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Posts posted by souldierz

  1. Keep swinging and if you go down, go down fighting while inflicting the most pain on Mike as possible(Nothing Personal against Mike:)).No retreat, no surrender, attack, attack, attack, aggressively and guns blazing.

    The 1st true test of a commander, is how he reacts and gets out of bad situations,it's not about making the perfect plan, that's the 2nd test so he doesn't have to repeat the 1st.

    Openings always emerge in one form or another and I'm sure the opponents plans are not playing out how he had intended either.A well placed monkey wrench can get you back in the fight.Remember, 10$ found on the ground can be turned to 20$, and then turned to 40$, then 80$ and so on until you own yourself a couple of cars and a big house on the hill.In other words what I'm trying to say, great gains can be achieved out of a low run down situation and makes it all the more sweeter when achieved.

    We are cheering for you Hcrof(again nothing against Mike lol:)),make it Spartan.

    How many tanks do both players still have? and can you give an overall casualty count of both players?

    Loving the creativity in your typing.Cool stuff:cool:.

  2. Between all the wars that break out on our little planet, I don't think BFC will ever be able to create them all.For every war they wrap up on a video game, about 10 other wars emerge as potential games themselves.

    I heard of people profiting over war, but these video games take that saying to another level.

    I also hope that this game engine can expand on other theaters.

    I feel stupid and silly for saying it sometimes due to the realities of war, but I to would like to see a Vietnam game with this kind of game engine as well as a Korea and I'm still hoping for a good WW1 version as well.

    So many wars, so little time....

  3. If I'm not mistaken the Mg's can deploy and shoot on any roof top as well as in buildings, but I have noticed that in some trench areas and by low walls it's best not to have them deployed, because they will have no LOS.I guess I miss judged the Deploy action a bit, I figured it also meant that it improvised with its surroundings when resting the weapon or setting it up on a tripod.

    Thanks for the replies.:)

  4. Well people can probably design and skin whatever kind of uniform they want just like the other CMSF games and I bet when the game is released the community will have all kinds of different Russian and Afghanistan looks for download.I still think the game is looking good even with the BETA pics.

    All I can say is good work and keep it up!I will be grabbing this one when it comes out.

  5. Small fire arcs are great for letting your troops spot and hold fire.When ordered to hide they hold fire also,but lose some spotting capabilities.So when they are given small fire arcs, they keep their heads up without firing a shot and the enemy will still have a hard time spotting them.

    Snipers I find usually take the initiative and take the shot that they find is most appropriate.If there are no fire arcs and no direct enemy fire command then the sniper seems to usually be the only one that shoots unless the enemy is close.I think it ultimately comes down to the range of their weapons.I haven't tried everything with the snipers yet so there's probably a few points I'm missing myself.When I played the Marines first mission of the campaign my snipers that were covering the open areas took 3 shots and resulted in 3 kills without anyone else firing.

    One sniper saw 2 enemy troops in a field,one was prone the other holding and kneeling and they were 400 meters away.I then canceled the snipers small fire arc and allowed the sniper to act on his own(no fire command).The sniper took aim and shot the kneeling man through the head.The unit of that enemy would then disappear(No LOS they ducked down in tall grass) then later reaper and more enemy were identified in the unit seen crawling through the grass by the Marine sniper.In this case the sniper never fired again, because I guess trying to hit a prone moving target 400 meters out crawling in long grass would be to tough of a shot and a to much of a danger if they took it.

    After again in another situation, a sniper saw 2 enemy men with their backs to them moving away in the open.Again I took the small fire arc off and allowed the sniper himself(no target command) to fire.As a result, both enemy that were up and moving away giving the sniper a perfect target, got shot 1 bullet each through the back resulting in 2 shots 2 kills.

    I haven't played the British campaign yet, but if your required to eliminate an enemy squad, try to get closer to them and ambush them in a quick gun battle instead of trying to get your sniper to pick them all off 1 by 1.

  6. After playing some missions and trying to experiment with the MG deployments, gradually finding the where is good and where is not good places to deploy and when its best and not best to deploy, I keep coming across this LOS issue on low walls with deployed MGs.

    The pictures below basically speak for themselves on what's happening.When deployed, the MG have no LOS on the hill.When not deployed, the MG have LOS on the hill.Is this going to be changed so the MGs can deploy on the small wall or gain LOS, Or am I miss reading something?



    As it stands now I find it best not to deploy behind walls and only to deploy when the enemy are far away.When the enemy are close I find its best that they do not deploy so the assistant gunner can take shots with his rifle.

  7. I think you'll find that should be "Brits Honour".

    If you are naming a British Campaign, it probably should be spent in English, not "American". :)

    Good catch,where I'm from we got English, French and American dialogue(plus many many more).Words are spelled differently with different crowds and can be confusing at times.Especially the whole Honour-honor or armour-armor mix up along with all the other little word quirks between the 3 languages.Don't even get me started on the metric system, what a headache that was growing up.:)

  8. I cringed at this also. Sometimes getting the men to form up at the door or the wall of the building and hunting or quick running them in will prevent them from going out past 5 feet or so.A couple troops will venture out but the majority will go directly into the house.Also when issued the hunt command to go around corners when they are stacked against a wall, they seem to stick to the walls fairly well.One or two soldiers will venture out from time to time also, but its iffy to judge for that situation because sometimes its a good thing and a soldier spots something and sometimes its a bad thing and a soldier gets picked off.

    On a tactical level to avoid this, try to make sure any enemy LOS on the door is neutralized or non existent.Use Smoke and suppression fire.It would be cool if the troops did form up on the building and move in hugging the wall though.

  9. Well Gibsonm put up a good one.It's clever and real so my vote would be on 'Soldiers of the Queen'.Or, you can take the best of both worlds and add "the" in your title and call it 'Warriors of the Queen'.

    Some more names just to throw out there as a brain storm could be,'Her Majesty's Braves' or 'Royal Braves', 'Brits Honor'.A saying I heard of that's in the UK that means good luck is 'The best of British',that could be used also.

    As for the publishing part, you could put them together in the same Zip in my opinion.Seems to be a small file that won't take up to much space plus the people can delete the one they can't use.Just make it very clear which one need the Marines.

  10. Finished the 7th Mission-No Pasaran

    I see Aleppo got updated.Good looking map.In this mission it was a good thing I wasn't attacking.Due to all the units, I had bad lag and the whole game was a slide show for me.It was a relief also knowing that this was a defend mission and I would not have to fight my way into the heavy urban area, with the lag it would have been unplayable.

    It was a nice change in pace though.Being able to set up a defense and then do nothing but watch the action unfold(as laggy as it was) was easy on the 'think tank'(except for setting it up) lol.The defense was fairly solid and there was no way the Syrians were going to pass.This reminded me of a game I played in the school yard when I was younger called 'British Bulldog'.I'm sure most are familiar with it and the Brits formed a very solid and unbreakable chain.



    Under 1st Battalion(Lieutenant Colonel Colby)command, The defense was set up so the Syrians would eventually wander in a British kill zone.All inf occupied the bottom floor of houses cutting off main routes as well as back alleys, while the Javs occupied various top floor levels in buildings.FO's were on a roof top with cover, on a top floor and in a bush behind the canal.Vehicles placed themselves on angles by buildings and would create multiple fire alleys with the buildings providing concealment and cover.All angles were covered and the Syrians never made it past the park area.


    B company(Major Bemen) took up defensive positions South of the highway and remained there. A wedge was formed. 4th platoon was the left flank of the formation and 5th platoon occupied the right flank.6th platoon later would spawn NW on the other side on the map and they were sent to go and hold in the canal and saw no action.


    C company(Major Kinnean)Formed a very wide V shape from the North to the Highway and remained in defensive positions.On the left flank(north) was 8th platoon with snipers and javs, the center was held by 9th platoon and 7th platoon was on the right flank covering parts of the highway as well as the big park.They saw most action around the highway and park area.


    Manouevre Support Company(Major Lawton) was mostly defending the Highway ,but was also scattered amongst A and B company.They held their positions and the Second In Command along with a Soldier in his 3 man section were Killed by an RPG that had someone else's name on it.The RPG just missed the vehicle that was no doubt targeted and landed behind it, through a window of a house 2IC was occupying.They were never seen by the Syrians and unlucky for them a fluke shot took their pixel lives.


    In the end the Syrians Surrendered with 32 minutes and 55 seconds left.It was good to see a mission where the enemy came out of a dense city instead of the player going in.Most of the enemy were killed on both sides of the highway and in the big park.The elevation in the park helped give the Syrians some cover as they moved but many Inf got killed and pinned there.If I had my time back I would have used all mortar fire on the park near the end.

    The reinforcements were unused and I thought they were not really necessary,but maybe flip the positions when they arrive.Make A company Platoon spawn NW and the remainder of B company to spawn SE, so they are closer to their higher ups.If you want to make it more difficult for the player, reducing the number of Brits would do the trick as well as include a few Syrian tanks.If the intention was to make it fairly easy and just a lot of eye candy for the player as the campaign ends then keep as is.If I could have ran it with less lag,I think it would have been cool to watch on the ground level.

    For the AI plan,maybe getting the Syrians to set up infantry on the outskirts in buildings could provide the Syrians a better fighting chance before they try to break through, but I think this mission was to simulate a very hasty Syrian retreat that was designed to eventually catch all Syrian forces guarding Aleppo, completely destroying the Battalion and ending the campaign as the Americans cleared it out.

    I also think it's worth mentioning that I thought that the British pictures you used throughout all the briefings were great photos.Good Work Bardosy!

  11. In the 'It ain't half hot mum' UK scenario, I came across severe exhaustion.I was only able to issue the fast command once in the beginning and after that I could never use it again,it was faded along with the quick and hunt command and the troops had to walk everywhere.The heat conditions were at its max and it took a very long time for the Brits to get out of exhausted phase in order to move.In some cases I waited a very long time so they could recover, I could only guess at this point and can say that it did feel like it was around 20 minutes or so,before the got out of exhausted, but it could well be sooner or later,I'm really not that sure.When they moved again though, they could not run far at all and quickly fell back to exhausted.They never remained exhausted for 3hours, but it did feel like once they hit the limit of exhausted, they were never going to perform the same again.I don't even know if it's a feature in the game.

    It makes me remember what a Canadian Soldier wrote about when patrolling in Afghanistan on one of the hottest days.It was along the lines of they would walk 100 meters and then take a 20 minute break, then they would walk 50 meters and take a 40 minute break.They sweat so bad to the point they couldn't sweat anymore and they were sucking in air rather then breathing it.The vests they wore cooked them inside and even the Taliban would rather find shade then fight.Most of the villagers in the village being patrolled left to find shade or because of a possible firefight,but the day went on with out action.

  12. Regardless of your likes and dislikes about what kind of warfare game you want to play,I suspect BFC's fan base will only grow bigger from here and not smaller.Every title they put out now has got my attention no matter what era or forces they choose.I'm very pleased with how the game is and when it comes to dedicating my time to computer games, I'm very fussy on what I play.I'd rather play 1 game I really enjoy, then 5 games I think are so-so.I like my games how I like my Woman,Quality not Quantity.:D

    The only thing i see that comes close to BFCs CMSF(and I'm not a big gamer) is the old close combat series or the World in Conflict game.I liked Close Combat, but found it never really kept my interest and as for World in Conflict, I found it to be very arcadish.If CMSF could look like World in Conflict and maintain its play style while giving the mission makers triggers for the editor(I'm not big in the editing field either), I think BFC would need to upgrade its gold crown it has on this genre and update it to platinum with diamonds all around.This game in my opinion is by far one of the best realistic tactical games out there.It's not realistically perfect and we all know that, but If you know of anything that's similar or tactically better please tell me because I am really getting sucked into these kinds of war games thanks to BFC.:)They are excellent battle puzzles to wrap your head around.

  13. Finished the 6th mission Aleppo International.

    This mission was very cinematic for me around the Mosque and the Mosque firefight dominated most of my attention, making me forget about advancing the other Brit forces that were NW.Even though time ran out for me, 1hour like you have it, is probably enough time to secure a victory in this mission.I got distracted and was not fast enough, so I suffered a tactical defeat.

    At the North West set up zone,4th Vehicle that has 1st Section mounted in it, is outside of the set up zone.All the other forces can be moved freely in the set up zone except for the one, he's just one tile shy from being in the set up zone.



    The Brits in the NW set up zone basically moved and cleared the urban area they were in and remained there for the majority of the mission.They would see a lot of action themselves, occasionally getting into firefights with enemy scattered around in the airport compound.The FO's,C2's,Javelin and Sniper teams would occupy the roof tops of the buildings that had good cover on them.From there they would Snipe,Mortar,fire Jav missiles and call in support assets throughout the game while the main British rifle squads pinned down any enemy from the top floors of the buildings they were in.Then the vehicles would knock down walls and fire on the enemy buildings.The NW Brit forces suffered no casualties throughout this mission.Except for a vehicle that was destroyed.

    Picture below is of a Syrian squad getting caught running in the open.The one Syrian was lucky as a vehicle round simulated a perfect field goal between his head and RPG.His Luck would soon run out.


    Over at the Mosque area and the British forces there, the plan was to have the Engineers occupy the top floors of various buildings that were located East of the Mosque beside the road the Brits started on.From there they had good LOS with the Mosque area.The British Platoon that would later reinforce the area would then try to move North past the Engineers position and swing around to the West and get eyes on the Mosque area as well as the airport.They would have been sandwiched between the enemy near the Mosque and at the airport, but they had a wall to guard them while they cleared enemy from the lower floors in buildings as well as Brit vehicles ready to shoot any enemy quickly that fires form the airport.The Javelins were put on the top floors of 2 buildings and from there they would take out 2 BMP-3's and some technical vehicles while also putting a few into the airport and exhausting most of their ammo.

    Looking back it would have been better to sweep the Mosque area from the South, but I was attempting to bypass the city fighting and get decisively engaged with the airport to weaken its defenses so the NW forces could capture it.I ended up getting stuck trying to save some downed men on the road that past the front of the Mosque.

    The engineers were set up and the British Plt was moving from building to building while throwing smoke to cover their movements when they crossed big open areas. A Recce Section now occupied a 2nd floor building that is able to see all the Airport compound as well as the Mosque area.They identified some technicals and Artillery was called to destroy them.Everything was going good and according to plan as the Brit Plt was starting to shift West to get eyes on the Mosque area.Two Warrior vehicles also accompanied them and kept themselves behind buildings to block RPG fire from the airport.Here's where some Airborne Syrians at the Mosque decided to show themselves.They fired an RPG hitting one of the Warriors that was moving with the Brits Plt.It survived the hit and the Recce Section saw who shot it.The Warrior did not have good LOS with the enemy in the Mosque so the Recce Section attempted to pin them down.As the Recce Section was pinning the enemy down and the warrior moved up to get LOS on the Syrian position in the Mosque,the Recce Section took an RPG hit from the airport and killed 1 Brit soldier and severely wounding another as well as injuring 2 more men.The recce squad broke their area fire and hid down to give buddy aid to their fellow Brits and to avoid any other RPG fire.The enemy was identified in the airport area and Vehicles began to spray them with heavy area fire.At this point the Warrior that took the RPG hit from the Mosque took another one as it moved and was damaged, but still operational.It was now in good LOS and continued to lay area fire on the enemy in the Mosque.The enemy Airborne in the Mosque had very good cover.Due to the angle, There was only 1 window for them to shoot out of and only one window that area fire could be placed on.It made it very hard to kill them and they put up fierce resistance the whole time and was very hard to tell what damage was being done to them.

    Here's where everything went completely chaotic and got very cinematic for me with constant hair raising cool moments.In an attempt to cross the road that goes in front of the Mosque, a Brits Section was ordered to throw smoke then wait 15 seconds and then assault across the street into a building.Where they would take over area fire on the enemy in Mosque.As the order was carried out I must have missed timed something because the Brits did not throw smoke to cover their movement and assaulted across the road.The second their boots hit the road massive volumes of enemy AK fire broke out.2 British Soldiers went down from AK fire.One was dead and the other lay wounded in the open in the middle of the road under enormous fire.The other British troops of that squad managed to quickly get back into the building they were originally in.From there they were far from safe and they started taking heavy fire and another British troop went down KIA.There's now 4 Brits left in the Section and 2 have become wounded also while a 5th Brit lays severely wounded on the road.

    (In a previous game I noticed that Friendlies who were severely wounded on the ground WIA could still be Killed by bullets.If a bullet hits a man who is WIA, it will turn him Into KIA.So getting that British troop who was WIA on the road was very important to me and turned into a mission on its own,because I did not want to see him killed)

    The situation is severe and a Brits Section is on the verge of being completely wiped out, action needed to be taken quickly.The engineers who had eyes on the Mosque area saw 2 enemy locations in 2 separate buildings NW of the Mosque.From where they were, they continued to lay area fire on the enemy positions that were firing, but was not able to pin them down completely.2 Warrior vehicles were quickly ordered to position themselves between the enemy and the downed Brits on the road and to lay area fire on the enemy locations while another Brit Section moves to help the 4 remaining Brits who are pinned down in a house to try and give them more fire power.At this time 3 enemy locations are discovered and engaged.While a few Brits were attempting to get at the men down on the road, 3 rpgs were launched very quickly one after the other and destroyed one of the Warriors sheltering the Brits who are down on the road.One crew member was severely wounded and now everyone is in danger of ammo cooking off.In a matter of seconds the Syrians reveled themselves in two more locations and now started to gain firepower superiority over the Brits.

    Picture below is just after the Warrior got taken out by 3 RPG's and the two downed British troops.


    It was now a fight in a bottleneck zone with Syrians having 5 separate firing locations unloading around the British 1 location in the house as well as some engineer locations.More Brits men got wounded and the situation was starting to look very bad.1st and 2nd Section were fighting for their lives in the house and 3rd Section was trying to maneuver to flank from the North and they themselves also got into a separate firefight and were unable to relieve the intense fire on the 2 British sections in the house.Another vehicle was ordered up to take up positions in front of the Brits under fire in the house.The one Warrior that was still active was Firing everywhere he could at once in an attempt to pin the enemy.When the second Warrior arrived and relieved the heavy fire on the house, some Brits after a few failed attempts, were finally able to get at the dead and wounded on the road and safely give them buddy aid while hoping that the destroyed vehicle wouldn't produce any explosions.Vehicles from the Brits in the NW were ordered to stretch themselves out along the Highway that is on the west end of the area of operation and to also lay fire down on the enemy around the Mosque.They could only use light area fire because with the heavy area fire some rounds went through the buildings across town and narrowly missed their own men who are in enough trouble as is.

    The Brits start to gain momentum and are able to get to the dead and wounded on road while under cover fire from vehicles.The crew from the Warrior that's destroyed gave buddy aid while the 4 remaining brits in the 0ne Section covered them also.


    3rd Section was now able to flank from the north due to the vehicle area fire from the highway and were now able to gain some kind of advantage on the Syrians around the Mosque.The Mosque was very well fortified and gave the enemy very good cover.The amount of fire constantly going into the Mosque at all times from all angles was incredible and intense and insane.The Brits must have put well over 2000 rounds into that Mosque as they fired at it for about 45 minutes straight.The enemy Airborne simply would not go down and were very tough.Eventually some enemy were shot down by 3rd Section as the tried to get out the back way and the situation was not fully under control,but the Brits did now dominate the scene for the first time and the 5(there were a couple more enemy locations also, but not concentrated like the 5) Syrian enemy locations that were shooting near the Mosque were reduced to 2 being in the Mosque.

    Picture below is of a vehicle who was on the highway.They received a lot of RPG fire and 1 vehicle was disabled and the crew manage to survive and take cover from enemy fire on the other side of the vehicle.This vehicle was beside it and the enemy took an incredible RPG shot that went under the Warrior,hitting his rear right track.They survived and the vehicle was immobilized but still it the fight for the remainder of them mission.


    When this was getting close to being resolved I looked at the time and I completely forgot about giving orders to the NW forces to proceed.Time was very low and I was not able to get to the Objectives, but watching the events unfold was one massive cool moment for about 40 minutes.Even though I did not get the objectives I was very satisfied with this mission.There is nothing I would change in this mission.It was an awesome firefight around the Mosque and that was the first time I clashed with Syrian Airborne.Seemed like they launched m203s just as quick as the Brits in some situations.I couldn't understand what these little explosions were as all this chaos unfolded.One thing i did notice and I think it was mentioned previously,was that IED's never went off.I rolled over one of them and I only killed the trigger man at the Mosque later,so I was lucky because it would have taken out the reinforcing Warrior heading to cover the Brits from the Mosque area and would have made a bad situation worse.

    Near the end it seemed like the airport also got a little tougher.Did enemies spawn there?

    Great mission and I think it's good how it is.I always did like airport missions.The one frustrating thing that plagued me was the cobras.After calling them in and waiting for them to get to the area to area target, it seemed like the only thing they would want to really shoot is the parked cars.They would shoot them then say the were done and there would be enemy on rooftops completely exposed and it was obvious they were there but cobras often would ignore them.I constantly called them in and the rocket fire on the Airport put on quite a show.

    EDIT:Forgot to mention that another British soldier would also get WIA on the same road as the others.The one Brit that was dead and the one that was wounded were evacuated, but after another Brit was hit and then safely evacuated as well after a lot of suppressive fire.

  14. WOW, I can't believe I didn't see this trick sooner.What a game changer and a blessing that this trick is in game.Works out perfectly so far.No more constant pausing or wasting time with selecting and telling teams to cease area fire.

    On ridge lines or terrain edges the troops stay in place how they are when giving the area fire command with pause for X amount of time,then slow move on the same terrain tile with the facing order.They don't even flinch and that keeps them in good cover.Same with MG's.When they are deployed you can do the same routine,but don't give them a deploy order after you tell them to move and face on the same terrain tile.After about 5 seconds he quickly redeploys his MG without moving.

    In buildings when the same thing is done (except now I learned to use the quick command,it's better in this case),the troops finish their shots and then move to a new position in the same room, which I think is perfect.

    Out in the open area, like around trees and bush's when the same thing is done(except here it's better to use the slow command in most cases),the troops cease fire when they finished moving to another cover spot and that also works out perfectly.

    The suggestion YankeeDog made about stacking the waypoints I think is a brilliant idea.You would definitely be able to suppress different enemy locations without the troops leaving the room or having to micro manage the area fire.With vehicles this is already a breeze and I done it a few times with excellent results.Couldn't do it with soldiers, but if you could, that would be off the chains, straight up, wild(that's a good thing).:)It now leaves me with some spectator time to enjoy the firefights.

  15. For the 4th mission the troop level is fine, but maybe you can mix up or replace the Jackal vehicles with Spartan's and Bulldogs.The Jackals have MGs and can suppress buildings, but because they have little armour(they barely even have doors)they get gunned down very easy in close quarters urban combat.Assaulting or raiding a downtown area with Jackals would be suicide, especially when there's APC's available.Imaging if they only had Jackals in the situation Black Hawk Down in Somalia(I now it wasn't the Brits there, but I'm just using it as an example), that would be a very nasty outcome, like the outcome I got.I would also advise putting the time up a bit(unless heavier vehicles are put in then a fast rush could possibly be done), because the SAS are known for doing their missions quickly and being on a tight schedule, but not if it's known to lead to slaughter,at least I hope not or there would be hatred towards the leadership and mutinies and scandals as well.The firefights always dictate the momentum of the battle and if the resistance is fierce then it will have to take more time to get to the objective.An in and out job would be nice, but I think that would only work with a few enemies.When there's many enemies in hard angles in urban areas, firefights will bog the player down unless he really doesn't care about casualties.

    My play style has molded into a way where I will try to keep the casualties low as possible.For me, this now dominates the time limit that's set, so people who revolve around the time limit might have different feedback.I always try to advance as fast as can be possible,but the One thing I never liked was the rush of that clock in this game, so I will always advocate for more time in certain missions, but at the same time I will also try to be realistic in suggesting the time limit in knowing what the intentions are of the mission maker.I just don't want the mission to be a joy kill for others who are like me and feel the same way about the time limit as I do and I suspect there are many like me who do not like the rush of that little ticker.It does give the feeling of a general breathing down your neck telling you to keep moving in some missions,but generally that feeling goes out the window after a while and in some cases my reply would be 'after you general' or 'I will not lead the men into your pointless self slaughter' :P.Maybe that would make me a good soldier or maybe a bad one,but mostly (if not all the time) I don't feel the need to sacrifice a few good pixel men just so the situation ends 10-20 minutes earlier,unless of coarse a nuke or something big is about to go off or happen, then by all means advance at all cost's:).

    Same deal as before though,no love loss no matter what you decide;).Some may share in my opinion and some not, doesn't matter, they all amounted to fun and enjoyable missions anyways.:D

    I downloaded the other 3 missions you posted and I managed to finish the 6th mission Aleppo International that have the Syrian Airborne.Very Awesome firefight, but unfortunately time ran out for me.I no doubt could have moved faster in some areas and I did leave some platoons static for a while without moving them closer to their objectives and I definitely could have moved faster with the forces that started off in the North West, but in this mission getting some casualties out of some very tough spots is what really bogged me down and kept my attention while time was ticking away.It turned out to be a very interesting and fierce fight around the Mosque that took most of my attention because the situation was intense and I really did not want to miss the action that was taking place.

    I'll eventually get around to posting the results with a few comments later, but that's it for me this day.Don't think there would be anything to change in the airport mission. I personally don't think there's any bad airport mission out there, airport missions are usually some of the funnest missions to be played and this one was very fun in my opinion.:)

  16. But sometimes an RPG gunner just gets lucky and drops a rocket right in the middle of one of my squads before he dies. Never seems to happen when I play Red, but happens all the time when I'm playing Blue....

    I share in that one.Especially when it comes to tanks.The red guys usually (not always) nail mine with the first RPG shot disabling my tanks, but when it's the other way around it takes 3-4 RPGs to disable a blue tank.Figure that out.Dumb luck I guess.

    In example 2,

    In some cases you have some brave foe who chooses to stick his neck out and risk taking the shot.Sometimes he gets lucky and saves himself as well as his fellow soldiers and sometimes he gets mowed down before the shot goes off.It's a hair raising moment when you see your own troops doing the same thing.Sometimes it plays out as a heroic moment that the pixel troop did to save the day for his team, sometimes it turns out to be a disaster that costs more pixel lives to be lost.I always found that rooftops gave me more casualties and it was best to keep special units(Sniper,FO,C2,Recon,Jav) on a roof top, unless you practically completely dominate the high ground view with many eyes and guns.Rooftop shoot outs can be deadly when explosives go off and whoever can release quickly the most volume of rockets with grenade fire first, will win.Keep a low profile on roofs or dominate them with a heavy load of eyes and guns that are scattered to cover all angles and the same time.

    EDIT: The sneaky RPG shots I usually fall victim to, are the ones where 2 teams engage each other when spotted, then the firefight quickly stops and no one is shooting until someone launch's an RPG.When it gets quiet fast,It's usually an indicator that a second shoot out will eventually come alive between the 2 teams again,because eventually an RPG will be launched catching the same team they were engaged with off guard.Because of that, if I find a firefight was resolved to quick I put down area fire to make sure I don't catch a sneaky RPG shot..

  17. I don't think anyone has done a AAR for this mission on the forums,but since this thread is up maybe you can do one and post it to let us know how the mission went and hopefully others will do so also as well when finished playing the mission:).

    In turn or regardless if you do post an AAR, I might post one up in this thread also, so we can all look at how people made progress in the mission and maybe the mission designer can see how the populace from all over completed their battle puzzle.:)

  18. I think with all these great names we are coming up with, it makes it harder for BFC to find a great name for themselves to think of so they could avoid the contest and take the credit for being clever at summing up the Western front conflict in few words:).

    Soon enough they will have to pick a name that was mentioned by the community and run with it because we already took all the great names that they wanted to use, or the more names we come up with the smaller BFC's list is going to be until they take the one name that's not scratched off the list that no one mentioned, but yet was obvious as the sky being blue and then claim their free copy of Combat Mission Name Pending.:D

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