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Everything posted by TempV

  1. I know it well, but there is one small problem here. Money. Of course, Moscow citizens can easily buy games priced 50$ but Moscow is not whole Russia, you know. I can hardly afford to buy games for that price, and if I'd spend 50$ for "just a game" instead of new shoes, dress, golden ring etc. (you've got the point;)) I would have a very serious talk with my wife. Seriously, localized Russian copy of CMSF have retail price for some 9$. And hell, why should I, being end buyer care about problems of 1C or let's say true, about their lazyness? Their post-release support is awful, I had it enough with Rome: TW, then CMSF. And I feel I won't be enjoying my CMSF-Marines copy for a long time.
  2. I can tell you the same problem is with Russian version published by 1C/Snowball. What makes things worse, now we have on shelves the bundle "CMSF/Marines" which is protected not by E-license but with same strange CD protection. And I'm pretty sure 1C won't make patches for their version. We, i.e. Russian players (speaking strictly, not only Russians but residents of othes CIS states too), had this experience enough in the past. For example, CMSF published by 1C/Snowball have currently 1.03 patch (!) while other world plays on 1.10. Yes, we could update CMSF with Paradox patch but after this one should use no-cd crack, as Erw mentioned above. I'll put it simple: Who is responsible for producing patches for Russian versions of CMSF (and futher patches of the Marines, British etc.)? Official 1C position that it is developer who takes responsibility for patch production. And they call Snowball their localization team, not developing one. Then we have 2 options: 1. BFC is responsible for production of localized patches. I'd like to ask you - why don't you release them for Russian version? 2. 1C company takes responsibility for patches. Can you as the main developer/publisher control their post-production support? Can you oblige 1C to produce current versions of patches for Combat Mission series? We want to play not only SP campaigns but PBEM games with other world too. So we need patches. And we need patches for the versions of the game we see now on shelves here in Russia. Thank you
  3. Thank you for that. But it was impossible to patch localized version (i.e. Russian) of CMSF with any of patch versions. So I had to buy CMSF version published by 1C in their "ORIGINALS" series. That wasn't problem for me, but not every player here can read English. I guess same issue will be for "Marines" module... Actually, in Russia the bundle "CMSF+Marines" will be published, so I shall buy one game twice.
  4. 2 Battlefront.com You know, I can remind my Finnish "friend" who were his ancestors at X-XII centuries and what was the Rus around the same time. But I think it's a job of moderators to prevent some idiotic insults based on national issue.
  5. 2 Lethaface Thank you for your well-thought answer. Honestly, you haven't discover America for me concerning Stalin's regime, Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, etc. I know it well and I didn't defend repressive regime in my posts. I just don't like when some people misinterpret the role of Red Army and Soviet Union during WW2. As for modern politics: You are right absolutely. OK, you can send me PM and we'll arrange the things.
  6. This is called "catch to the words and not see entire thought". And don't forget kiss the Allies' ass for staying in England during 4 years. I guess 600 thousands Soviet soldiers who gave their life in Poland mean nothing to you (BTW, this is more than all the casualties of US). Oh, those were "invaders", not "liberators", you say. I'd say "Blue propaganda" washes brains as perfectly as "Red".
  7. 2 Prince of Eckmühl I live in free country and I'm not afraid to live there. And if you consider all the Russians drinking vodka everyday you are idiot who judge the people by sterotypes. P.S. And I don't drink vodka. 2 Battlefront.com Oh, USSR should stop at its borders in 1944 and leave so-called "Allies" to liberate entire Europe against all Third Reich power. Should I remind how your leaders pledged Stalin to begin winter offensive much earlier than planned while your divisions had been beaten in Ardennes? Speaking about democracy and freedom. It's very strange but native people of Vietnam, Panama, Iraq, etc were so determined against "democratization". They are barbarians of course. Oh, and their land has an oil?! They are evil indeed! I see, only western states may have "zones of influense". When Russia declares Caucasus its zone of interest it automatically becomes Evil Empire with leaders being worse than Sauron himself. I don't know English well, so I can't write big answers with many links and honestly, I don't want to. I've registered here to find partners for PBEM games. As one of our ministers have said recently, "The West is not whole world"
  8. The question was about 10 milllions you've mentioned. Do you have proofs for this figure? No, you don't. And I can easily give you another figure - 27 mln of my people killed by the Nazies you are so fond of. There is no family in our country which didn't suffered in the war. So I will not give a s**t about such "researches".
  9. Do you have proofs for that?! No, so watch your words better. Red Army liberated Eastern Europe from fascists, in the case if you didn't know. Or maybe you forgot how many lives Russians gave for that. Much more than your beloved Brits and Americans did altogether. We don't want to invade in Europe because we know price of freedom better than any european nation. Of course, after S. Hussein hanged, Pentagon needs new "great Enemy". So Mr Putin perfectly fits the role of new Sauron in the eyes of "Free West". Sometimes people write such a nonsense...
  10. But this combat simulation game features real-time mode in its 2'nd generation series for some reasons. Maybe game designers would clear that . And one of the best wargames ever made was Close Combat series. Pure RT, it was both fun and simple to play and required some serious tactical skills, not APM drilling. I just liked to know if CMSF in RT mode would have such fun and smart gameplay or it would resemble "more clicks win the game" style RTS. I mean human-vs-human games, because for single-player I'm definitly for RT. But you can push "pause" key playing against AI that is not an option against human.
  11. That is the question. I played single-player only and tried WeGo for the first games. I found them a little boring so I started over with the real-time mode and could complete a mission in 30-50 min of gaming time. I could instantly change unit orders according combat situation. In contrast, WeGo requires careful planning each turn with lot of waypoints placed, so it takes much more time, imho. But how about multiplayer modes? I've seen on this forum that players prefer PBEM only. What is the reason for that? I think because real-time mode requires a good ping to play and there are so few wargamers comparing to common players , it's not an easy task to find an opponent near your place. But may be I am wrong. Please, explain your opinion on this subject. And I'd like to ask BFC, what is your experience with real-time MP games of CMSF? Did you find them as funny as PBEM? What is the difference between both of these styles of MP gaming? (Personally, I think RT requires a lot of micromanagement and maybe that is the cause this mode is not very suitable for wargame such as CMSF) Thanks
  12. I've bought this game recently too and liked it. But I've found a computer being not smart opponent and the main campaign (TF Thunder) wasn't big challenge. So I'd like to ask where I could find opponents to play PBEM CMSF? "Opponent Finder" forum here seems totally abandoned..
  13. Simply only one country is allowed to "peacemake" civilians with carpet bombing and Tomahawk missiles. Serbia, Iraq, you have the picture. When sponsored marionette of that country had got his nose blooded and started crying, Russia suddenly became "Evil Empire". Has my country no rights to defend its citizens? The West liked Yeltsin's Russia - poor and drunken, like himself. Now, when Russia become stronger and return to the world scene as influensive state there is mich blah-blah about reborn of the Soviet empire, aggresive plans and other nonsense you can often read in western newspapers. Simple minds are easily affected by the Force of media. © Obi-Van Kenobi.
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