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Posts posted by borsook

  1. Originally posted by Micheal Wittman:

    Thanks for the tips guys, I guess I just don't want to make the same mistakes since I have the opportunity of looking back on the history of it all.I do not want to run outta the black gold "oil" at some point or have "no air" force to force smile.gif

    The "oil" in the game does not exist. Oil fields are treated like mines or cities producing points that let you buy units, repair them etc. So they are important but not as important as they should be, your tanks/planes do not need access to oil.
  2. Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    what is the problem with writing in a way so everybody can understand what you are saying?

    Because there is nothing there to understand? This thread seems to have been started in order to express dissatisfaction with C:EAW. I do not have this game, and would be very much interested in hearing things that are wrong with it, instead we get stuff like

    Been doin' somemore research,

    And now, shoot the man in the moon,

    Gotta down-grade

    That OTHER game... to... $7.95

    four lines that could be rephrased "the game is bad but I'm unable to say why".
  3. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @borsook --- Dude, what's with your sig? You some kind of New World Order Commie? If Shaw & you can realize that taken pride in one's country...ah, may have a reason? (See Freedom)

    The sig is an attempt to come up with the only rational reason behind a person's "patriotism". Nothing in the history of this world, maybe with the exception of religion, is responsible for so much death and suffering as patriotism.
  4. Originally posted by Desert Dave:


    What an INexpert, UNfinished,

    Copy-cat (... no you duplicitous dudes over

    to Smithereens/Matrix, it ain't LIKE

    "PG," it's been sorta

    "accidentally borrowed" - mostly from

    'round hereabouts, IMO... and - as

    I always say - who

    else's - should I have? ;) )

    Piece of OVERpriced slab of UNDERcooked

    Pizza Pie! In the sky! LOL!


    I ain't gotta ELABORATE all the reasons

    Why - do I?

    $60.00!! :eek:

    For - essentially, the SAME thang

    Hubert put out for - 25 bucks?


    Let's see... maybe,

    A couple years,

    10-20 patches or so,

    Another iteration or 2?

    THEN they can yak up the smack. ;)

    [... BTW: hmmmm, hard for me to imagine

    another Geezer what wheezes so awful

    supercilious as that fat-lip

    Canadian Cat - LestheSarge... nope,

    canno think of nary a one!]

    Yeah yah yah yah!

    I am been with Hubert for 5 years now

    And I am a mite sympatico.

    So what, that don't change nuthin'


    I think that you should sell the rights to this post to dictionary makers, who would quote it next to the definition of the world "babbling"
  5. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    That's a tricky question as most usual improvements to AI turn length, i.e. if the algorithms are already optimized, come at the cost of the AI itself.

    At the moment the AI is optimized for the current map size and number of units etc., i.e. it balances out speed vs quality and perhaps this is something I could add as a toggle down the road for those very large campaigns... more speed but less quality.

    Definitely the loss of quality is worse than slow speed. But a making it changeable would be a great addition.
  6. Originally posted by Desert Dave:

    Can we make uniquely scaled MAPS,

    As for those scenarios

    Listed just above?

    With that other game?

    Just wondering. smile.gif

    Editors are handy but most games are modded by hand, lack of an editor does not in any way prevent mod creation as long as the developer chooses to "soft-code" instead of "hard-code" enough data. And it looks as if the game in question will be very moddable.
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