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Posts posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. ATGM ambush! Two corsar teams at 1000m:



    This damage was caused by an RPG shot, it destroyed the gun:



    An RPG-7VR rocket was used to destroy this tank, the slat armor absorbed the first shaped charge but the main one managed to reach the engine compartment and cause a catastrophic explosion:



    It took about 3 RPG teams, a dozen or so rockets to destroy this APS equipped T-90AM. All first shots were intercepted by the APS at a range from 100 to 50 meters. Then, the APS must have run out of charges, because the ERA blocks started absorbing hits, on the turret and front hull. A shot reached the exposed gun mantlet but didn't manage to penetrate, a shot destroyed the gun, another one a track. Finally, a brave RPG team flanked the tank and took a good shot.

  2. A few ideas:


    -first of all, if possible, use buildings, US vehicles have excellent thermals, and they will spot any infantry in the woods at less than 1000m (I consider this a bit of an exageration but that's how it is in game now), the buildings will give you much more cover and concealment.


    -try to use more the "hide" command, helps a lot reducing the visibility of your troops.


    -UAVs are a very good choice against US, as they do have a good spotting ability against enemy vehicles, while US have limited AA assets.


    Other than these remember to:

    use high motivated troops, with high training levels, and troops with binoculars.

  3. There's also the possibility to buy one title or title+its modules per time. A new player could start from 1943 and CMFI, then its module, then CMN + British, then Market Garden, to get up to CMRT. Also, you could pick CMSF + modules if you like asymmetric warfare and/or desert setting, or CMBS if you like very modern warfare and temperate setting. There's a lot of game time there.

  4. an L might also look like as a half empty square. or also an empty square. I'll do a couple of variations for the "empty" dot and let you see.


    Ok let's see:


    Blue squares for the crew and:



    White squares (filled) + black dot in White circle (empty)




    White squares (filled) + White X (empty)




    White squares (filled) + White square with black inside (empty)




    White squares (filled) + White L (empty)


  5. Personally I have no plans to change the entire interface, I like the basic color and I'm unsure any drastic change will improve the experience.


    Few tweaks such as this one could be interesting.

    Anyway, concerning different shapes: the problem is that these infamous dots are 6x6, for some reason there's a 7th row left empty, so it's a 6x6 box of pixels, even at medium resolutions they are so tiny I wonder if different shapes could do anything.

  6. I see.

    The problem with the filled square is the filling itself. If it's black or dark grey it will be very hard to recognize it, because the background is of a dark color.

    If it's filled with light grey it won't be much different than the White one, because the dymensions are too small.


    Here is an inverted version, and the blue dots are slightly bigger and of the very same size/shape of the White ones but filled with the original blue color. (vanilla below for comparison).




  7. This is a variation with the dots spotting a bit lighter blue, but with a black dot inside, like for the White passengers ones:




    Could pretty much make the crew dots White too, since they are on the other side of the vehicle, could be a bit confusing though. Or the blue could be lighter, but int hat case it won't be much different from the White.


    This is the original (vanilla) for comparison:




    What's your opinion?

  8. Ok let's try something shall we?


    I followed Jim's suggestion of a dot inside a dot. The shapes are so small that changing them didn't get great results, there are too few pixels to work with.


    White empty squares + White squares with a black dot filler. The empty square means nothing there, the square filled with a dot means there's a man there, besides, that becomes closer to a circle than a square.

    What do you think of this modification of the UI for the passengers on a vehicle?




    Are the crew blue dots a problem too?



    Ian, great site that was! I uploaded this one above and now much better understand the problem! Thanks a lot.

  9. Never got a problem with Explorer, so I can't be of any help, I'll try some tests.


    One possible problem might be that you try to download the older version, which is not deleted. Try to scroll down the first page and download from version2 links.

  10. Looks like firefox has compatibility issues with box.com.


    I have found these guidelines as potential troubleshooters:


    Updating your browser to the latest version

    Clearing your browser's cache

    Using Box with an alternate browser, computer or network

    Temporarily disabling any internet security/firewall programs to test whether they conflict   with Box (note: you may need clearance/assistance from your organization’s IT department/helpdesk to do this)

    Updating Adobe Flash: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html

    Updating Java: http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=1

    Disabling any plugins on your browser


    Downloaded files from Firefox will download in Read Only mode if the download option "Open In" is selected. If you would like to edit the downloaded file, please choose the Save As option when downloading the file.

  11. Compliments, very interesting map.


    There are not many landmarks there (I liked the cattle pens), but it really looks like a piece of open rural land, realistic and large enough to let players do a lot of manouvers (the subtle elevations are essential to counterweight the lack of cover).

  12. I don't know how difficult would be to implement some kind of improvements to the editor and by the way several ideas were scattered in the last years. Once again I put mine on the line: an instrument that lets us save a given size of squares (5x5, 10x10 etc.), with all their elements (terrain, elevation, structures, flavor objects. This would speed things up extremely. Just imagine: you can create a few farms, save each of them, then place them down on any new map, same could go for entire small villages, or a well designed forest etc. etc.

  13. About M1 resistance... I was saving this for something special:




    4 out of 6 precision shots from 152mm guns....

    Don't ask me about the tank status, it wasn't mine. All I can tell is that it was immobilized after the event (at least 1 shot fell in front of it at close distance, prolly Killing the tracks) but still alive.

    Now, I don't know how thick is the armor near that commander's port, or right on top of the gunner's system, or right on top of the CITV, but geesh.

  14. There are quite many Thay T-84 pictures, some like that above, during operational use, some during parades, some during tests in Ukraine and some during the hand-over of the first batch from the factory, none of them shows any kind of APS mounted. Maybe it's ready and able, but there is no picture of a T-84 with such equipment and therefore no operational use. There's a reason why we got an APS version of the T-84 in game, but there's also a reason why such system is not visually represented in game.

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