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Posts posted by Dietrich

  1. I have better things to do with my time than worry about something I hate...I'd rather listen to and talk about bands I love.

    Sadly, many folks would disagree. High school teaches folks that. When you bring up something you like, you open yourself to being mocked and ridiculed, and such mockery/ridicule feeds on itself. When you bring up something you hate, others can jump on bandwagon-style and concur, à la "oh yeah, I hate that...", "you're right, that sucks", and so forth. Hence the (seemingly) greater prevalence of folks spending more time bitching/ridiculing than lauding/encouraging.

    Negativity is cooler than its opposite, because one of the easiest ways to make yourself look good is to make others look bad.

  2. reminds me of that gigantic German named thing that shot the anti infantry stuff in CMX1... gebelfraggenhousenshootinwackenmennan... or what ever it was called.

    Ummm... do you perhaps mean the Nahverteidigungswaffe?

    In CMx1 I dug seeing those thingies suppress and even drive enemy pixeltruppen from around my pixelkätzchen. I look forward to seeing how they're simulated (which probably won't be very much less abstracted than in CMx1) in CM:N.

  3. Besides, the Leopard 2A6 is the Tiger tank of today. ;)

    So other modern western tanks are Pershing equivalents, and Pershing was better tank than a Tiger. :cool:

    So the Leopard 2A6 is prone to breakdowns, is underpowered, is only effective against comparatively obsolescent tanks, and is too expensive to produce in sufficient numbers? Well, ya learn something every day. :P

    In any case, my original comment about the Leopard 2 was not some sort of thinly veiled attempt to start a "which is the best MBT in use today?" argument. It was merely a joke! :o

    And this is all from tank maniac. ;-P

    I should have known better than to make any statement (however jestfully) about any modern tank....

  4. does anybody know whether Nato will usher in a new version 1.22?

    If the Marines module introduced v1.10 and the British module introduced v1.20, I think it's a safe bet that the NATO module will introduce v1.30.

    (edit: Too slow, Dietrich, too slow! :P)

    if so what's likely to have been tweaked?

    Sure, it's a minor thing, but for one, I hope they give the L115A1 (British .338 Lapua Magnum sniper rifle) its own sound file; as of yet, it has the same sound file as the SVD, which is bogus, since the L115A1 is of a different caliber, is bolt-action, and has a suppressor.

    I'm others can make mention of plenty more such things.

  5. What we should all be doing is bitching like little girls that there were no Tiger Tanks posted in the German Forces video!

    It's not little girls who bitch about the absence (or presence) of Tiger tanks in wargames, but rather troglodytic middle-aged men who do that. :P

    Besides, the Leopard 2A6 is the Tiger tank of today. ;)

  6. In CM terms the Milan's minimum 400m range is a bit of handicap, from my experience trying to use the AT-3 with minimum range of 500m. Quite frustrating when the scenario gives you some of these toys, and then you find because of the available ranges of the map that you can't use them.

    Take note scenario designers!

    Is it just me, or has the average map size of CM:SF scenarios grown rather substantially since the pre-v1.10 days? (I got CM:SF + Marines about the time v1.11 came out.) Big maps may take a few minutes to load, but that's a small price to pay for having a map that doesn't feel a little cramped. Granted, not all scenarios are reinforced-company-sized combined-arms brawls, as well they shouldn't be.

  7. The town names all sound familiar now: At Tanf, Tadmur, Ash Shammas, Tartus, Hims, Al Hasakah, Aleppo, Aadra. Even the 'Bagdad Cafe' chain of highway restaurants! If it weren't for all the virtual bombs dropped you'd almost think this game was put out the the Syrian ministry of tourism. :D

    Actually, after playing CM:SF (and, correspondingly, after researching the geography and demographics and culture and so forth with a view to making verisimilitudinous scenarios), I actually kinda like Syria. Contrary to the jingoistic and insulting assertions that those who play CM:SF do so simply out of a desire to "make 1 minute war dramas about Johnny Jarhead killing Jimmy Jihad".

  8. I split squads up and give the overwatching split teams Target Light fire commands while the assault team approaches the building, often using infantry-placed smoke to boot. But I don't just rush the assault team in there. I stop them outside the door and give them a Target Light command for a few seconds and then go in.

    When did I say I didn't provide cover fire when assaulting?


    When you say covering fire, do you mean suppressing fire? Because having overwatch units standing by to deliver fire on enemy units that suddenly appear (often after they've inflicted casualties on the actual assault element) is not the same as delivering suppressive fire on suspected enemy positions immediately before and possibly also during the assault.

    The point is here though, that it shouldn't be necessary.

    So basically you're saying that the Assault command should make pixeltruppen move swiftly but with good situational awareness, deliver suppressive fire on whatever location/area corresponds to the waypoint, lob grenades into each building/room before entering, and fire on the move while entering. Am I understanding you correctly?

  9. Contrary to how some like to envision Real Time, I'm not yelling leet speak at the the top of my lungs while clicking on everything as fast possible, building more workers to gather crystals, and using hot keys to research my unit powerups.

    "C'mon, XO Team, harvest carbon from that bit of shrubbery! . . . Why aren't you doing it?!?!?!?"*

    *clears throat* Um, yeah, I like real-time. ^_^' But not to the exclusion of WeGo. =)

    * How's that for calm and rational? =P

  10. My favorite feature (accidental or not), is the survivability of infantry. Smashing buildings with heavy artillery and still having firing units from the rubble.

    Ever dropped a GBU/JDAM on a building and taken fire therefrom afterward? Me neither. =P

    "On September 17, 2007, Russian special forces launched an operation in the Dagestani settlement of Novy Sulak....

    Khalilov and Nabiyev probably knew just how to take cover within the building to minimize the effects of the multiple rockets fired at/into the building.

    Reminds me of the various and numerous handful-of-men-tying-down-an-entire-company-for-hours incidents that went down in Operation Barbarossa.

    If it were a warzone, I suppose those "several hundred heavily-armed troops" would have just called in a KAB-500KR on the building and then moved on. Then again, if it were an actual warzone, I suppose Khalilov and Nabiyev wouldn't have hung around to get cornered.

  11. Sure there's a learning curve, but don't tell me you only play against the AI in CM? If you do, I pray for your soul :P.

    I do, and I still find it challenging. =P

    It's very hard for the first month or so, you'll be getting shot over and over by people you have no clue where they are... And you'll suck at bolt rifle shooting for a while... but you'll get it eventually. And kills in this game are much more satisfying than say COD, or Battlefield because they're HARD to make. (unless you got a PPSh at point blank range, but then you're at a huge disadvantage at ranges over 100 meters).

    It's not any sort of learning curve irks me, it's the experience I've had in other FPS games (I've played CoD4 online the most, but I've also played America's Army 2 & 3 and MoH) that guys on one's same side will blithely kill you out of malice or carelessness or both. (And then, of course, there's cheating.) Actually, the things you enumerate are things I would indeed like about the game.

    In any case, thanks much for the recommendation. =)

  12. Before this thread gets locked for becoming too highly charged, let me state that when playing CM:SF or any other wargame, I purposely avoid thinking in terms of politics or ideology or in terms of who really are the "bad guys". I try to have the mindset of a professional soldier, whether that soldier is American, Syrian, German, or whatever. Sure, I play mostly Blue, but that's not because I think Westerners are "good"-er than Syrians -- I just dig playing the force that has the best "toys" and has well-developed strategic/tactical doctrine. Even so, I certainly enjoy the occasion Red-versus-Red scenario.

  13. I reckon the percentage of good scenarios will be greater with CM:N, both because of the greater interest in CM:N and because of the greater experience with the CMx2 editor since its creation. However, many who end up designing scenarios for CM:N (the 3rd-party folks, that is) will find the learning curve fairly steep, what with the little if any experience they have with the CMx2 editor, since many (if not most) of them skipped over CM:SF.

  14. So how do you guys use your helicopters?

    In general, I use helos to inflict damage on the enemy before my pixeltruppen get within LOS/LOF. If provided rotary-wing CAS at the outset, I often assign max-radius target orders to areas where I figure the enemy is lurking. If not provided helos until later in a scenario, I usually assign fairly wide area-target orders so that they help clear a path to the objective and/or bring fire to bear on targets at the objective.

    Whereas a helo won't fire if it has no target, sometimes a fixed-wing air asset will make an attack run on a specific target (i.e., not with area-target orders) but not deliver any ordinance, even though the ammo counter goes down. This tends to be rather frustrating, especially if the air asset in question carries few bombs/missiles to begin with. It's great to be able to deliver an LGB/JDAM on a target, but helos tend to be more efficient with their ordinance.

    The next time I play, "UK It Ain't Half Hot, Mum", I'll be sure to keep in mind what you pointed out above, PT. =)

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