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Posts posted by borsook

  1. When playing WaW there is a event that makes German units lose strength points at the start of the first Russian winter. Trouble is in PDE it is possible to do Barbarossa in 1940 or even 1939 and that event seems not to fire then. Surely this event depicts rather the lack of preparation of German army, not the fact that 1941 winter was harsher, so it should work on the first winter, no matter the date.

  2. I definuitly recommend ToW scott,ive played ww2 games since i was a kid and ive brought CMAK and CMBB and id say ToW is an improvement by far on both games,ive played all the close combat games also,id just like to see a campain style map added to the mix,ive Making History by muzzylane which is a great axis and allies style game (but much better as it has way more depth) and i think a pairing of making history and ToW would make for a fantastic game.

    By the by - ToW is not a good acronym anymore, there is also WW2 game Time Of Wrath

  3. In game terms there is no way to willfully move a U-boat from the Atlantic through the straits of Gibraltar to the Med UNLESS the Axis control the port of Gibraltar (or the port is reduced to strength zero). I suspect, although I cannot say with certainty, that neither condition obtains in the evasion Borsook is referring to.

    Yes, Gibraltar was under British control, and it was not bombed.

  4. I'm pretty sure that some U-Boats did manage to pass through the Strait during the war (and they certainly did in WWI) so I don't think this is a significant problem. At least, I don't think it's totally unfeasible for this to happen.

    But a single unit is not a single boat, it's what 12? I don't know exactly but it is too big a group to pass... Also I think that the intention was that they are unable to pass, they can do that in a very specific circumstances.

  5. After you have captured a capital there is also a 5% chance per unit that the country has left that they will not surrender for a turn. For major countries, like France and the Soviet Union, this is only 3% per unit. So you might have to wait 1 or 2 turns after capturing a capital before they surrender.

    But I agree with scottsmm on this, if you are playing the AI there is no real reason to capture Norway. You would have to garrison Oslo and that offsets the plunder. Since Norway is already transporting all of its resources to you and the AI doesn't spend diplomatic MPP's to convince Norway to stop doing this, there is no real advantage in capturing it.

    Expect having ports this close to convoy to Russia can be useful at times...

  6. I'm posting it here as it may get the biggest amount of attention but it is about all the SC2 games... We really need a way to sleep a unit so that it does not appear in the "next unit" queue... As it is now "next unit" is pretty useless as you have to go through all the garrison units (and in some games esp as Germany that can be a lot) before you find that one unmoved unit...

  7. Borsook, glad to hear the AI is giving you a good run. We spent a lot of time fine tuning the WaW AI scripting and events and while there were some technical improvements to the AI logic for the games that followed I think the WaW AI scripts are probably some of the best as you've noticed.

    Reason being that the WaW AI was really the culmination of years of feedback and play testing for the European Theater that the other games have not yet benefited from... but that being said the experience from developing the WaW AI will definitely show in the other games as well as the AI is now the least likely of complaints when it comes to the SC series and by comparison to other similar games in the genre.

    Yes, the AI is really good, one of the best so far! You did a really good job with it! So far from my subjective observations AI in WAW seems indeed to be better, but AI in PDE seems to be more surpizing doing unexpected things sometimes good, sometimes bad... but not boring :)

  8. Yes, the AI is weak........well compared with a human. Hubert & Bill constantly work on the AI, just take a look at the scripts, they can be used to customize AI response.

    So anything old does not have the advantage of adjustment or the newer scripts that the development team institutes.

    Ha!!! You must be a newbee! No problem, we were all there once ...at least...., more for sure as SC has been around for 7 years. Anytime you fire up one of the many campaigns you have not tried, you become a newbee, exposed to the passion of being a virgin once again.:D

    I don't know if I am a newbe or not, I played quite a lot of SC2 when it first came out...

    Anyway so far the AI in PDE, while definitely different, does not seem better... Espescially the naval AI does strange things (is it a really good idea to buy two subs as SU)...

  9. Borsook, you need to get either PDE or PT for their excellent world campaigns by Big Al and Nupremal, not to mention the decision events and upgraded AI.

    The one with WaW is not that great, in fact, it is obsolete and so is WaW except for the many wonderful custom scenarios made by the users.

    Do you mean that AI in WAw is obsolete? No! It's just kicked my butt (although at the highest difficulty and exp)... I'm buying PDE tomorrow at latest... decided to let PT go though, run the demo for a while and somehow the pacific theater does not work for me...

  10. PDE contains more features, most notably Decision Events which give the player the option to make various choices throughout the game. If it's WWII you want, it also contains the Storm of Steel scenario, which starts WWII in the spring of 1939. Plus the AI will be better in PDE than in WAW!

    However, WAW contains some great scenarios too, and I really wouldn't want to be without either. Battle for Russia 1941-45 is an awesome scenario. There's also the Spanish Civil War if you fancy trying something a little different...

    Just take your pick, enjoy, and pick the other one at a later date! :)

    Thanks for the answer, I play mostly against the computer so, how much better is the AI in PDE? is it really a notable difference?

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