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Everything posted by MikoyanPT

  1. Those Panzer III gunners are like the Beholder in dungeon and dragons, they kill you with their eyesight alone. :eek: No use to hold fire on that scenario ( they shoot you anyway), or APCR rounds,or aiming to a particular point,our gunners have around 50 to 60 gunnery skill, surviving the first onslaught is a great deal of luck alone. But when the second wave of 3 Beholders III arrives, you can pack your bags.
  2. DonĀ“t think so, they are at least one month old, and running fine, it depends on the specific videocard you have, my ATI X1950pro is a beauty, and cheap too. And amen to the last post.
  3. Well i managed to take the 2 panzer 3 whith lucky shots from the AT guns (positioned right as far away behind as possible. I ordered them to shoot on the tracks, they knocked out the first in five seconds ( lucky me) blown the tracks of the second. The scenario finished whith that tank still shooting at me, the panzer II where a piece of cake to the at guns. That said, i tryed that scenario around 10 times and after hitting the quick save F5 and F6 quick load alot. But in the second part of the scenario, your two new at guns and infantry break the enemy infantry attack, to be blown off 5 to 10 seconds after 3 new panzer III arrive. :eek: In conclusion, yep they got laser beams allright.
  4. No problem, the old world is polite and civilized and will take it like a man (only whith the ocasional little girl whinning). But you people of the new world have to promise that the first copy goes to Bush, and that you dont allow him to invade another country until he finishes all ToW campaign missions in realistic settings, that should keep him busy for the next couple of centurys. Make wargames not war !
  5. I am runing with vista with no problems, i would go for video drivers issues. I updated my ATI drivers recently, so i am fine, but people with top notch videocards are having trouble.
  6. Reichenberg posted somewhere he was getting 3 to 5 FPS whith shadows enabled, and runing fine disabled, and he halso has a top notch sistem. Try disabling shadows.
  7. Hey guys Reichenberg just posted this.. "But as soon as the either objects shadows or self shadowing is selected, I get a picture show at around 2-5 fps. I have reinstalled my graphics drivers (newest ones!) and directX 9.0C but to no avail. My rig is a Athlon X2 4600 with a ATI X1950pro, 2GB and on Windows Vista....." Maybe there are some kind of inompatibilty whith the shadows that are making poor framerates in some high end sistems.
  8. So that is what keeps FBI busy instead of catching the bad guys ?... :eek: Now i understand !
  9. G17 S16 U18 P20 O19 The best wargame ever, hard to master but well worth the effort. Great potencial for future expansions. I had great expectations for the game, and i dont feel deceived. Good AI. The gameplay and realism factors are the strenght of this game. People who enjoys show off state of the art grafics and easy point and click victories against the AI must look elsewhere.
  10. It starts to get rough on the defensive tutorial.
  11. Reinforcement waves. But they die like the rest tough.
  12. No, it is not, tomorrow is always better.
  13. Not worried about the realease being late. I am being butchered nice and easy whith the demo. That beast will take a while to master My soldiers keep dying on me, i find myself shouting to my little sodiers "you bastards ressurect and follow your orders", but to no avail, they continue to play dead "cowards". :mad: Oh well war is a bitch, make wargames not war.
  14. This is an excellent game... But not for the rts point and click game lovers,or for the casual gamer. Much like the combat mission series, the dificulty settings are hard as hell to beat, i am finding the defensive tutorial hard, two at 45mm and two at rifles against 2 medium and 3 light panzer, that is a challenge. I think some players are disapointed whith the grafics because they are comparing it against games like Company of Heroes, that is why they say it is boring. This is no Company of Heroes kind of slaughterfest, and i am grateful for that. It has the kind of hard to master challenge combat mission series had. I am running it whith windows Vista, whith a ATI x1950pro with 2gb ram, at maximum settings and 1280 resolutions, smoothly and with good framerate. But this is no Company of Heroes (thank god for that), some players will get frustrated by beeing slaughtered every single time they run a scenario. The true wargame lovers will find it challenging and quite refreshing and full of possibilities. About the small bugs, that is what patches are for. Thank you Battlefront and 1c company for taking the game forward
  15. Most of the games dont support dual core. Even the most recent and spectacular ones. Hard to code simultaneus to various processors. But a dual core should run the game better, because one core handles the game, the other handles all the other sistem operations running in the background.
  16. First time i tryed to run the demo nothing happened. Changed the resolution in the setup, it was set to 1600, my monitor did not suport it. After that the demo is working fine with Vista.
  17. Check the resolution level in TOW setup, the resolution set was 1600 by something, my monitor did not support it. Changed the resolution and is working fine on vista now.
  18. Check if the video resolution is good for your monitor. I had to change it, so the demo could run. It is running fine on Vista now.
  19. Why cant i fire mortars from INSIDE buildings, that way my infantry would have cover and concealment, and the rain wouldnt fall on the gun tube.
  20. Thanks your a gent. However I did click on the green box and downloaded a file but it comes up on my desktop as a unrecognizable file. I take it I must find the parent program for fire fox and this is an add-on. Thanks again for your help.......... </font>
  21. RCMP It is working fine, i also downloaded from there a while ago. Just change the language to english in the bottom of the page. After that you will see inside a green box around the mid of the page the download link.
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