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Posts posted by missinginreality

  1. Originally posted by Panzerfest:

    There is a book called 'Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual' which is very detailed and goes into many weapon systems including armour, SP arty, and AT weapons not shown in the movie.

    oh man oh man oh man i gotta get that. Along with some of that Arcturian poontang smile.gif

    Yup Colonial Marines setting would be the go for me.just the right mix of old vs new y'know? And orbital strikes to boot smile.gif hehehehe. As long as AI arty WAD's !

  2. i used to play the boardgame of Aliens after being such a huge fan of the series [though 3 and 4 were a bot of a let down]. What I liked about Aliens [the second one] was the juxtaposition of SF and the marines - like, a funky drop ship combined with a wheeled grungy APC, projectile weapons not beam weapons, basic helmets but sci-fi video coms, simple body armour, that kind of thing. i reckon a marines based thing like this would be fun but also tactical too.

  3. They'd still have a polgon count though even if they were doodads. Curvy surfaces like cars and tractors and things would be especially high. Boxes like shipping containers and sheds would be simple and not add to the count so much having only six faces but even a simple low res wheel would have to have at least 32 polys not even taking into account the bodywork so even if the static vehicles aren't moving or useable except as cover they'd still proportionally add to the poly count of the game.

    Edit..PS and then there's the texture's ontop of that: again even static objects like doodads count to the load on the graphics card. The humble pick-up textures are around 4.5Mb uncompressed texture files so for each different vehicle that's another wad of texture memory being processed too.

    Still, all that said it'd be great to have the option of adding in more static civilian vehicles, especially big things like trucks would make awesome cover and eye candy too.

  4. Yes at times I notice significant slow down periods; specifically I can remember the campaign abandoned airfield map - had artillery, a few smoking vehicles and a big firefight going on and the MG rounds were sounding every second or so on WEGO and the clock was running about half speed.

    Running Intel Centrino Duo T7100 1.8 Ghz

    2Gb RM

    Vista Home Premium

    Nvidia GeForce 8400M GS Driver 22/05/07

  5. Hmmmm, much chin stroking and sage-like nodding..well, I WAS sure about it but a niggling doubt nagged at me after FightingSeabee's post so did more testing and found an interesting thing re small arcs.

    I moved a squad around a corner towards an Opfor squad. HUNT command, short arc. Yes they definitely spotted all the Opfor units outside of the arc, the small target arc kept them from engaging BUT the small target arc also kept them from responding as per HUNT so they just kept on walking, not engaging the enemy outside their target arc nor stopping so it all ended very ugly.

  6. Ha. It's funny you should bring that up coz I was playing a small-action scenario last night, little village up in the mountains, predawn probe, no wind and 2 of my strykers popped of smoke under retreat and for minutes i couldn't see a thing unless i was locked to the units and even then couldn't see where they needed to go. Momentarily annoying then i realised just how intense and real this made it all; thick brown smoke, gunfire going off, guys running madly around not knowing which ways was up; best thing to do was sit tight and HIDE for a while until I got my bearings. yes it made things a lot harder to see and order but as gibsonm said, isn't that the whole idea?

  7. Hey TC, I'm curious what you said about photoshop not working with Alpha's and GIMP can coz a bit back we were talking about Alpha's on windows bmp files and someone wasn't able to edit Alpha channels with GIMP. Tho I've never had a problem with Photoshop. Do you mean you can't see the channel in Photoshop or can't edit/save it with the .bmp?

  8. If you've installed 1.06 you'll see a folder in the main combat mission directory called ModTools, in there is a read me file which explains it all.

    [if you're running Vista the rezexplode and rezpack are hidden away in your virtual store folder -Users/username/appdata/local/virtualstore/programfiles/cmsf/]

    run rezexplode and it'll make a series of directories in the rezexplode folder full of things.

    under the bmp/textures folder you'll find images which you can edit and save into a new folder in the main game/data folder. Follow the naming conventions of the files and make sure the new folder you make is the highest alphabetically in the data folder i.e call it Z.

    Then search for Mod on the forum and you'll find heaps of advice on sequential numbering of things like buildings and uniforms and stuff.

    Just play around with your own ideas till you get something you like.

    Someone also gave a sage piece of advice when retexturing stuff is to build a grid map over the texture then take screenshots so you can see which bits of texture correspond to the model, that really helps.

    Good luck and hope you have fun.

  9. Am concurring with Darkmage & FightingSeabee here that Hunt is pretty much an advance to contact routine especially if used with a selective target arc. Especially since 1.06 Hunt with an arc provides good intuition to WEGO orders.

    edit.. ohp, sorry I just read the "hold fire" bit which would cover the hunt and hide option which i shall now, to make up for my overzealous and unfounded concurring, dutifully go and test smile.gif

    edit2.. excuse the crumbs from humble pie; having playtested numerous options there is no actual "advance to contact then hold fire" possible. Which is a pity coz it would be most useful. The short target-arc effectively limits the search aspect of the HUNT so the units hunting don't spot until they reach the target arc. And whilst Hunt works really well, the units Hunting will stop and go to ground immediately but will, even if given a HIDE order, open fire.

    [ February 25, 2008, 03:22 AM: Message edited by: missinginreality ]

  10. Might I humbly ask what the issue is? As in, why can't AI artillery drop mid-game? Surely if the AI can make reinforcement units appear at a designated point at a designated time it can do the same with artillery? Even if it's just a simple unloading of all they've got onto the painted support areas in order? I realise there needs to be an FO or similar in LOS but could this not be fudged in the same way that the opening bombardment just slaps down at a predesignated point on oopening surely the time could be changed to something user-definable?

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