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Lady Redneck

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Everything posted by Lady Redneck

  1. Amazing the places one can get to while on one's back. My hats off to her and her amazing travel abilities. Takes a certain talent to go through Custom's laying down I am sure. Lady Redneck
  2. You must be hard up if you think Joe is a proper man. How quaint and charming. I guess in your line of work, strong, honest and hardworking men aren't what your used to. But, don't fret we can't have it all. From what I've seen here there aren't to many "manly men" around here except for Abbott. Lady Redneck
  3. I am sure you have hit on them all in some way shape or form. I would have shown up sooner or later. But soon is good enough, it's nice how Patchy gets her kicks altering a photo of my sons. But, what the hell, you seem to think throwing your unmentionables around is classy too. Better get back to your "john" before he unties himself. And you will have to do better then telling me to get lost. Cause it's not gonna happen, Sweetie. Lady Redneck
  4. If I am not mistaken and I am not, You brought me into this, My Dear. I was finished with this thread months ago. It isn't so bad though. I do enjoy a good laugh and that is what you have done. So now let's see some wit and verve you guys are suppose to provide. Cause I haven't seen any as of yet. But, I do admit this is about as funny as Dog: The Bounty Hunter, he's full of himself just like most of y'all are. Lady Redneck
  5. Maybe you have that confused with the music from your wedding perhaps? Rednecks listen to Classic rock. Lady Redneck
  6. I am not from Reno. Is that the best you got? Oh, I am sure you make an excellent living by being a Dominatrix and selling used panties. Lady Redneck
  7. What?? You brought the "race card" into this not me. No worries Bugged your feeble attempt at an insult directed at Abbott didn't even phase him. His opinion is he has known plenty of hookers in Reno and your no different. Lady Redneck
  8. Wow, bringing my heritage into this, how original. Is this how you justify acting like "you gotta pair"? Are you going to start with the "your Momma jokes" next? My parents told me about women like you. Don't you have some of your panties to collect from some of the so called men around here? Before your husband wonders why your panty drawer is always empty. Lady Redneck
  9. Bugged, You should get your own house in order before you start talking about me, from what I've seen you've been all over the place. Lady Redneck
  10. Obviously they didn't take enough, since you came back. Michael </font>
  11. Your such an asshat. Did your parents not love you enough?, Or better yet maybe they should have pushed your head underwater while giving you a bath. Lady Redneck
  12. Maybe you should try the more matronly dresses like the Queen of England wears. Because I doubt the cute A-line dresses Audrey Hepburn wore would fit you. And Hello Lady Moraine, good luck on the move and getting settled again. Our other 6 year old grandson has his own .22 cal. rifle, of course being a "little redneck from Oklahoma" he likes Chevy trucks and Hummers too. As for the Ombzies it's always open season on them. Lady Redneck
  13. IQ, age, or the finger you pick your nose with? Lady Redneck </font>
  14. Who'd a thunk it....two "Brokeback Mountain" fans in here eh? </font>
  15. You can get the same effect by just eating a Bran Muffin. Lady Redneck </font>
  16. You can get the same effect by just eating a Bran Muffin. Lady Redneck
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