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Posts posted by Dr.Jones

  1. Originally posted by ReichElite:

    Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.

    Process ID=0xe18 (3608) Thread ID=0x820 (2080)

    That's what came up when I tried to start the program with Slovenia language in AppLocale. Those IDs differed each time. For other languages like English, the program was terminated by Windows before it even started.


    send me your mail, i try to send you new version, trying with english culture. Weird, I built the SFSExtractor in the same solution as IMFViewer.



    [ January 10, 2008, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: Dr.Jones ]

  2. Originally posted by oragus:


    And how do we read model from the .msh format? 3ds Max don't read that format?


    Oragus, if we decrypt the format of the msh to full extent, check this topic http://tow.sieber-markus.de/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=30 , then it would be possible to create import and export plugin for maya 3d (know maya plugin programming not max 3d). But I don't have time go any futher. So there is very small chance or none that 1C will provide the plugin for Max 3d or any other 3d editor.



  3. Originally posted by ReichElite:

    No body knows? I was told that it is in extractor's location, but I didn't see it. Am I supposed to create one or it was intergrated into extractor in version2.0?

    Tow extractor exe must reside in MissionEditor directory of TOW install dir.. Its not integrated , download last version of the file filelist from www.cmmods.com.and put in the same directory.



  4. Originally posted by Stimo:

    Hello Dr Jones,

    I'm interested in writing the files for JSH 1.0, but it's such a huge work I want to be clear about some points :

    1) In ../TowModInstaller/Mods I create a JSH folder

    2) In ../TowModInstaller/Mods/JSH I have to create a mod.ini file containing this :


    3) In ../TowModInstaller/Mods/JSH I have to create a FilesID.ini file with a number and a path to the file in my ../TowModInstaller/Mods/JSH folder, like :


    • 1 3dobj\armoredcar\ger\ba_64_ger\Specular\sh_spec1.tga</font>
    • 2 3dobj\armoredcar\ger\ba_64_ger\Specular\sh_spec2.tga</font>
    • 3 3dobj\armoredcar\ger\ba_64_ger\Specular\sh_spec3.tga</font>
    • ... and so on</font>

    Am I right ?

    Yes, you would create the mod the same way as you would otherwise. The only difference is that you put in your own mods filesid.ini just the new entries, without setting the correct id's but only concurent id's, and in other local\en files. Mod.ini file is just for user interface thing.



  5. Originally posted by boog2006:

    This installer would be better if it included all the campaign.xml and texts.utf8 files so missions could be added like a mod and include briefings.

    Ok,if you think this would be of help, i will do this in next version, when i will have some extra time. Are there any other wishes?



  6. Originally posted by PV:

    can i use the TOW MOD Installer 0.9 beta for load the new mod JSH 1.0?

    im using the Oudy - PzIVF1 mod, from http://www.cmmods.com

    road block its a single mission

    You cannot use existing mods, only if the mod creator convert it to TOW MOD Installer, that is moder's job, but it can be very easily converted to TOW MOD Installer, just remove garbage entries in filesid.ini and other encyclopedia files (including local\en dir.). If you are currently installing mods from www.cmmods.com, you need to manualy add and copy certain text entries in specified files.



  7. Originally posted by PV:

    Tanks for the explanation

    The TOW MOD Installer 0.9 beta, this is the last?

    Currently yes.

    Originally posted by PV:

    C:\program files\Dr.Jones\TowModInstaller\Mods\Road_block

    Im use the road block mod for practice,

    Start TowMODInstaller.exe

    Give the path for the installation of TOW

    C:\program file\Battlefront\Theatre of War

    Click refresh

    And in the left window is empty

    What i am doing wrong?

    Did you created the mod.ini file in this directory. If still doesnt work, please send me the mod.
  8. Ok,

    1) here is info for distributing your own mod with this application:

    First, there is the directory called \Data, just ignore this dir (it holds the latest (last patch) extracted TOW filesid.ini, and encyclopedia files, without any modifications), just don't delete it.

    Under the TowModInstaller directory create directory and name it Mods (ex for default install location C:\Program Files\Dr.Jones\TowModInstaller\Mods). Now create also your own directory for your new mod, and name it by your own choosing (usualy the mods name ex: Flak88 smile.gif i wish ). Now create the file called mod.ini in this directory you just created (\Flak88 smile.gif ). And following fields must be created and filled.








    Name Flak88

    Creator Dr.Jones

    Version 1.0

    DocumentLink http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php

    Now the explanation for each field:

    Name - this is field wich display mod name.

    Creator - self explanatory, put your name here, real or nick.

    Version - put here version number

    DocumentLink - put a link to document descriebing this mod, it can be pdf, doc, http url, etc (this automaticaly executes the program which is registered on your machine to launch the file with certain extension of the file). The path, if file is specified should be relative to working dir of the TOWinstaller MOD application executable (so for ex. relative to C:\Program Files\Dr.Jones\TowModInstaller ).

    Ok, now you are asking how do I prepare the files which I need to modify. This is simple, IF YOU ARE MODIFYING THE FILES WHICH ARE IN DATA DIRECTORY, YOU JUST PUT THE NEW ENTRIES IN YOUR OWN FILES. For example, I need to add a new entry to filesid.ini, and some player will not have a TOWExtractor application installed and knowing how to use it. Here comes the \data directory, there is already clean filesid.ini file for the player, which doesnt know about extracting, i provide the clean version by this application. Now back to the example, I'm adding the Flak88 to filesid.ini.

    Create own empty filesid.ini and put one line like this (if your are adding more units, add more lines).

    2166 data/units/car/ger/Flak88

    the number 2166 can be any number you desire (it wont be used, the application will find the last number in the filesid.ini, increase it by one, and use it in the first entry in your own filesid.ini and so on.

    The same rule is for all files which are in \data directory of the TOWModInstaller program.


    Just copy the Mod in Mods directory which is located in TowModInstaller directory (default location C:\Program Files\Dr.Jones\TowModInstaller), if the Mods directory doesn't exist, create the directory by your self (my bug). Launch the TowMODInstaller.exe. When application

    starts you should see new mod in the left listview. To activate the mod just click on mod and click on button > to transfer mod to TOW.

    Before that you must select where TOW is installed. To remove mod just click on mod name which is located in the right listview

    and click the < button.

    Important: Don't erase the mod files when the mod is deployed, erase mod in Mod directory only when you undeploy mod from TOW!.

    If you want to access some info about mod just double click on the mod in listview.

    thats for now, if you have some more question, post it here.

    PS: in install dir, there is some similar info in Readme.txt.



    [ October 25, 2007, 01:37 AM: Message edited by: Dr.Jones ]

  9. Hi,

    I have uploaded the TOW mod installer to www.cmmods.com, this tool does all the updating of the filesid.ini file. When defining new mod for TOW, you just add differences in files, you need to update, now program supports filesid.ini, and all encyclopedia files local\en, and encyclopedia.xml.

    I would really appreciate, if someone would test this application.



  10. Originally posted by Hotti:

    Wow... I still cant understand how ignorant some of you can be. If you still think the 8xxx series cards are perfect and run just fine you really know how to pick the data you brain processes. For christ sake Nvidia themselves have admitted that the cards are having problems specially with texture management! And STILL some of you persist that the problem lies with CMSF code. Jesus, how hardheaded can you get?

    If you would read the forum more carefully, you would notice the same problems are linked to terrain code rendering also on others cards, like ATI.



  11. Originally posted by rofl:

    I figured out how to change textures, grass and groundconditons but still no idea how we could edit the roads.

    Look into load.ini file of the specific map, see


    CreateRoads = 1

    RoadsConfig = Roads.xml

    If you inspect the Roads.xml, you see all definitions and attributes of the roads, futher look for


    and in this file where are the splines of the road, shame that's binary format.



  12. Originally posted by Wolfseven:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dr.Jones:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Wolfseven:

    Well because some one hacked the SFS code they are now delaying the patch 4.09 for IL2 FB 1946.

    I wonder if the tool The doc made had any thing to do with that?

    I hope not, its true that the first version was not protected which was written in .Net. Where did you read that Wolfseven.


    Dr.Jones </font>

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