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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Well if humanity deserved to exist before this I'd say we still do. As, unfortunately, we've been there before.
  2. No, you and others turn a blind eye to Kraze defacto blatantly calling for genocide of all Russians and Arabs. He walked a thin threaded line for a long time trying to stay just on the 'correct' part of the line (so he would be allowed to continue). But it was clear for a while (at least to me) that he was formulating a problem for which the only requirement can be to 'get rid of all Russians'. Than he went further and included all Arabs in it for good measure. Do you 'defend' that?
  3. They quack rather distinctively though. Guess my ears are a bit sensitive.
  4. I haven't read anything better either, although it's sort of an 'best case' / 'happy flow' scenario imo. I'd sign the dotted line for it without much pause.
  5. FWIW I reported the post, there is plenty more to add to what you and TheCapt wrote but I don't think it's productive here. And that's coming from someone who probably posts more offtopic than ontopic; I like to play with thoughts. But somewhere there are lines and principles and recognizing a duck as a duck.
  6. There was never a credible threat to Russia's existence, at least in any honest critically thinking sane minds.
  7. No offense taken I agree that the most likely pundit is Russia, even though I have a hard time really understanding how this will play out in their favor. But the same goes for the whole invasion, the mobilization and plenty of other stuff recently so that's not new. With keeping an open mind I certainly didn't mean assuming all (conspiracy) theories posted on twitter/wherever are true. I don't even read most of those stuff, but I like to play with thoughts and think for myself. One of those thoughts was what if Shell/* did this, why would it be interesting for them. Far fetched? perhaps yes. But without entertaining thoughts you can't analyze them. USA doing this without informing Germany/other countries is... rather borderline stupid and against US interests. In my opinion USA has been acting rather competent and thoughtful regarding this conflict. So while I agree that USA has historically often put USA interests first (which is logical), and at times against it's allies interested (nothing unique for most countries), there is very little substance to suspect USA behind this attack. USA said that NS2 wouldn't be operating if Russia invaded. And they got Germany to not operate it. So why blow it up if there was no indication Germany was sneakily activating the pipeline?
  8. Good one. Let's keep the humor in and all of us remember that there are language barriers, timezone difference and different perspectives in play here. I for one must admit that most of my posts here are later in the evening / night, when I've caught up with the thread / other news and work/chores are finished. The subjects are often rather abstract (and thus interesting) and fast moving, so little time to 'negotiate for time' and put in a well rounded and translated response. In my case I notice that doesn't improve my English writing, at least not when I'm thinking in Dutch.
  9. Well you are stupid if you always assume that the most logical explanation must be true before you can assert it is true. Where are you going on vacation?
  10. Which is why Russia was never going to win it even if they didn't intent on showing the world the true face of incompetence. You can't win a war against a people (unless we're talking nuclear / WMD extermination).
  11. That's also one option which crossed my mind. NS2 was never going to pay for itself, but who knows if it is insured against acts of terrorism? And scenario's like those. Anyway I don't think it's likely but it's always good to keep an open mind.
  12. Lol, it would be a good way to kill of NATO just when it had been repurposed.
  13. It seems NS2 is still capable of transporting gas. IIRC Steve and others yesterday posted about the possibility that Putin might have wanted to deny anyone in Russia getting certain idea's. Like as in learning Putin how to fly while returning to the international fold and restart the gas operation. It's a crazy idea but the whole invasion could be summed up as a crazy idea. But although I think Russia is the usual suspect, it's better to await more clear information before attributing definitive blame.
  14. I'd expect a rather clear declaration that any attacks on pipelines critical for NATO countries WILL trigger article 5, or maybe just a gentle reminder because an attack on critical infrastructure is within article 5 I'd say. Now if a smoking gun is found for the attack on NS1/2 I don't expect article 5. But obviously even weak spined bureaucrats will see the need to come with some sort of tangible response in such a case. Not only a 'now don't do it again' approach. Deployment of enlarged NATO fleet to Baltic sea seems like a potential candidate, but one can be more 'creative'. Anyway indeed interesting to see.
  15. It is well outside the 'respectable' threshold imo. But I've posted enough about him.
  16. Lol that has been discussed almost every 10-20 pages, of which I'm also guilty. I guess it's summarized as: A) Unlikely but like most things in life no guarantees B ) Catastrophic as phrased by Biden recently (still no guarantees)
  17. Some issues with that line of thought imo: * Not all countries who lost their *imperial mindset* have done so in the same fashion as Germany or Japan. * There seems to be a misunderstanding of what actually happened in Germany / Japan. * So you are planning for an unconditional surrender of Russia and follow up occupation forces? Are you looking for a landwar in Russia, armed with Nukes?
  18. Not that I know very much about it, that was during the bidding instead of after a contract had been signed and work supposedly started. Anyway I have no doubt that France is not a bit more holy, but that's another issue ;-).
  19. That's part one solved, wonder whether we'll get any 'actionable' evidence as to who was behind it any time soon. Although the usual suspect is quite obvious.
  20. Not that I agree with Aragorn in this, but France wasn't particularly happy about that sub deal.
  21. I doubt even 6,89% dared not to cross the required box at gunpoint, so probably 'they' had to lower the numbers a bit
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