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Posts posted by Brit

  1. Rather than open a new thread I thought I would post here. No hijack intended. I thought this thread was a good fit.

    What I have observed is an apparent ability of the AI to upgrade units either sea or land without moving to cities. Has anyone else noticed this? Could the Developer or anyone else confirm it? They seem to all upgrade on one turn without moving to an upgrade area.

    Oh - right. I had put that code in a while ago because it was difficult to fit upgrades in with the rest of the AI's decision-making process. In other words, the AI was planning and moving units around, capturing things, planning invasions, etc. It was difficult to figure out how to fit the "upgrade" task in with everything else because the unit had to be in a city, and spend one or more turns there. Obviously, if the AI was about to invade an island, it wouldn't want to suddenly turn it's transports around to go get upgraded. I was meaning to fix that.

    Also, I have seen several combat resolutions finish in an odd kind of draw. These no last man standing fights between two units involve trying to take a resource or city. Here is what seems to happen based on the animation. The attacker kills the defender but the defender seems to be counter attacking and is shown moving forward out of the city or resource area. Then the attacker moves onto the city or resource and simply disappears. The defenders flag still flies over the city or resource.

    I have seen this at least once when the AI was the attacker and four times when I was the attacker. Usually at sea with a resource, but this morning I attacked a city with an infantry two unit. The AI had only a fighter or biplane defending. Plane counterattacks and gets shot down, infantry moves into city and is gone. Tri- color still flying over city no units left in area. Odd what? Anybody else seen this?

    Haven't seen that, but I'll make a note of it.

  2. Yeah, the ground units were still on the transport. Then I'd move the transport around to the other side of the city (where there's more level ground) and move the infantry onto the island with no problem.

    Do you remember the name of the city? Since you're using the DemoMap, I'll be able to take a look at the terrain.

  3. Brit, I just installed xp 64 bit and everything from the game is gone. But when I had problems, not very often, it seemed like I put the yellow dot not too far from a city and there were mountains close and the amount of level land was pretty small. Even though the transport stopped at the yellow dot on the previous turn, the infantry would not move on the land. I even tried to set an order to attack the city. The red attack circle on the city wouldn't show. So I think maybe the problem is that more level land is needed for land units to move onto an island. If that's a design decision, that's fine. But if it's a bug, I wanted to report it.

    My only guess at this point is this: there's a small island out in the sea near the transport. When you tell your ground-units to move inland, what happens is that the transport creates a dropoff point on the small island, rather than the larger island. The ground-unit orders don't show-up on the screen because it couldn't actually find a path from the dropoff point to the large island.

    Can you confirm that no ground-unit orders actually appear on the map?

    I've seen some other cases where players inadvertently dropped-off their ground units on a coastal island rather than the main-island itself.

  4. Moving land units off transports. I set the transport for the yellow dot. Next turn I try and move infantry or armor onto land. Sometimes it goes and sometimes it doesn't. I think it might have to do with what type and how much land is nearby but not sure. Anyway, a turn is wasted and it's frustrating.

    I'm trying to replicate this problem, but I'm having trouble. I'm giving my transports orders to the coast, close enough that the yellow dot appears, but as far from the coastline as possible. My transports move to the location over the next turn. Then I give my Ground-Units orders to move off the transport and onto the island, and it always seem to work okay for me. Is there anything special you're doing? Can you send me a saved-game where this problem is happening?

  5. The game is much more stable. NO crashes and I was able to save my games all the way up to the end of the game of well over 200 turns.

    That's good.

    Unfortunately' date=' one thing I did notice is that for some reason the Veteran AI is kind of brain dead so to speak. What's up with that? It just doesn't do anything. I would expect a challenge at Veteran level and it seemed like before it was a challenge, but now it is lethargic.[/quote']

    I think there's something odd going on with the AI. I think that it sometimes works great, and other times it it kind of inactive. It might have to do with the exact geographical position of the AI.

    Do you mean the mouse-wheel zoom-in/zoom-out, or do you mean the mouse-wheel-click functionality where the screen zooms all the way out (so you can see the whole world)? I assume you mean the later. Are you talking about the way the map always centers on the same location on full zoom-out?

    Which overlapping range circles do you mean? Are you talking about the combat-range circles, or aircraft-range, or something else?

    Thanks. And thanks again for the feedback.

  6. I did have the 3 AIs attack last night for I gave them 150% production and me at 100%.

    They seemed to have been talking to eachother for they almost attacked on the same turn (sneek attacks).

    It would bee better to have random attacks and then randam peace.

    I'll have to take a close look at it, but the AI has a tendency to declare war on the same person. The reason for this is because PlayerA declares war on you, then PlayerB decides that you and PlayerA are both good targets since you are at war with each other (and therefore, less capable of defending yourselves). Then, PlayerC does the same thing. While the idea behind their decision is rational (attack people who are busy fighting other wars), it's not really a good thing that they act like a wolfpack.

  7. I am finding the AI will not attack until I declare war.

    I build up my tech then I attack while the air only build up.

    Hm. I think I'd have to look closely at why the AI wasn't declaring war on you. It might have to do with the specifics of your game. There's a number of things that influence an AI's decision to declare war on someone. I've had the AI declare war on me in past games - sometimes, I've have to fend off several AI players at the same time.

  8. The only thing I can think of is that the Updater4.exe application is running under an account that doesn't have disk-write permissions. I don't know why it would work sometimes, though. I guess there could be something else preventing it from writing to disk. If your disk is full, that would cause problems, but that seems really unlikely.

  9. My guess is that it stops the moment it wants to write. It connects to server then says error downloading data/images/attack-icon.bmp

    It worked with the last patch, sortof. But I had trouble then as well. Had to restart several times. it stopped half way through alot of times before it finally was able to go all the way.

    When I look at properties in the EOS folder it has the attributes read-only, and this is unchangeable. that is, i change it but it doesnt register when i check properties later

    So, you've got version 0.97.8471, the updater downloads all 3.83 MB, and then it fails? The very first file the updater tries to download and write is "Attack-Icon.bmp", so it sounds like it's failing on the very first download item.

  10. can't for my life get that updater working. Sometimes it just starts downloading some bmp file, then fails. but mostly it just wont connect to the server.

    What am i doing wrong? Im using vista with a 3G internet. It doesn't matter wether I use administrator rights or not.

    Strange. It tries to download a file and then gets stuck at some point? The updater doesn't try to write anything to your disk until everything is downloaded, so it sounds like it's failing before the 'disk write' step. The exe that writes stuff to disk is the Updater4.exe application. I'd ask if you were changing the rights on that application, but it sounds like things are failing before that. You've gotten updates in the past, and they've worked okay?

  11. I had put him on an exploration expedition into the black shroud-look at the end of the turn and I see this!

    Aside from the LOL moment, I'll now have to disband his poor behind...

    Wow. I've seen some screenshots of ships running inland, but that's pretty far inland. I'll take a look at it.

  12. Changes and Fixes in 0.97.8806:

    - Units which have less than one turn's worth of orders appear in the "Needs Additional Orders" panel

    - The application checks for updates on startup (but no more than once every 24 hours)

    - Added "Scotland" to the flags

    - Faster AI

    - Added a context-menu, instead of the static unit-menu above the map.

    - Added new-unit rally points. For each city, players can setup land, water, and air rally points.

    - Added icons to the UnitBar that indicate what their orders are

    - SPACEBAR will close the current window (it's equivalent to pressing "Ok" or "Close")

    - Added new "Food Multiplier" technologies: Pesticides (Technology), Fertilizer Factory, Fishing Management (Technology)

    - Fixed bug: Group "Estimated Time Of Arrival" tooltip was wrong

    - Fixed bug: Missile Launcher (Class 1) could not enter transports

    - Fixed bug: City-List was not showing correct build times

    - Fixed bug: Research Orders messed up when a player isn't in the Player1 slot

    - Fixed bug: Missiles and Nuclear Bombers were "running out of fuel" before they attacked

    - Fixed bug: Ships are getting tied up because they autoattack enemy units on the shore

    - Fixed bug: Infantry can sometimes get dumped off transports into the middle of the ocean

    - Increased Submarine speeds (by 10)

    - Made impending shortages more obvious by red-highlighting the resource that is low

  13. Ok, so there is no way to grow your cities, but you can kill their population from missiles, bombing, and food stravation...there is no way to regain that lost population or production?

    This is the way things (used) to work:

    There was a predefined amount of food on each map, and a predefined population among all the cities. On any map, there needs to be a balance of food and population with an excess amount of food for feeding armies. If populations were allowed to grow, then all players could find themselves in the position where most/all of their food was being spent on the civilian population with no excess for a military. (An odd way to get out of this situation would be to actually starve some of your population, so that you could free-up food for your military.) If populations are allowed to grow indefinitely, then this situation would inevitably happen after a certain number of turns - if no one wins the game first.

    Fortunately, the new update (in a few days) will contain a number of food-multiplying technologies. With the new stuff in place, it might be reasonable to allow populations to grow.

    Just a side note: Growing populations only make sense in games that take place over long periods of time (like a century), but don't make much sense if the game is supposed to represent a specific war - like the World War 2 - because not much population growth happens in 6 years.

  14. Your cities grow over time with a food surplus.

    However, your cities will die very quickly if you don't have enough food.

    The cities don't actually grow. There might be some confusion on this because of the fact that factories and other improvements increase the production value of cities. The little number below the city looks like the population number, but is actually the population + the city improvements.

  15. This is a list of fixes which must be fixed before release

    -Infantry attacking from an entranced position.

    Any form of attack requires movement, thus the attacker should not be entrenched

    -Nuclear bombers

    - I built three nuke bombers, and I attacked cities with each of them, all of them ran out of fuel over the target. WTH?


    - Sometimes missiles run out of fuel and do not hit anything. This may be a valid point for V2 missiles but cruise missiles and ICBMs need a 100% to hit unless shot down

    I find the middle one slightly game-breaking since it takes nearly 20-30 turns to build one of the bombers.

    The second and third issues (nuclear bombers + missiles) will be fixed in the next version.

  16. Some bugs which not be corrected. I informed about them from option "Report a Bug", not sure whether you have received them. Therefore I write here.

    - ETA for groups calculate false.

    - The number of turns until finish of ship building is displayed in the "City List" incorrectly if in a city there is a shipyard (calculated without shipyard bonus).

    - If a player has chosen not the first country in the list he cannot operate technology in a single game. He see technology from first AI. In MP game, if the host has chosen not the first country, he cannot operate technology too.

    These are fixed in the next version.

    - A ship does not move if it participates in a battle with land units.

    I'll have to look at this.

    - The ships can not be grouped on the sea. Though if the ship is in group other ship can join to it.

    Yeah, this needs to be improved.

    - The militia do not dig in.

    The militia do not entrench. The reason for this is because militia never move. This means "entrench" is kind of pointless - all of them will always be entrenched after the 'entrench' time has passed.

  17. I made 3 screen shots that to understand about what I speak.

    1. The submarine does not move. I send a battleship to join with sub and then to move a little bit to the north.

    2. Next turn. The submarine remained there where it was and it is in group with 1 ship (itself). The battleship moved to the north alone.

    3. Now if I send a submarine to join with a battleship, join will occur because the submarine is in group.

    What's going on here is that you're giving the battleship orders to join with the submarine. The battleship moves to the submarine and they join together, forming a group. Then, because you gave the battleship orders to move to a new location after joining, what you've done is given the battleship orders to move out of the group. It's basically the equivalent of selecting an existing group and then giving one of the units in the group orders to move somewhere (rather than giving the group orders to move somewhere). This is why, at the end of step two, you've got a battleship and a group that contains one submarine.

    In step three, when you give your submarine orders to join with the battleship, what you're actually doing is giving your group (which contains one submarine) orders to add the battleship to the group.

    Right now, it's not setup very well. If you want to form a naval group right (under the current system), what you'd need to do is give your battleship orders to join with the submarine. Then, after they have joined together (forming a group), you select the group and give it orders to go somewhere.

  18. A new version is available. Click "Check for Updates" on the main-menu, then the "Download" button on the next window.


    - Rearranged some things on the 'reports' window (left panel)

    - - Added an Idle-Units section which sorts units by the amount of time that they have been idle

    - Fixed the lockup that sometimes happens when the City-Build window appears

    - Fixed crash in the MapEditor when you use the MouseWheel

    - Fixed crash when you click "Tech Tree" in the game manual via the main-menu

    - Fixed crash in the unit-bar when you try to move units/groups inside inappropriate unit/groups

    - Fixed the map-scroll problem that would focus too far West

    - Added hotkeys: zoom, pan map, center on selected items, ...

    - Changed how scroll bars are displayed

    - Fixed the "can't see submarines" bug (destroyers, cruisers, submarines can see submarines)

    - Stopped players from loading/saving the game while the turn is being processed (causes a crash)

    - Added Finland to the flags

    - Fixed display problems when running in 16-bit color

    - Fixed the problem with the AI hanging if "autosave" is turned off

    - Dreadnoughts require a shipyard

    - If zoomed-out, the left-click will zoom back in. (Important for players without a mouse-wheel.)

    - Trade Offers are only valid for one turn (players can't save-up a bunch of peace offers)

  19. Hi all


    Be sure to check-out the new version that will be out today. It includes some of the things you wanted to see, including having idle units sorted by the amount of time they've been idle, a hotkey to center the screen on the current item, also, you're running version 0.97.8084, aren't you? It has a highlight circle to draw your attention to the item you just selected.

  20. (Nod) One thing I was thinking about is how we've increased food production over the past century. Due to the 'green revolution' (nitrogen fertilizers, pesticides, etc) we've increased our food-output per acre. That suggests some technology-based increases to food production (rather than city-built advantages). Of course, there's also irrigation, which is something that is built in an area, rather than being a nationwide advantage.

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