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Posts posted by Gnasher

  1. One more from me.....

    Ability to order infantry to fix bayonets for close quarter hand to hand combat, it would be very cool to see your troops give the opposing force a tickle of the old cold steel & run them through. "Them fuzzywuzzies, they don't like it up 'em sir, they don't like it up 'em!"

    This should probably also have an effect on the opposing forces moral as well.

  2. Me three

    It would be nice if you could select the type of engagement, my suggestions would be:-



    Meeting engagement


    Capture & Hold

    Oh & also you'd need to be able to select dates to determine which units would be available to each side, this could just be a year eg 1943.

  3. "So basically I agree with FinnN smile.gif - the philosophy of mission-creating should be changed. I also like your idea of dynamic campaign as you described it. But I don't know if it is possible within current game engine. Maybe only in ToW2? The good news however is, that there is a mission editor, and we should have many community-created missions, which will be more to our taste smile.gif "

    Its entirely possible to create unpredictable, replayable missions, it just takes alot of work to code & test such missions. Stay tuned I'm working on such a campaign right now, however its proving very time consuming to test to a point where I'd be happy to release a beta! :D

  4. I've installed a bunch of mods with partial success. I guess I've done something wrong, any pointers please.

    I used JSGME as per instructions as per below


    However when I fire up the game I can't see the units properly in the encyclopedia, just this: -


    Also with the mods enabled the games crashes after about 5-10 mins

    I've ovbviously gone wrong somewhere, but can't see where. Any pointers to what I may have done wrong or have failed to have done?

    Thanks in advance.....

  5. BFC & 1C please make this the focus of your attention for future development. Good SP play is all well & good but good MP or lack of will either make or break this title, be sure! I don't think any of the suggestions below are ground breaking, would make a big difference to the game though....

    Realistically speaking this shouldn't be so hard to do, all that is needed are a few things:-

    1st would be a reliable way for players to find & join games. With the current methods this might be best served by a BFC/IC sponsored lobby for registered players allowing ppl to host games, allow ppl to apply to join, be accepted or rejected, & when the game is full publish the server ip to all players, who then connect. (Which could bevalidated as usable by the lobby, e.g. "11:17:13 Theatre of War murattt English" seem to have been on the BFC MP lobby for ages & you aint gonna be able to be connected to this game ever! Servers behind routers should not be allowed to start MP games within the lobby unless usable. I regularly check this lobby & I've yet to find a usable game posted.

    2nd IMO is I would like to see new game type in the future; DM, Objective, & Conquest games. DM would be the current free for all that we have now. The other modes IMO should be team based where each team is the same country (Maybe with exception of UK/US.), this could either be Axis/Ally based, or any combination just for fun. Objective based MP (Capture Bridge, Destroy Unit, Hold Point etc etc) should be able to be coded via the mission editor so that there a a multitude of communtity made missions to choose from. Conquest IMO ideally would be based on the Sudden Strike MP style of capture areas/flags to recieve reinforcements with which to wipe the opposing team from the map.

    3rd is that client should be able to download mission from server if they don't already have a copy of the mission.

  6. Originally posted by ColonelBlimp:

    ·Historically accurate types of unit-for example, SS, specific airborne divisions, police divisions etc.

    ·Historically accurate unit breakdown, for example Bren groups, scouts, Coy HQs etc. instead of generic terms used.

    ·Inclusion of MMGs in units instead of separate entities. They would need to be movable but obviously there would need to be a certain amount of time available for setting up etc. They seem to have done this with the 30 cal but not others strangely.

    ·Inclusion of tactical use of smoke, both through smoke grenades, tank shells, and also mortar rounds

    ·Inclusion of mortars, of all calibres, used in different ways according to the calibre-for example, the British 2 inch mortar being included in the typical kit of a group, and larger mortars being given a separate designation.

    ·Inclusion of fatigue (although I have heard this will be implemented at some point)

    ·Better use of air support. This would take two forms-firstly, fighter cover being taken out of the user’s control and being omnipresent (to stop the enemy attacking, you sending fighters up, and they arriving too late), and secondly, the user being able to select which type of unit the Jabos attack (for example, tanks, infantry, SPGs), as at the moment they hardly ever attack tanks which is pretty inaccurate

    ·An overhaul of the spotting system, especially concerning tanks. Tanks at the moment seem to see everything which is very inaccurate, when in real life when buttoned up their spotting ability was pretty bad. They therefore should have blind spots in their vision (certainly not 360 degree vision as of now) and, even though alright at seeing tanks and anti tank guns, would be very poor at seeing prone infantrymen. However, tanks should get a spotting bonus if there are friendly infantry within a certain radius, to simulate them talking to the tankists.

    ·Better infantry/tank balance. This would be achieved in a number of ways, mainly by reducing their spotting ability as above, but also in other ways. Firstly, by when infantry are told to attack a tank there should be a greater variety of possible attacking methods, for example by Molotovs, putting smoke grenades on the engine desk, hammering on the MGs, putting grenades down the gun barrel, firing through the pistol ports, flamethrowing through the pistol ports, blowing off tracks with grenades etc. Obviously, the effectiveness of these attacks would be increased by the unit’s experience and equipment. Secondly, ensuring that they can attack the tanks without the invisible blast wave killing them. This infantry attack will obviously not work in all circumstances, say when there are other enemy tanks or infantry nearby. However, if there are no other enemies in a position to help the tank, this could be very useful indeed.


    ·Addition of RPG44 in the Russian inventory

    ·More artillery pieces-for example Russian 85mm, 17pdr, American 90mm, Flak 88 etc.

    ·More tank/SPG variety- IS2m, T44, Sherman Firefly, greater variety of armament for British Tanks, normal Churchill, etc.

    ·Proper animations for hand-to-hand combat

    ·More variety of ammunition types-APDS for 6 pounder, canister, M71 for ROQF 75mm

    Phew. I hope at least some of these are implemented in an addon/patch/mod to make this game a real classic.

    Fantastic list! I almost thought I'd written it myself!

    My suggestions:

    On the issue of tanks vision I'd like to see 2 settings: buttoned down where tanks vision is reduced to approx 40% of what it is now to simulate looking through the vision slits & unbuttoned where vision is increased to approx 125% because of the commander's higher vantage points. This should only apply to the tank's commander, unbuttoned crew could have the same vision as an infantryman. Of course unbuttoned crewmembers would also be vunerable to small arms / artillery fire so that there is both an advantage & a penalty for both buttoned and unbuttoned crew.

    I want flamethrowers to clear out trenches properly. :D

    Jabos should have either rocket or bomb loadouts in addition to just strafing, & bombs should have bigger explosive effect than at present IMHO. Rockets should be death on tanks. Also we desperately need more aircraft, especially for the RAF, Blenheims & Hurricances are just crap for late war scenarios, as is B17s providing tactical support. Typhoon, B25 (RAF/USAAF/VVS), A20 (RAF/USAAF/VVS), & Stuka (Bomb or 37mm loadouts) immediately come to mind as the highest priorities.

    Also I've noticed what seems to me to be a disproportionate amount of 100% damage to tank guns rendering them unable to fire. IMHO this should be lessened with maybe an accuracy penalty to simulate hits on optics to compensate. It would be nice if units especially the M10 would refuse to attack if they have lost the main gun. I hardly think IRL they would charge into an attack solely using the MG which wasn't coaxial or hull mounted. :mad:

    Combat engineers able to lay/clear mines, use flamethrowers & satchel charges.

  7. I don't think so as well. Would be nice tho especially of they got a new paint job. For example I've seen photos of captured Panthers in British & Russian service.

    The British army even gave the 'under new management' tank the apt name of Cuckoo. Give it an allied skin & off you go.

    This is very definately a dev thing tho because you'd almost certainly need a code change to achieve this.

  8. The short answer I believe is Yes! AFAIK it's a question of creating the relevent skins in TGA format. I'll leave it to the more qualified to explain how this could be done.

    It would be very nice to have alternate skins especially for British/Commonwealth units using American equipment. I'm thinking along the lines Shermans/Whites/M10s with British Army divisional markings.

  9. Surely events can be scripted so as to make gameplay less DM orientated. I'm thinking of extra reinforcements or supports for capturing rects (made as map objectives.) etc. Therefore players will have to capture / defend areas in order to gain reinforcements.

    I haven't tried writing MP scenarios yet but the editor scripting is quite powerful so I'm betting somebody will code up some better maps soon.

  10. Yes I'm almost certain that this would work well using RND() to generate from a selection of forces. It would probably only work via the ReinforcementLand() command though, which I've yet to test MP.

    Youcould for example code 5 sets of different forces & then have a 20% chance of having each force assigned to you.

  11. Im using this function to create a destroyed battlefield before activating disposotion mode. I need a group of objects to be completely 100% destroyed, only problem is that this only seems to work for approx 50% of the units in the group. The others seem to recieve no damage at all as in testing I can crew the vehicles & they appear to be fully armed & functional.

    The code I'm using is : -

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">

    SetWorkArmy ( Army , 2 )

    DamageObject ( GROUP , "Group_Destroyed" , 100 )

    ActivateDispositionMode ( "begin" )

    ChangeFogOfWar ( DISABLE ) </pre>

  12. I agree, this can be confusing & at times very frustrating. It can appear that units (especially if grouped) are in hold position mode when some of them are not.

    It would be better if the hold position command stayed in force until explicitly coutermanded by either issuing a move/retreat order or "unhold" by clicking hold off. Attack target & area fire should not give free reign to the unit to go off galavanting to its death, the hold position should countermand this.

    Maybe an issue that can be addressed in a future patch.

  13. We really could do with a MP lobby for matchups. Something like Hiddenstroke's "Hiddenstroke Arena" or IL2's hyperlobby.

    Of the two something like HS Arena would probably be the easiest to implement. Players log onto the site, join a pending game & get the IP when the game host is ready to launch.

  14. I'm in the same boat ShiftZ, any help greatly appreciated........

    Here are the details:-

    ee the end of this message for details on invoking

    just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

    ************** Exception Text **************

    System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL '..\rts.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

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    at Editor.SFS.SFS.UnMount(String path)

    at ((.(1.()(String ((, String (), String (0)

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    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)

    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

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    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll



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    Win32 Version:

    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Battlefront/Theatre%20of%20War/Extraction%20tool/ToWExtractor02fix/SFSExtractor.exe



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/


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