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Posts posted by adultery

  1. That's hilarious. I find it hard to imagine an American judge speaking like that, though I suppose that here and there one might. Really wonderful. I hope the guy doesn't have to do any hard time.


    the "my lord"...suggest its in the UK....and the fact the website addy is in the UK kinda backs it up as well

    interesting that you would think its a funny sounding american judge rather than from overseas

  2. 1. hardcore multiplay.....a setting to restrict the view to "iron-view", where the cam is linked to the unit in view "1" and no 'wandering' cam allowed.

    at the moment you have to 'promise' not to cheat....a setting would rock

    2. WEGO. the ability to link waypoint between units to sync orders OR execute an order at a particular time. ie....setting up a chain of orders....culminating in a perfectly timed, multiple entry into a building....enter at 2.30:50am. or it can be used to crest a ridge etc etc

    3. why not just add ww2 to cm:sf? make a giant sandbox war game.......people would love to do silly battles like 20 tigers v an M1A1.....

    other than that, really impressed with 1.10, cm:sf is now worthy of the battlefront name

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