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Posts posted by Dr.Jones

  1. Arzok,

    i think that fileid.txt values are ussually used as resources identified to some unique number but this was never explained by the devs or atleast i haven't noticed anything. I think its more releated to group of resources like meshes which have unique directory name, heirarchy structure, because like mesh resource has many other mini resources included like materials and textures and hier, etc. So its easier to load resource trough some default name which is defined in the engine. For example you load some mesh command from game engine, but the engine loads whole

    bunch of files automaticaly because it find the root file which is located in the directory like index.html for web pages or Default.aspx for APS.NET.



  2. Hi,

    someone should take the time and do the list for all of the TOW versions. You only need to have free program from MS filemonitor or processmonitor (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645) running in background. The trick is here that the user need to play all the mission and tutorials to get all game object list (firstly because of the maps). The filemonitor entries should be only those which are accessing files in the TOW1 directory and are in status failed to read or access, because TOW engine first checks if the files are not in SFS but physicaly located at the path specified in the filemonitor. Last thing is to export those entries to txt file.



  3. Hi, backward process to msh file is more complicated, its more a helpfull export to msh and hier files, but those need to be modified by hand especialy the hier files.

    Also soldier meshes are more complicated because of the skeleton structure, and this goes with weights information (need to export these too) and I haven't seen those, at least hadn't had any sample.



  4. Hi,

    it just convert 1C tga extension, which is really IMF format,you can see in the begining of the file if it is the IMF format (there is IMF keyword), to other standard formats for editing, it doesn't convert back to IMF.

    Just copy the program to MissionEditor folder if you want to use it.



  5. Hi,

    i have gotten a few info about setting up the SfsExtractor, first the official version is uploaded as zip on repository, i know that there were few version distributed as rar, if so then there is some chance that is password protected, try 1234 :) (needed that because of the virus scanners which didn't allow sending them as pure exe's files).

    Second, i was messing around the app because of the support for Vista64, which current version doesn't support, i have found some bugs. You practically need to manually edit the Config.xml file (sorry about that) , just go there and modify/type correct location of MissionEditor location, and location where to extract, after that you need to restart the SFSExtractor.



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