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Posts posted by SeinfeldRules

  1. If there is a shortage of first hand accounts, what would be some "typical" actions you could expect to see at the company and below level, outside of the larger setpiece battles? Day to day stuff you would see as a grunt in combat that isn't normally mentioned or is taken for granted. The US Army has some fantastic resources on the fight in Europe, that with careful reading can uncover some small unit actions that are summed up in a sentence or two but form exciting 30 minute battles in CM. People are asking for this smaller company level stuff for CMRT, but it's hard to find any material (online) that doesn't focus on the massive setpiece fights of Bagration.

  2. You can't really trick the engine like that, it's gonna display the mini tiles at a small size no matter what the file resolution. In order for it to look better, you actually have to make it less detailed. Think about it, even in reality when you look at something far away you're not seeing the details, but the overall color. I've noticed that when sizing the mini ground tiles, sometimes it's better to drop down from 64x64 to 32x32 or even 16x16. All the details blend together and it creates a more seamless transition.

  3. wow, just with some color tweak ?

    going to Dl these right now and pray you do the same With BN to destroy the "brightness"...

    good work and thanks for sharing...

    Ps : i'm not sad you didn't include new textures at all, i love to stick a maximum to original art from the devs

    I've done the same with all 3 WW2 games in the CMx2 series... in fact the first thing I do when I install a new game is go through the textures and start tweaking the colors! A lot of this mod is based off work I did for CMFI in order to produce a better color palette for that game as well... The CMFI mod will be released before BN, as I don't play BN much at all anymore. I'll get there eventually though!

  4. Hi all,

    I have a new terrain mod for CMRT. Sadly there are no new textures, all of these come from the base game. What I have done however is tweaked the color on most of the tiles in the game, to create a more harmonious color palette. The end result is something I find more aesthetically pleasing then the base game, and allows you to "blend" the different tiles together to create a more realistic representation of fields/plains/farms and such. It is up at CMMODS and is being uploaded to the repository.

    Link: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5312/details

    I recommend using the Desaturated Tree's Mod, Aris Horizons and Kieme's Buildings with this mod. (screenshots do not include these)

    Here are two before/after shots:





  5. Doubtful. I have an extremely bad habit of starting projects and then getting bored after a couple weeks or so and never finishing them. Scenarios can be done relatively quickly, but I don't think I have the patience to do a long, connected campaign like Paper Tiger's excellent stuff. Plus I bounce around between ideas and don't think I could stay focused on one particular campaign/unit for more then a couple scenarios. Thanks for playing my scenarios though! I appreciate all the feedback.

  6. SR, your maps are of exceptional quality.

    Thank you, I take a lot of pride in my work. The map can make or break a scenario for me, so I try to make them as realistic and aesthetically pleasing as possible. In fact sometimes I enjoy making the map more then I do playing the game, the scenarios I put out are just a way for others to enjoy the maps I make!

    Downloaded and playing... well done I am challenged.

    Thanks for these, I will try all your Scenarios. And another thanks for making them for CMFI which needed more user made scenarios and because of this I have sadly been neglecting this excellent theater.

    Oh don't worry, I have 15+ more completed maps that I just need to finish the scenarios for, all for CMFI!

  7. hi,

    i spent my night on this one :D.

    Just finished it with a draw, lost 3 men + 3 wounded versus 19 germans dead and 17 wounded.

    got two houses but not the last one (i'm very (too much ?)cautious...)

    Loved it, and especially loved the ending surprise guest ;)

    Well done, keep the good work

    Do you feel this was a fair result or that you should have gotten something more along the lines of a minor victory?

    I have a couple more scenarios ready for testing but would like some more feedback on the 3 I've put out so far! Thank you for all who downloaded and played these!

  8. I believe the 2" airborne mortar is treated as an individual personal weapon, unlike the weapon of a crew served 3" or 60mm mortar, or even a MMG. Squads won't share ammunition for personal weapons until they're running low it seems, so you probably won't see any of shared 2" ammo unless one unit was low/completely out. The map was created before the latest patch but I've made tweaks here and there since then, so it should be updated correctly.

  9. Hi everyone. Here is another scenario I've made. This time you have a company of Rangers attacking on a 576x320 map. This is a fictional mission based on the 1st SSF's patrols into the Pontine Marshes at Anzio. Hopefully this will be a unique mission on a unique map. I've played through it multiple times, making tweaks here and there - hopefully it's fairly balanced. February 1944, features the GL cold/winter(not the snow) terrain, Allied vs AI only, please let me know what you think!


  10. Hi everyone, I have a mission that needs to be tested. This is the first map/scenario I ever created. It's gone through some revisions between then and now and hopefully I've come up with something decent. Allies vs Axis only. You have 2 platoons of infantry with attachments and need to find and destroy Axis units on a 320x320 map. Requires GL. Have run through it a couple times but need some fresh looks to let me know how it plays. Please let me know what you think!


  11. Hi everyone, I have a new scenario that needs testing. GL required. British paratroopers hunt down a flak battery in Sicily. Allied vs AI only. Should be a small little fight, you have a company of paratroopers on a 560x560 map. Please let me know how it plays, I've only play tested it twice, hopefully it won't be too easy or too hard.


  12. Tanks have ready racks for exactly that reason. Pre fuzed, pre sorted, pre oriented. Loader swivels around, pulls the round he wants out of its slot, swivels back and loads the round, all in one motion if they are well trained. It's all part of the crew drill. The ready rack stands in as the assistant handing the round to the gunner.

    A modern tank but a good example of what a trained loader is capable of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EkJ8dgHy1w

  13. I have noticed this too. When you are trying to give move command to a squad (that takes up two or more action squares) to behind a wall, one action square will be on the desired side of the wall, and the other square will be on the other side. It doesn't do it all the time but I've definitely noticed it. Started happening with this latest patch.

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