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baron Jacquinot

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Posts posted by baron Jacquinot

  1. . I mean come on, the Soviet's lost 30 million people total in WW2.

    Soviets lost 8 668 400 soldiers and 26,6 millions of all civilians and soldiers, but many of these people might die before 1941, from genocide that implement Trotsky and his band of Zionists, the Soviet leadership was certainly beneficial to all write off to war with the Germans, to not discredit the Communist Party

  2. But did they have anything that could stand up to the P-51?

    The war had already proven to be a war of attrition. Also the Russians had already lost 8 to 10 million men - America lost 418K both fronts. How many more men could Russia afford to lose?

    Of course because war going on Russian side, if war be in US, US will lost 10 millions.

  3. Finally, I'd like to point out, that you really have no right to say 'neger' or use words like that. I for one, am white, but what would you know about black people one way or the other? Last time I checked there were about 5 blacks in Russia and they're probably all in the US embassy, or an African embassy. You wouldn't know the first thing about it.

    In Moscow many black students from Africa, and one time I saw black homeless person on Moscow street, like in Bronks or somewhere in US. I like word nigger, and I use much hard word for this... this word not for this forum.

    What I know about blacks? Nothing, because they do NOTHING for civilization! UNDERSTAND? NOTHING! I proud that I white, I proud that I have Russian, West Ukraine and Polish ancestors and I proud to live in Russia, and I don't want that somebody forbid to me say nigger.

    P.S. When niggers would be do with you that's they did with white farmers in Africa don't scream HELP ME!!! You are victim of Liberals)))

  4. Baron, you know you refer to people in America, etc as capitalists, etc.

    I dont know if you understand that here we live in a capitalist country, but most arent inherently capitalistic people, or just greedy or addicted to material. Thats only some people, you should know that in America we're not taught to hate Russia or Russians, or that we should control the world or police things. I only say that because of perceived animosity towards Americans and capitalists, and as an American I think you've just been misinformed about what Americans think or are like. I've also met several Russians, two of which I was friends with. I'm a student of your history and know some things about your country, and I wonder - what do you know about the US?

    What I know about the United States? I think basically what everyone should know about the United States, is something that this country was founded by the Freemasons to be a stronghold of the global shadow government, and the false example of prosperity the capitalist ideology.

    But I know people in US not bad, like everywhere in white countries.

  5. With out a nuclear weapon...Allies will loose

    In Europe yes, but we will see battle for Britain and Soviet invasion on US soil, it would be hard battle for last splinter of west civilization! ;-)

    And at the end we will see how all Europeans, Britons and Americans will be dressed in Ushanka hats, will drink vodka, play the balalaika and of course bears appear everywhere on the streets)))))))

    God bless Soviet Union!!!!!!!!! Uraaaaaaa!!!

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