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Posts posted by Dietrich

  1. In CMSF, the time Blue has available to achieve its objectives is never long enough to wait for a B-52 to arrive overhead and conveniently rain JDAMs. *shrug*

    For what it's worth, just because I'm American and play Blue 99% of the time doesn't mean I'm profligate with the firepower available to me, at least not the firepower of the civilian-building-obliterating sort.

  2. I'm not making any conclusions, nor do i talk about any "hero code", im just talking about individuality. And how much immersion adds the fact that soldiers aren't robots and can act differently under same circumstances.

    It's not at all unusual to see most of a squad cowering in their corners while one guy continues to engage the enemy. And conversely it is not unusual to see a few guys in the squad who are more prone to hiding in combat.

    What was that line (likely borrowed) in the old SL rulebook? The difference between a hero and a fool is all too frequently determined by a well-aimed shot.

    As per a post by Meach at little under two years ago:

    Just had a battle and a US infantry marksman with a scoped M4 stood up, totally ignored incoming AK and SVD rounds, aimed for about 5 seconds and put a round right thru the throat of the enemy sniper. The rest of his squad were in the fetal position praying and wishing they joined the admin section.

    This guy must have had ice-water in his veins. I honestly thought 'he's so gonna get lead poisoning any second now" but no. I hasten to add the shot was at 319m. After he took the shot he calmly took a knee and reloaded. His comment to his buddies would probably been along the lines of "Fk'n, pussies" I was totally immersed and was watching zoomed in. I swear I was holding my breath as he squeezed off his shot.

    So yeah, there's already provision (in CMx2) for hero-ish moments/actions.

  3. the sniper would have appropriate camo (the game should assume that), spread a cover on the ground in fromt of his muzzle to mitigate dust etc.

    But what about a scenario in which a sniper team is in on foot or in a vehicle in the setup zone, rather than already in position? Rare is the scenario where a sniper team (less infrequently a scout team) is already placed in a lying-up position, presumably having stalked to that place the night before and observing the "area of interest".

    Please understand, Erwin, that I'm not disagreeing with you per se. I'd certainly like it if scout teams and sniper teams performed better than they do. However, (1) I doubt it's reasonable to expect any adjustments thereto until CM:SF 2 and (2) I personally have achieved reasonably good results—good observation, not losing units inordinately, etc.—with scout teams and sniper teams as they already are simply by applying what I understand to be real-world tactics.

    I do agree, though, that a sniper (team) that is already in position at the start of a scenario should have boosted spotting capability and increased accuracy until it moves from the place in which it began the scenario.

  4. Would that a veteran scenario designer could comment on this, but I believe the way to penalize Blue for failing to rescue the prisoners would be to assign Red a Unit Objective "attached" to the prisoner units so that if they get killed, Red gets points.

    Also, representing the prisoners by Spy units could be tricky, since they'll disappear (and thus be unable to actually get rescued) as soon as Red spots them. I haven't yet tested this myself, but I had the idea of using Uncon Forward Observers in place of Spies, since I believe they don't disapppear when spotted.

  5. My two bits (two cents adjusted for inflation):

    Well, there's elite, and then there's elite. I would expect a USMC Force Recon scout or a SEAL sniper to be more "elite" than, say, a regular US Army scout or sniper. But within the same branch, such as the US Army, I would expect a scout or a sniper to be more "elite" than a rifleman or machine-gunner.

  6. will the game allow us to use bazooka/panzerfaust type weapons against infantry and buildings?

    Since such is allowed in CM:SF, a CMx2 game, it's perfectly reasonable to reckon that such will likewise be allowed in CM:BN, also a CMx2 game.

    Caveat: I'm no beta tester, and I can't claim to have the encyclopedic knowledge about ETO tactics and weapons-wielding like others on these boards have; but I don't see why BFC would disallow using anti-armor weapons against non-armor targets.

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