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Everything posted by ReichElite

  1. Can someone do me a favor and help me extracting the following files? SFS extractor can't recognize the data.sfs on my PC. I urgently need these TOW2 files, please I wish someone could extract them and mail to reichelite@yahoo.com.cn. Thanks. data\local\en\ammo.utf8 data\local\en\award_desc.utf8 data\local\en\awards.utf8 data\local\en\credits.utf8 data\local\en\encdescription_armoredcar.utf8 data\local\en\encdescription_artillery.utf8 data\local\en\encdescription_car.utf8 data\local\en\encdescription_flak.utf8 data\local\en\encdescription_hmg.utf8 data\local\en\encdescription_spg.utf8 data\local\en\encdescription_tanks.utf8 data\local\en\epilogue.utf8 data\local\en\guns.utf8 data\local\en\hkeys.utf8 data\local\en\items.utf8 data\local\en\messages.utf8 data\local\en\months.utf8 data\local\en\names.utf8 data\local\en\ranks.utf8 data\local\en\skills_desc.utf8 data\local\en\strings.utf8 data\local\en\tips.utf8 data\local\en\units.utf8 data\Local\VK\VK.properties data\Local\VK\VK_EN.properties
  2. Yeah Italy. Monte Cassino would be a great scenario as now you can actually go into buildings.
  3. If you don't feel like enjoying this kind of playing, you don't need to buy it. No amount of our suggestions could change your game experience, isn't it? And if you are seeking something for a change, then this game is a good start.
  4. Totally 15 missions, I remember TOW1 has 10+ missions in each three main factions. I guess a great number of mission packs and expansion packs are waiting in the queue...
  5. Well, the modding could begin as soon as the new filelist is released.
  6. Oh, well, can you take some notice on how long we can keep those captured equipments (arty, vehicle)? One battle? Two battles?
  7. After installing the uberpatch, my mission editor won't launch as it said "Culture name XX is not supported, Parameter name: name". Tried to use Applocale to launch and no luck. Anyone come up with this?
  8. Thank you Dr.Jones, this one works nice! Great to have you guys helping here! ^o^ Another question, what format should I save them into afer PS works? TGA?
  9. I have send email to your address indicated on forum. In case you failed to receive it, you can send email to the following address: reichelite@yahoo.com.cn And thank you very much. Hope it works this time.^^
  10. Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process ID=0xe18 (3608) Thread ID=0x820 (2080) That's what came up when I tried to start the program with Slovenia language in AppLocale. Those IDs differed each time. For other languages like English, the program was terminated by Windows before it even started.
  11. Nice to see you here, Dr. The Mission Editor works fine on my PC while IMFViewer keeps crashing, weird hmm? I found out this program was from Slovenia and I tried to used MS AppLocale to run it, this time it didn't crash at the start but still end up with an "execption that couldn't handle". I'm eager to known if there is any other way to convert IMF files? It seemed to be long before I could get Viewer working.
  12. It seemed IMFViewer would never work on my computer. It crashed every time when I started it. I knew my OS was non-English version, so I upgraded DX, shifted language and made sure it was in right folder but still no luck. Any way to make other TGAs editable without the Viewer?
  13. Hi Jochem, nice work for the new GUI! I'm now concentrating on GUI modding too, I'd like to ask where the textures of GUI are located? Are they those TGAs under data/gui/FrontEnd? If they are, how can I edit them? My PS with DDS plugins failed to even view them. Much appreciations and happy new year!
  14. In 1st German mission Mokra I modified mission.xml and turned a Pz IVC to Tiger. Yes it appeared on the map,but its main gun was unoperatable,gun icon was gray,and ammo shows 0.You can try changeing a panzer code to Tiger in the 1st mission and see if it's operatable.
  15. In the RAR package I downloaded there was not such a file inside. Is it intergrated with Extractor or is it no longer needed? Anyway, some files in SFS packages can't be extracted for they are not in the list, and I don't know how to add them.
  16. No body knows? I was told that it is in extractor's location, but I didn't see it. Am I supposed to create one or it was intergrated into extractor in version2.0?
  17. Sdkfz 251 should also hold 10 people, german squad usually contains 10 people, why did they reduce the capacity to 6? I think this problem needs modification on 3D model and that will be too difficult for me. Waitting for someone good at it.
  18. I can't find filelist.txt for Extractor v2.0.Not under MissionEditor Folder and not with the extractor itself.
  19. And thank you Sneaksie, too happy and forgot it
  20. FINALLY IT'S WORKINNNNNGGGGG! After I changed the Name and Job of Passenger 1 to "Passenger", and corrected the ones for Passenger 9 and 10 to "Passenger9" and "Passenger10", M3 now can hold 10 lucky bast**ds! I didnt link Passenger 9 to any part, so I guess it's count for damage calculation. No doubt, another one in the Bug List. Did I mention that? I'm using UK version.
  21. I rechecked the original code and found out Passenger 1, 9 and 10 were all incorrectly coded, then only 7 soldiers could be onboard. Now I admire those coders, they managed to get this game working with weird codes.
  22. Well, the code is supposed to be right, but after correction and entering the game, the entire car was vaporized! :eek: It didn't even show up! And game was unstable. Did they also remove the places for the remaining soldiers in 3D model or there is something to do with the GUI?
  23. But even so there still should be 9 passengers isnt it? Why 8?
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