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Posts posted by MikoyanPT

  1. Konstantine

    Yep i saw rhe movie yesterday, didn´t remember the Bradley incident, my bad.

    But it ilustrates how hard this war is, people keep dying, but there is no enemy on sight to shoot at.

    The stress and frustration of the situation is constant.

    About the journalist work, well, that´s wath journalists do, sell their story and keep the "boring", "uninteresting" stuff out for our viewing pleasure. And of course an old lady or children crying is always excellent to keep audiences aroused.

  2. I don´t think any Bradley got wasted, the iraq soldier hit was outside the vehicle.

    They needed to ocupy a house to treat the injured man before evacuation.

    When in a patrol in hostil terrain, a patrol has to move cautiously, it seems like you think that there is only danger when shots are fired.

    These patrols are being conducted for months, these men know were an attack can be launched, and an old lady house is excellent for an attack,the old lady can´t kick insurgent´s out of her house, if they chose to get in.

    I was not patronising ( i don´t even know what this word is).

    But please make an effort to remember these guys are fighting a war, they are not in hollidays having fun, they would prefer be home.

  3. Originally posted by konstantine:

    There were no bullet sounds though. And the narrator didn't mention the soldiers were being fired upon--a pretty salient oversight. Also the soldiers were running upright, not ducked and scrambling.

    The big problem with real life is that good guys and bad guys don´t have a green or red baloon over their heads, and they don´t announce before they try to kill you.

    War is a nasty and messy thing to be in.

    Make wargames not war, the fun and excitement is there, the fear and anguish don´t. ;)

  4. Originally posted by konstantine:

    Interesting video. I'm not sure if it explained much in the way of tactics, for example it wasn't evident why they breached either home. Yes an IED went off, but why those homes in particular?

    My bet would be !

    That houses were near and they needed cover.

    When bullets start flying a soldier has to keep focus on staying alive, more complicated tactical assumptions are irrelevant.

    And people, remember, this is not a political forum, we are only friends that like a good tactical game and like to discuss strategy and... uhmmm... you know... important stuff... like the color of Syrian taxis... :D

  5. Originally posted by chanss:

    Just cant pass that 5th mission in the new russian campaign. I have a descent amount off Infantry left but the germans dont attack with their last trooops their just loitering around outside the map area. Has happend me 3 times in a row now. What a total crap! Please Battlefront save my sanity and fix this campaign so it is winable.

    I complain´t of the same.

    I made the mission by retreating when the last enemy wave appears, and only engaging after all the enemy units are inside the map area.

    These are really crapy victory conditions.

    But i made all the missions eventualy.

  6. Originally posted by C'Rogers:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />No. One key per purchase. Though it would be nice to allow LAN MP games with the same key.

    That is kind of what I expected, just sounded like I might be getting two cd keys for the purchase (also remember reading something that the game could be put on to two computers at a time). </font>
  7. If you got the download link in the order confirmation mail, just start the download again, install the game and licence it when it starts.

    If you lost the order mail you have to contact suport and ask for them to send the mail again to your email account.

    I recommend you to print it and save a copy.

    You just have to click the support button in the top right of the forum page, you get all the info you need there.

    You can download several times without problem. But you can only have two active copies (licensed and working) of the game in two computers at the same time, But you can unlicense and re-license many times.

    [ July 13, 2007, 02:33 AM: Message edited by: MikoyanPT ]

  8. The game license allow the game to be instaled in two computers at the same time, so i think you can play LAN with a single license.

    However if you plan to buy the game in a store, you may have to wait a lot.

    Because the game is available by download or mail delivery from battlefront.com, and it is not available yet on stores.

  9. Just made the For Motherland mission.

    Restarted the mission, and after taking the enemy trenches i withdraw and waited the enemy to enter well in the game map.

    No problems afterwards, the mission ended when the attack was repelled.

    As i expected when our armor disables enemy units outside the battlemap, the victory triggers fail.

  10. Originally posted by panzermartin:

    M113 has armour? didnt know that :D

    They are desperated. :(

    And of course casualtys have already been taken.

    That thin aluminum sheet...

    In vietnam infantry ride on top of the M113 vehicle most of the times and got sand bags in the bottom to protect from mines.

  11. The patch really make the game better.

    But the bad victory conditions in the game are still there, in fact they seem agravated.

    I finished all the single missions and campaigns of the first release, so i am used to check every single brush in the map for that last enemy soldier or disabled tank.

    My battle for moscow experience so far.

    Love the missions but...

    In one of the first missions i had to repeat because i couldn´t find any more germans to kill, and i looked everywhere in the map.

    Second try, same thing but i found out a german inf squad hiding outside the game map, scared them away from a distance, because my units can´t get outside the game map and achieved the victory.

    Now i am in the 6th mission, For Motherland...

    Conquered the enemy trench sistem and a new victory objective kicked in, "Repell the enemy counter attack and hold the ground".

    A new enemy wave attacked and...

    Well, the enemy seems repelled to me (and dead).

    I lost 4 inf soldiers to enemy artillery, captured 5 trenches, took out 5 panzer, 2 PAK, 3 or 4 hevy MG.

    Checked the battlefield sistematically for one more hour looking for stray enemy infantry, and no victory.

    My guess is that enemy panzer crews or infantry hiding outside the game map are preventing my victory, the problem is that infantry is now harder to find and i am not able to find them from the border of the map.

    I repeated the last part of the mission to no avail.

    For god sake i am defending, and killed everithing they trow at me, hold the ground with minimum losses, and still no win in sight.

    So please Battlefront, next patch or add on, please try to get the 1C boys to fix that bloody ridiculous victory conditions. :(

    Thanks in advance.

  12. Originally posted by mav1:

    Looking at the planned list for the Syrians these following afv's are not included.

    Btr 40, Btr 50, Btr 152, PT 76, OT-64, Brdm 1 and Btr 70.

    Are any of these AFv's used by the Syrians?

    Also are the m113 and m577 and m901 still used by the us army?

    The M113 is being used in iraq by the US, they are using everithing that has armour and carry infantry.
  13. Capt Toleran :D

    Peter and Yankeedog,

    That looks like Iran choice, investing madly on missile sistems of every kinds and shapes.


    But what i consider more interesting is their interest on anti-ship missiles

    SSN-4 anti ship missiles launch doctrine


    Or this spooky concept of commandos at sea doing piracy and sabotage acts mostly with mines (russian as usual) and demo charges


    [ July 01, 2007, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: MikoyanPT ]

  14. Concerning that report on Sirya buying 8 MIG-31, wich i consider kind of useless, if they can´t back it up whith a modern radar and early warning sistem covering the entire airspace (you can´t hit what you can´t see).

    I was thinking wich russian toys would be most usefull and desirable for today´s wanabee dictator´s seeking their share of world domination.

    My choices would be:

    For everiday use

    AT-14 Kornet


    More of the same and better if you are too lazy to walk

    AT-15 Khryzantema

    Look great on parades

    Tungusca M1 Air Defense

    Because it is cool

    TOR M1 Air Defense

    Its kind of obvious i think anti tank and anti air defense are important to would be dictators survival until old age. tongue.gif

    Any more sugestions and opinions ? :rolleyes:

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