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Posts posted by yolo911

  1. I'm about ready to give up on this game. At least Nupremal mod. Russian front is going okay but with only three HQ's for Japan to fight an entire war it just doesn't work out for me. Is there an editor that I can beef up the number of HQ so that I can fight someplace beside just China? I don't have any units with a supply over 5 ANYWHERE on the map except in Japan's main island. Can HQ's or supply be beefed-up to where you can have a little fun?

  2. I agree with your post at WW2 Wrath of Time, it seems like every time a new game is released we start all over again with a wish list. By now, after 20+ years, you would think the near-perfect war game would have been developed with all the experience that is floating around out there. But each game is two steps forward and one step back.

  3. Hi SeaMonkey,

    I appreciate the detailed reply. I have been playing this game since SSC came out. I bought WAW and this pacific game. I skipped The Eastern Front one because I thought it might just be a rehash of the other Battlefront games. I still have problems with supply. It is always inadequate. But anyway, I will keep trying.

    By the way, if you are the same SeaMonkey that posts at Matrixgames, I really liked the thread you had in WW2 Time of Wrath. About how that particular game was several generations behind Strategic Command and that nothing that is painfully learned seems to ever be passed on to another game. That we constantly reinvent the wheel.

    My moniker is MemoryLeak at matrixgames. I joined them back in 2000.

  4. Is there any way to increase the number of mpps I can get per turn? or to disable the necessity of having HQ's that there are ridiculously few of and too expensive to buy? I have played this game many times and the entertainment value is pretty low when all of the units are so expensive, the supply of my units is almost always 0-5 and therefore totally ineffective. I am playing Nupremal's global mod and if I can destroy even one enemy unit during a turn then it is cause for celebration. And this is in the pacific and in Russia combined. I never have enough MPP's to purchase new units or to invest in research, that's another thing I'd like to turn off because I can't keep up with the AI. I have never used the editor. Is there a setting in it so I can get enough mpp's per turn to actually fight a war?

  5. SeaMonkey, Thanks about the 100 percent factor. And you are right about the European Theater. I left that part out of my other post. I had intneded to mention it.I have played the WAW for a long time and that usually goes pretty well. I never have any luck maneuvering from one section of the map to the other using the arrows. Even in the stock game of WAW when I try to use the arrows in Egypt my ships just sit there forever. So I keep my troops and ships in whatever map section they start in.

  6. I have one more question( yeah sure, only one). When playing the Nupremal World Campaign, as Japan you can't attack anyone at the beginning(Sep 1,1939). So what do you do? Just sit in port for 2 years? I tried occupying some islands north of Autrailia and on eastward but when the Allies finally came after me in late 1944 it bypassed everything and tried to take on the Japanese mainland. So it seems senseless to occupy islands. Is there anything else you can do with your ships and troops until you are allowed to attack other countries? or do you just hunker-down and fortify the main chain of Japanese islands?

  7. I am completely confused on how to obtain mods. I bow to the masters who live and breathe nothing but forums but I don't have that luxury. Can someone take a moment and outline the process to access the mods, including the site address and any other hurdles someone has come up with that must be mastered to appease the programmer gods?

  8. I'd like to be able to access any new files myself. But as usual they put too many obstacles in the way. I go to the first link and it says I already have an account. Which I know I do but the post says I need an additional account. So I go to the other link to that is titled Support Suite at Battlefront and the login doesn't work. Is there any other way to get the mods?

  9. I appologize for the delay in responding back. Tied up. I am running the Mod that is The Whole world. German offensive going well. It's May 1943 and I am getting my head handed to me in China. Still can't wrap up The Philipines. No troops in Burma at all. And I do have two units north of Singapore but taking that is a longshot.

    Back in 1941 I headed for Pearl Harbor to do the sneak attack. I left Japan November 21with the intent to attack on December 7. But it took over three months for my carriers to reach Pearl Harbor. I declared war on the US and got my butt kicked. Almost lost all four carriers. They took a beating. Some sneak attack that was. Another three months back to Japan and it took a LOT of MPP's to repair the carriers. Things are going down fast and I an playing at a low difficulty setting. i don't see how anyone has any MPP's to purchase enough troop to do an offensiv ein all the places that Japan has to attack.

    Do I need to attack China in 1939 when the MOD starts or wait until much later?

  10. What are convoy scripts. I see convoy routes but is something you somehow initiate to get more MPPs? I am losing badly. I can't make any headway into China at all. I have the difficulty set as low as possible. I never have enought MPP's to purchase new troops, everything goes for rebuilding existing units.

    I'm not a novice player but as Japan I take a beating. Additional MPP's would be very usefull and a lot less frustrating.

    China has 14 armies and I have 3, and this is close to the start. I did not want to invade China at all but I figured there would be dire consequences if I didn't.

  11. First, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to reply.

    I will do some experimentation to see if I can put into practice what you explained to me. I guess I missed the part about ZOC's. I didn't know that enemy occupied cities could negate an adjacent unit's supply chain and reduce it to zero. I think I am going to continue to be surprised and a little frustrated with a units calculated supply.

    Thanks again.

  12. I have the Strategic Command series of war games, and I just read the manual for Pacific Theater, twice, and I did not realize you couldn't just declare war if you wanted to. Thanks for the reply. So I guess that means it is scripted and at a predetermined point the program will change the setting to Axis 100% and I can proceed with my invasion plans?

    One more item. As I said, I have read the manual twice and some sections many times but I will never understand supply as long as I live. Every time I think I can predect the supply a unit will get he comes in at a much lower rate. I had just started a new game as Axis(the Nupreal WORLD WAR MOD) and two turns into it I had an armored unit next to Warsaw. I had moved the HQ towards Warsaw and there were a few other ground units nearby. I checked the supply for the Armored unit and was shocked to see a big, fat zero.

    I think a great addition would be a hot key to predict what the supply is for each tile that a unit can reach during it's movement phase. Supply is the one thing that keeps me from playing with a human opponent because I wouldn't have a prayer if I was playing against someone who understood supply.

  13. Very good work. I am enjoying the mod. I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. It is November 1939 and I(Japan) sent an invasion fleet south to Java. I wanted to start out early buy invading that string of islands. I declared war on them but it will not allow me to attack the units that are there, specifically the town of Batavia. Any suggestions? I am plaing the AI by the way. Is there a time restriction that I am violating?

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