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Posts posted by Petrus58

  1. Anyone notice a major decrease in perform as as the mission goes?

    I have a pretty powerful machine, I got the settings on HIGH... the first mission of the Russian campaign starts out with about 30 FPS... by the end of the mission I'm under 5 FPS... just strange, like a resource leak or something... anyone else?


    Same with me. I ran TOW2 on high with no problems, but the first Russian mission drops to a crawl.

  2. So you don't work in marketing. Well, neither do I, thankfully, but I have managed to glean enough understanding of the concept that I don't find it 'utterly unbelievable' when it influences it's potential buyers, for good or bad.

    And while I'm no slave to commercials (or even close), I do have a very limited amount of time to spend on games and demos, and since I expect the marketing to reflect the game (it should), I don't bother with games (or demos) where the marketing doesn't appeal to me.


    My apologies - I was a bit strong. But my point was that although I agree the trailer is very arcadish, and may very well put people off, the demo is totally different, and TOW Kursk may be a game you would want to play.

  3. no problem with the hit penetrating. my biggest problem with some of these 'tank sims' is firing on the move and hitting anything.

    In TOW 2 tanks do stop to fire. In fact if you order a tank to move from A to B, and there are enemy afv visible, then it will automatically stop to engage.

    I also find it totally and utterly unbelievable that anyone could decide not to buy a game just based on a promo video. Try the demo then make up your mind.

  4. While technically nicely rendered I think the trailer is slightly off. Looks more like a Kickboxer duel from a recent Hollywood movie. And the player hardly gets any information about the game scope itself (tactical game leading many units).

    Think I'll pass, as I did with the second part. I wait for the imaginary future installment when infantry gets designed better hopefully etc.

    If you want to get an idea of what the game is like, why not try the demo; the trailer doesn't do it justice.

  5. GIngneer21B, too many points to answer in detail....

    In my opinion, the AI in TOW2 is much better, but you still have to micro-manage your troops. It did take me a while to accept that this is how (I think!) you need to approach TOW 1/2. As for the odds, yes, it can be tough, but that surely is 'realistic'. It is also do-able (and I speak as a fairly rubbish player).

    If you do accept that this is a micro-management game, then some of the problems you point out shouldn't arise, i.e. don't just let you tanks find their way, plot way-points; put them on hold to stop movement, etc. I'm not saying the AI is perfect, and at times I also get frustrated (usually my fault), but this is a very different game to anything else I have played.

  6. Scottsmm, I'm no expert on systems, but I think you might struggle to play TOW2. I've never played a game which is so demanding. But hopefully someone who knows more than I do can help you.

    As for enjoyable - I'd say so far about 6-7. There are (I think) 3 campaigns each with 5 missions.

  7. I've had pretty much the same problem as 1FSTCAT; occasional (but not every time) freezes when saving and loading - also with Vista 32, similar graphics card and 3 gig ram. Very strange because other than this I've had no problems.

  8. I've started two campaign missions which are hugely enjoyable. The main improvement for me is the AI, which much much better than TOW1. I tried out a couple of QB where the AI actually put up a more than decent defence. I just hope that TOW2 gets the audience it deserves, and that it attracts a bigger community. Well done IC.

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