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Posts posted by yolo911

  1. I have all of the SC games but this one hangs. i activated it just fine. I get to the main menu screen and select NEW GAME. the little loading box appears but that is as far as it ever gets. I restarted it several times and selected other choices from the main menue but the menu button doesn't even depress. Any ideas? I applied the hotfix patch even though I did not encounter any activation problems but I wanted to see if it would help with the menu not working.

  2. Hi,

    just wondering how the trench warfare will be simulated? Seems like if there is a break-through then it just become a fluid line like WWII. At that point will you simply be fighting WWII style battles with antique equipment/weapons or will the static lines somehow reform?

    Or is this just going to be what-if type of history and there won't be static, unbreakable lines?

  3. HI,

    I am on call for a 911 center and I am issued a laptop. Very nice laptop so I put GLOBAL CONFLICT on it and my home PC. the laptop's harddrive took a dump and I had to replace it. But I lost one instance of GLOBAL CONFLICT. I'd like to reinstall it. How do I go about getting one of my two authorized installs reinstated? I have my saved email from Battlefront when I purchased it.

    thanks in advance.

  4. Hi

    I have been reading Global Conflict forum since it started. I know there are some previous threads that touch on the subject of Research. Now that we have all had time to play the game for awhile, I would like to get some knowledgeable thoughts on which categories are worthwhile and which ones are a waste of MPP's. I feel like I am wasting resourses by investing in intelligence, infrastructure, production tech andindustrial tech. Using hard mathmatics has anyone figured out if these four are worth the Reichsmarks? or greenbacks?

  5. That being said I think we've done a pretty good job in producing a solid release with no show stopping bugs and a more than playable set of campaigns. .

    I have issues/opinions with supply and movement, but they pale in comparison to bugs. Especially the kind that cause a game to CRASH! I have never had one of Hubert's games crash. Never. And that, at least to me, is certainly something to praise Hubert and company for. I can't say that about any other game publisher.

    The other stuff eventually gets ironed out.

  6. I too am sorry if I appeared to be too sensitive with your comments. I know there have to be limitations on movement. And actually I have spent a lot of time playing this game. I try to follow the rules and have lots of HQ's around. Perhaps they should have an increased positive effect on supply and movement since they are so expensive to purchase. I am actually kicking butt as the Axis. In fact India just surrendered as I was typing this.But the Yanks are on the move again in the pacific. But the AI seems to be wasting lots of units on poorly planned amphibious landings around the DEI.

    I just get a little uptight over movement and supply. I am looking forward to the first patch to see how things may have changed/improved.

  7. I actually had two HQ's within 2 tiles of the unit that wouldn't move north. I will wait for the patch and see how that plays out.

    And of course I always appreciate comments from Xworm. You think the supply and movement is perfect and can't be improved upon. However, I think that overall the game is very entertaining and has a lot of replay value, but if I had the power to make changes I would take a second look at the extreme effects of supply, too resticted movement rules and uber tactical bombers.

  8. Hubert,

    If there are impassible tiles in China is there a map that marks these tiles so they can be avoided?

    I had a Japanese infantry unit strength 13 sitting at Rangoon. He would not move one inch to the north. So I finally spent the money and operated him to the tile just south of Chittagong, thinking I was back on track. Well, next turn the only thing that unit would do is move one tile south. So I spent the next several turns getting that unit back to Rangoon where I had to use Amphibious transport to get him to Chittagong. What a fiasco.

  9. Yes, that pesky Malta. My only point is that supply plays an out of proportion role. It is a supply game not a war game.

    I have a unit in China that I can't move. He has been in Ranroon for so many turns I lost count. I finally spent an exhorbitant amount and Operated him 4 tiles to the north which is one tile south of Chittagong. I have 2 HQ's nearby but that damn unit still won"t move one tile north into that city. I'm trying to get that unit into the front lines which is my assault on Calcutta. But HE WON'T MOVE. I am ready to shelve this supply game. I get too ticked off and it isn't fun anymore. Unit reaction to low supply is to extreme. Even I could walk 40 miles in one month. I know you need a supply model but it is too sensitive and has too much control over every aspect of the game. If I could turn off supply entirely I would.

  10. I HOPE that that supply is going to be addressed in the patch. I am playing the AI and I'm the Axis. It is early 1943 and I have taken China. I had five really good units and an HQ and chased down the Chinese units all the way to Urumchi. But now, thanks to the damn supply and very limited movement, these units will be lucky to get back to the front lines before the war is over. It is driving me nuts the way supply works. One minute my units in North Africa have a 5 or 6 for supply(I'm just holding the line around the depression) and the next turn, without me moving any unit, the supply drops to 2 or 3 for the units. How is this possible? So then I get my butt kicked for no reason.

  11. I would rework supply. It is too sensitive. By that I mean too many factors have too much of an effect on it which in turns reduces it too much. I would make supply 10 to start with (always)and then let some factors influence it but not so drastically. So going below 70 percent was unusual. And a unit could ALWAYS move one tile in any direction in one turn.

    I would scale back the effects of the uber-tactical bombers. No air attack could reduce a ground unit below a strength of 5. Do not let airstrikes decimate an entire front line of hundreds of thousands of men in one turn. So if you have a tank group strength 10 then airstrikes could not take it below a 5, period. To finish the job you would have to commit ground forces.

  12. I wonder why there is such a nice map of Africa and India and Austrailia? After the fall of France, as an Axis player, I barely have enough MPP's\units to build up for the campaign in Russia and fight that war let alone trying alternate strategies.

    I see the 7th Balckshirts in Addis Ababa but why are they even there? I can't put together enough of a force to try and drive south from Tobruk and plow through to the Blackshirts. Even if I had a few spare troops around, supply limitations would make that a waste of time.

    I certainly can't go the long way around with enough troops to land at that port near the Blackshirts. So, except that it looks pretty, why waste the map space for South Africa?

    And the islands in the pacific. I try to garrison some of those with decent troops, maybe even stick an air unit or two around the islands but the supply is so low that they are ineffective against any determined force. If I had a few spare HQ's(yea, sure) sitting around to put on some of the islands they would be wiped out in the first attack and all of the MPP's it took to buy and transport them there would be wasted.

    Does anyone have a plan to put troops in those areas? South Africa or the Pacific islands or even Austrilia. China sucks Japan dry. Russia sucks Germany dry. Italy, well they just occupy space.

  13. Hubert,

    I am very grateful and very surprised at what you did. Thank you, it was totally unexpected. I'm 61 years old and I have been doing board and pc games for a LONG time. I've never had a programmer or any one at a publishing company take a personal interest in my ability to enjoy a game.

    You have a lot of class.

    I will try the campaign as soon as I get home. My wife will be home late tonight. Perfect timing.

    Now - reference the two possible minor bugs I saw. The one about the sub stopping in an enemy controlled port, I think I see the problem with that. When I select my naval unit and run out a course past that little island, it draws a line ACROSS the port. I tested it with Malta and the line defects around that port. So for some reason it is allow units to cross. And when I accidentally ran into an enemy naval unit it stopped the sub in the port.

    The other possible bug- the enemy unit in Tehran still attacks an invisible unit in tile 114,24. I believe I have both bugs saved. How do I get them to you?

  14. I just threw in the towel in my game. It's january 1943 and I have nothing left. Russian planes wipe out 2-3 units a turn and i don't have enough MPP's to both reinforce and replace units.

    I am actually making fair progress in China. Attacking Chungking directly now but one of my main units simply will not move north. Supply 6, strength is 15 , action points 2, it is in 2nd tile south of Chungking and WILL NOT move north, just sideways one lousy tile. Makes me want to scream because I can't play a game like this with my hands tied behind my back.

    Japan is dying elsewhere. I can see 13 BB's and CA's belonging to USA. I know the carrirs are there but I can't see them. According to the reports I have sunk the following enemy shipping - 4 BB's, 3 CA's, 1 DD, 4 CV's, 5 SS's. But I am uo against at least 20 more enemy naval units. And i have two depleted carriers and one DD left. So there is no point in continuing. With supply and uber=planes i am just going to have to play this game as s super-novice so that I can have some fun.

    I might have found two minor bugs-- There is a unit (must be enemy) sitting in Tehran. Each turn it appears in the city, attacks a tile 114,24) and disappears again. There isn't a unit on 114,24. So I don't know what it is attacking.

    And I was moving an Italain sub, west to each along the north side ofthe island Heraklion, The island town is in enemy hands so of course the harbor is too. As the sub moved THROUGH the enemy harbor it encountered an enemy naval unit that was parked on the tile just east of the harbor tile. At that poing my sub stopped in the enemy held harbor. I don;t think it should have been able to enter that harbor. I had not performed any attacks during the game on the town or harbor.

  15. Twice the protection from fighters would certainly help temper the effects of tactical bombers. I think I would like to see that implemented.

    As far as using armor in bad weather only, there are three things that prevent me from doing that:

    1. supply seems to drop off even more than usual

    2. The tanks are about as useful and strong as bicycles

    3. Not enough game time to use this strategy.

    If supply was realistic, if the attack factor of armor was at it's usual rate and if turns were two weeks instead of a month then the hide-in-mud strategy might work, IMHO.

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