupid... P.S. Sorry my English
  4. The trained soldier can normally and quickly address with the weapon is not dependent on the nationality, be it Russian, the Uzbek, the American or the Arab. All is subjectivity if the soldier is well trained it though will develop a laser gun with that speed from which it and is written in the charter, and even much faster. And if speech comes about such elementary mechanisms as SPG-9, and for a long time. And by the way, as to a fight stressful situation how to understand, what by it to mean in game if at the soldier do not fire, it is under the influence of stress or not? I think that in game speed of expansion of the group weapon should correspond to the specifications registered in fighting charters and if it is necessary to apply time modifier it should depend on experience of division and fire influence on this division.
  5. In the Soviet army (in RА too) on staff was one sight of night vision NSPU (НСПУ) even on motor-shooting branch, and here airborne troops...
  6. Somebody checked it is possible to clear of mines a minefield by use an artillery?
  7. Some ideas for the future patch: 1. For infantry divisions to enter a new command "to fill up ammo" - units being in vehicles in which there is ammunition will fill up to initial level as with cartridges and hand-grenades and 40мм an ammunition for М203. Such command can be convenient, since it is not always clear, how many an ammunition is necessary for division for replenishment of a unit ammunition. 2. POP smoke - at return to infantry division of such command, it would be desirable a smoke, that units saved, having smoke pomegranates, instead of threw all of them at once. 3. The command to "entrench oneself" - at return of such command infantry divisions dig out individual entrenchments. Probably this command should work at arrangement of units before fight. Sorry for bad English.
  8. 2 dima SHMEL is much more powerfull then TBG-7V for RPG-7, and more powerfull then TBG-29V for RPG-29 I think. And yes it's one-shot weapon but in Russian/Soviet army it useing spehcial flamethrowers units and they have for two charges in piling for every fighter, of corse Syrian not Russia and thay maybee dont have special chimikal defence troops which use flame-throwers, but thay have special operation forces and besides regular forces there are yet partisans. And by the way in a game there are non-permanent antipersonnel grenade launchers of M72LAW A7 at the marines of the USA, and it not at all is superfluous on a battle-field, and it in what that similar things, only Shmel truly threatening weapon. To my mind in the conditions of critical disbalance of forces in behalf on the USA, Syrians must have various relatively cheap facilities for counteraction (as for example SHMEl). And it seems to me, one time they purchased itself RPG-29, strange that for them it is not and powerful non-permanent grenade launchers as though RPG-27 and RPG-28. One shot - one tank ;-)
  9. It seems that it is possible not to wait for the new technics for Syrian in 'Brit module', But I hope that is possible Syrian will receive new infantry arms, like a flame thrower "SHMEL" and silent rifles VAL/VSS, about which I wrote on the first page.
  10. 2 Pvt. Ryan WOW, you a so such witty man. Yes Im from siberia, and certainly we here anymore have nothing to do, how to hurry from bears and climb in the internet from prehistoric COMPUTERS.
  11. It would be desirable to say of a few ideas for a game, which would improve a playing process and increase tactical possibilities in a game. I hope that these ideas will be able to find the embodiment in adding to CMSF. Idea 1 In a game as a class facilities of air DEFENCE absent, it in general and clearly, scale not that. However much I will throw out some occurring ideas: 1. Gun facilities of air DEFENCE, such as KPVT on a zenithal machine-tool - ZPU-1 ( http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Файл:ZPU-1-batey-haosef-1.jpg ) , ZPU-23-4 ( http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=0&ed=1&text=%D0%B7%D0%BF%D1%83-23-4&spsite=www.thetankmaster.com&img_url=www.vif2ne.ru%2Fsmf%2Fforum%2Ffiles%2FIntruder%2F(080405212403)_Zpu4_03.jpg&rpt=simage ), ZU-23-2 ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZU-23-2 ), ZSU "Shilka" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZSU-23-4 ) and "Tunguska" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunguska-M1 ) at all times was perfectly used, as a mean of defeat of surface aims, at that it suffices powerful and dangerous weapon. In the game of it is possible it would be to divide into stationary and self-propelled and to realize approximately so: Stationary ZPU possibly can in a game be either static fire weapons or, if there is such possibility of rendering-engine of game, transported through transport vehicles (as in the heap of strategies about WWII), and as a 3-iy variant can be set in the baskets of transport vehicles, for example: ZPU-1 can be put in the basket of pikap (I saw photos, so madzhakhedy do in Afghanistan), ZU-23-2 put in the basket of any truck, and on different caterpillar undercarriages, as though MT-LB ( http://armoured.vif2.ru/mt-lb_6.jpg ). It is similarly needed to remember that those ZU-23-2 and KPVT on ZPU-1 sometimes put on the roofs of buildings in cities at a defensive. With self-propelled options I think all and so clearly. Possible effect directly air DEFENCE for a game. At good support from air, to play after the USA to become it is relatively simple, would allow time given on a battle, it is eventual naturally, because the USA have complete domination in mid air, however much the Syrian army has facilities of air DEFENCE, though and not too modern. However needed it is to take into account that mainly troops are supported by an army aviation, but not strategic, and against these aviation facilities (helicopters and assault airplane), fully effective even man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile. Actually to business, clear, that aircraft units in a game not represented by sight, and only result of their influence. It is probably possible it would be to realize the reflection of measures of counteraction an aviation analogical appearance, that facilities of air DEFENCE shoot "in sky". An effect from this counteraction can be following: 1) An aircraft unit has "life-bar" and at counteraction of facilities air DEFENCE that diminishes, proportionally to force of influence, so attacked facilities of air DEFENCE aircraft unit there is priority it will be to try to attack the target of air DEFENCE, if it in his area of attack, or if it the mean of air DEFENCE is not hidden from him, otherwise he immediately retreats (air support is halted). 2) Aircraft unit retreats immediately, air support is halted, and it is possible to become not accessible, to the moment of destroy mean of air DEFENCE. Both variants are possibly applicable, for example: if an opponent possesses serious facilities of air DEFENCE, as that "Shilka", "Tunguska", PZRK - that operates variant of "B", if weak facilities of air DEFENCE counteract, as stationary ZPU, first variant of "A". Actually idea my even not in that Syrians could counteract the aviation of the USA, and in that in a game powerful appeared small-bore gun systems for suppression of land facilities of enemy, including stationary (as for example ZU-23-2 and ZSU "Shilka") Idea 2 To enter in a game a truck for the Syrian troops of type GAZ-66 ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GAZ-66 ) for paratroopers, because for them BMP does not seize for transporting of all soldiers in a battalion, as indicated in manual, similarly possibly and truck of type URAL-4320 (http://www.uralaz.ru/catalog_ural.php?id=10⊂=35 ) for other births of troops. As such in a game they certainly are not especially needed, because maps not always are very large, however as a "interior" is in different missions (for example ambush on the column of enemy). Well and as platforms for setting of other armaments (for example ZU-23-2). Idea 3 Rifle armament of the Syrian army. Syrians have practically all spectrum of soviet weapon actually, to complain especially not on what, however it seems to me strange absence for them of such threatening weapon of infantry, as rocket-propelled flame-thrower RPO-A "Shmel" of ( http://www.world.guns.ru/grenade/gl46-e.htm ) it is a very powerful and effective weapon, especially in the conditions of city fight. Certainly given about that whether there are "Shmel" in the Syrian troops for me it is not, but actually even if and they do not have "Shmel", but in fact T90 in their reality it is not also, and " Shmel" is exported Russia already a long ago. Presence of such weapon in rows the Syrian troops (for example at NG troops) notably would strengthen their possibilities. In the Russian army RPO are on the armament of troops of chemical defence, and these flame-thrower units is given other subdivisions in strengthening. Weapon of Special Forces (recon). A bit of me surprised that reconnaissance subdivisions in a game do not have a "noiseless" weapon, neither the USA nor Syrian. From one side it is normal as though, because operations in a game are mainly conducted with bringing in of large forces and facilities, and possibly there is not the special place for “stealth”, however much I think that secret service agents use such weapon not for free. So for the Syrian side I would offer the following armament: AKMSN + noiseless firing device PBS-1 (and possibly night vision device – NSPU-1), AKS-74 + PBS-3, and possibly silenced assault rifle AS “VAL” and VSS “Vintorez” silenced sniper rifle (this weapon is similarly exported from Russia) http://www.world.guns.ru/assault/as10-e.htm . This weapon is widely used in the Russian army approximately from 1987, then reconnaissance subdivisions of KGB began to apply it in Afghanistan. What is used by the American recon units I not very much in a course, but I think you know this better then me. And an effect from application of such weapon for a game is not such and doubtful, because to locate an enemy on a flash is not possible, and for Syrians, straight strung on diversionary tactic it is a not unimportant moment. And actually in any nightly recon and diversionary operations this is important. Here actually and all. I ask to understand me correctly, I do not dream up here on a theme: "and was healthy yet here such thing in a game to see, and yet such and such...". I only thought over what did not have me in a game, in the plan of tactical possibilities and in the plan of feeling of realistic of what be going on. I think many will consent that my suggestions are not absurd. I ask to forgive me for my bad English, I already a long ago was not practiced, therefore was yet and a "translator" to use. But hope all will understand that I wanted to say. P.S. If this theme is not in a that section which it is needed in, I ask moderators to carry it.
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