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Posts posted by GraemeA

  1. Playing USMC FISH, I noticed this behaviour:

    Gave a blast command to enter a building:


    They ran straight through the wall of the building, exiting the building on the other side of the

    wall at a right-angle to the building and then entered the building at the front door.

    (And were shot to pieces in the process).



    My guess is that the behaviour is related in some way to the external wall that runs into

    the building; it is as if they run through a gap in the wall (ignoring the building in the way)

    and then enter the building from the other side.

    (I have a save game if needed, but it is only one move into USMC FISH.)

  2. Playing USMC FISH (Wego) and saving at each turn, when I decided to restart from an earlier position I found that I only had one saved file.

    On first save the prompted name is: F.I.S.H.ing in Garmsir 001, the second one is ...002 etc, but they all seem to be saved as F.I.S.H.bts

    I think it is the periods in the name; remove them e.g. FISHing in Garmrsir 001 etc, and it saves them as separate files as normal.

  3. I hadn't thought about the possibility of an ambush. It is the effect of the distance of the buildings to the crossroads that puzzles me. If the TacAI thought 'ambush', it doesn't really explain the different behaviour in the second and third columns.

    When I saw it first, I thought the closeness of the building to the crossroads (in the 3rd set) caused it turn off the road, because it couldn't turn sharp enough to stay on the road. But in the middle set, it does a very sharp right turn to get back on the road, sharper than it would need to stay on the road in the 3rd set.

  4. I've been struck by some of vehicle paths since the Marines Module and latest patch, so I did some experiments. In the tests shown below the road layout is identical, the vehicle was always given a move command, there are no enemy forces, objectives etc and I have tried to put the waypoints at the same place:


    In the first column, with no buildings near the junction, the lorry does a sharp left turn at the crossroads.

    In the second column, with a building, it doesn't do the sharp left at the crossroads, but does a sharp(ish) left and then sharp right to get back on the road.

    In the third column, with a building nearer the crossroads, it doesn't do any sharp turns at all.

    When I first saw this in a scenario, my first thought was that it was the turning circle of the

    vehicle that caused the behaviour, but the above results suggest that something more is involved. Any ideas?

  5. I gave a Move command to have soldiers leave a building and was surprised when some of them took the quickest route: off the balcony.

    Here are 3 shots taken by Fraps at 1sec intervals:

    Note the soldier on the top balcony to the right:


    Here is again, heading down


    (At least he has the good sense to bend his knees.)

    And finally:


    He has hit the ground running.

    Are they supposed to do this?

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