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Everything posted by user73

  1. Yeap, got it, too. Speed was allways around 800 ti 1100 kBs used firefox with the "downloadthemall" addon as downloadmanager. All worked fine so far, thanks Moon and Madmatt for the patience with us unworthy Krauts
  2. @moon: nice ! Hope it is not a "früher" @Elmar Bijlsma : I don´t worry about my bad english, don´t know if its too bad... but you hit the nail right on top or in german "Du hast den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen" when you said " I just feel more comfortable expressing myself in English" and some of us "bad,fat,ugly Krauts" feel more comfortable expressing themself in german. But no problem, I will try not to post in german again (you know ? we Krauts are very good in following rules!!) Btw. are you an administrator or something ?
  3. Hmm, obwohl wir ja nicht mehr in Deutsch posten sollen mache ich es doch noch mal Gibt j scheinbar nichts neues im Westen oder hat schon jemand Post von Battlefront bekommen? Was schätzt ihr gegen 2100 unserer Zeit noch mal reingucken oder wird das heute wieder nichts ? Naja zumindest hat sich Madmatt ja mal mit einer Stellungnahme gemeldet....
  4. Hmm, tja was soll man dazu sagen, sind ja weltweit nur ca 120 Mio. die Deutsch als Muttersprache sprechen. So, I think it would be the best to close this thread and make clear that Battlefront don´t want people to open a thread again in german. And a last question, why you have to translate everything ?
  5. No Panic, Moon also said they go with the US-time so say have a few minutes left, puh, never thought my 23:59 on 18th would come true ...
  6. Mann, Mann, wenn das hier so weitergeht habe die einen klitze kleinen Imageschaden, ärgerlich wenn es nur an einer technischen Panne liegt aber wie heißt es so schön : Gut Ding will Weile haben ... (Jupp ich finde Sinnsprüche und Zitate schön )
  7. Hey Moon, habt ihr irgendwelche Nager in Eurem Entwicklungs- oder Rechenzentrum bemerkt ? Und auch nicht vergessen auf umherstreifende Putzfrauen zu achten
  8. HrHr, das Wereichhörnchen ist nicht schlecht, hatte ja sschon an anderer Stelle vermutet das es deren Putzfrau war aber das mit dem Tierchen muss ich mir in jedem Fall mal merken...
  9. Tja Kommunikation ist halt so eine Sache, erlebt man ja aber auch fast überall, dabei hätte ja schon eine kleine Zeile gereicht um die Gemüter zu beruhigen, na ja mein Ärger ist schon so gut wie wieder verraucht, mal schauen ob die es dann noch schaffen. Zumindest war es wohl das letzte Mal das ich im Software im voraus Bestellt habe. Es heißt ja auch nicht umsonst, man soll nicht die Katze im Sack kaufen
  10. Hey Leute sollen wir ein paar Wetten abschliessen wann es in Deutschland bzw. der EU erscheint? Ich meine die Preorder - Ich tippe mal auf 19.04.07 um 4:30 Edit: Ganz vergessen wie gefällt Euch denn bisher so die Demo, ich finde sie ganz niedlich nur ist die Handhabung der Kamera sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig und ich finde die KI schießt etwas zu akkurat, na mal schauen wie das in der endgültigen Version ausschaut
  11. Hmm, has someone found out if they can ? Tried it in the demos first mission but seems that the can´t go over the walls, silly by the way because the walls are only half as high as a soldier ....
  12. a quick lesson on how not to be seen ...
  13. AMD Athlon 64 4000+ DDR400 2048 mb ATI Radeon 1800xt 256mb 1280x1024 resolution Details on high and runs just fine
  14. I run the demo on an AMD Athlon 4000+ 2GB RAM and an ATI Radeon 1800XT, resoulution is 1280x1024 everything in details is maximum and all runs smooth and well, Nice game, nice work...
  15. I´m not whining, I´m not crying, I´m only a little disapointed that nobody were able to post only a little statement yesterday like :" hey guys our cleaning woman just throw our gold copy into the dustbin, and so we have a little trouble to get it back..." or something. Because of the politics of other companies who allready fooled me and others, I think we are a little sensitive on things like delay and getting told nothing. Nothing is more disappointing than told nothing and left alone stepping thru the dark. So it´s not your fault but because on the strength of past experience, I am tired of being put off. Fortunately the demo seems to be in a good shape and works well.
  16. @Grunts: full quote, no pre-orders from this company again Hope the full version is ok and has not too much bugs inside otherwise another company for my blacklist ...
  17. Let´s try to keep the faith and wait for some news from the officials or anyone else, what else can we do and that they don´t tell us when the download starts hey who cares, as someone else said, keep it in mind and don´t make a preorder again if you can not stand the thrill or you feel betrayed Everybody else : DON´T PANIC !!! (and don´t forget, the answer is always 42)
  18. I think it will be 23:59 on the 18th, so they can say, hey it`s a little before the 19th
  19. It´s not so importent when (24h or 48h or whenever) the game is released for the preorderers, but how it is released. Nearly every game today has mayor bugs and the support is unavailable or very lousy and slow (Medival II, Test Drive unlimeted, Stalker, Gothic III, etc,etc. ). So I decided to look for "smaller" games and companys and was positv surprised until now(Galactic Civ II, best support so far, for me from Stardock and prerelease much earlier than only one or two days ...) , who knows what comes with this title ? Hopefully it is "bugfree" with a support equal to that by Stardock(patches within a few days, openbeta for all users how would like to test,...) , and brings on many, many updates, expansions and fun for gaming.
  20. If someone likes to see the 8,8cm Flak in action also a 3,7cm Flak and panzerfaust. Link
  21. - African campain - 88mm flak - entering buildings - on map motars - StuGs or are assaultguns allready in the game (Sturmgeschütz III und IV) - more weapons (inf., tanks, art., ets.) - much mor weapons - even more weapons - new different maps (northafric, norway, balkans, italy, etc ) - hard (not cutable by tanks only be arty) trees
  22. 34 years. Started war gaming with: European air war Panzer General series M1 Tank Platoon Silent Hunter Favourites Panzer General 1 and 2 Silent Hunter 3 Hearts of Iron 2 other games: Star Wars: galaxies (canceled due to unstarwarsy politics from SOE) EVE-online
  23. Hmm, seems so that Moon is as evil as the comunity manager of sony online entertainment and I thought they were the most evil i´ve erver saw Hmm, what about an multie match, moon as "soon" as "it´s ready"? A little revenge so to say, for the "anoying minority" ...
  24. Urghs, just seen, the Jagdpanzer Elefant is in the game and there were only build around 90 units of this vehicle, hope the 88 will be put into later in an update or expansion .... äh, if, can i perorder the expansion now ??
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