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Posts posted by Arzok

  1. Three more missions are avalaible for the Uchronic campaign.

    You can download them here :


    item 10 in the list

    You can easily install it with the JSGME.

    There is also the mission 7 of the first part. I correct a bug in this mission.

    Of course, you need the first part of the campaign (item 6)

    If just someone can tell me if all work well, it will be fine !

  2. in some missions in TOW 1, if the defender troops are too weak, they retreat from the map.

    But they don't retreat with the sounds of trumpets !

    So you are not aware of that.

    Then the mission finishes with no IA soldiers on the map, but the reason is that the IA has retreated his units.

    So probably, even if this type of realistic trigger is largely used in TOW 2, you will not see the difference.

  3. As far as I know, this a state of the tournament :

    We have 3 complete pools :

    Pool 1 (French language)

    Tartar (FFL) Panzermause Arzok (39-45) Sgt Chaudart

    Pool 2 (French language)

    Stimo (FFL) Stofa Sire.Gauvain Major421

    Pool 3 (Russian language)

    Andrey - Sergey - PG monstre - Victor

    One more pool to be confirmed :

    Pool 4 (english language, europe)

    ColdFire (TBC) Gnasher (TBC) Crazyman Alan123

    We are trying to make an US pool :

    eniced73 Jedi pilot (TBC)

    And we are two more players interested

    For the tournament, 6 missions has been played. And more this WE...

    The result will be shown here :

    résultat : http://www.39-45strategie.com/Arbre-des-pa...ats.5913.0.html

    Don't hesitate if you want to play wih us, it will be with great pleasure ! :)

  4. Is it possible to imagine a patch for TOW 1, that solve some small bugs that are solved in TOW 2.

    I think at :

    +sendmessage in MP

    +Pingshow in MP (same than sendmessage, work only for hoster)

    +reinforcement land, that work only for non-playable army in TOW 1, but not with playable army.

    Sure it will add much more fun in MP missions !

  5. You have to play 6 matchs in a pool, with 3 opponents.

    I hope there will be a winner :rolleyes:

    If not, we will see, that depend of the number of pools.

    Another death match can be done between the two best players of the pool, or the two players are qualified for the next turn !

  6. I tried several times, but no news...

    I am waiting few more days for the english-european pool. It can be a possibility too.

    And last, I have few players for a french pool, but some can speak english quite well.

    So I hope we will find a solution :)

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