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Posts posted by chanss

  1. Originally posted by Chazman:

    "Funny enough, meanwhile the game has excellent sales. The demo is out there for everybody to see what they think of the game. It turns out so far that the majority is liking it, but they're just voicing (sometimes in email) and not shouting"

    Mr. Moon, you have had excellent sales and the the game went Gold before it shipped or the demo was out.

    It went gold on the excellent reputation BF had with every hard core wargamer, including me.

    Your reputation is now shot, because this game is a huge disappointment and I suspect the sales will plummet after the word gets out.

    Shame on you guys for putting your name on this title!

    Not at all, its an excellent game, and it deserves to sell good. I wouldnt hesitate to recomend it myself. On this forums it is on like so many other forums. Its the ones with PROBLEMS of various kinds that is the loudest, those ones who likes it doesnt post much or doesnt post anything period. (But yeah, the game aint perfect, not many are)
  2. Originally posted by Krull:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Vergeltung:

    I think we need to start up a collection, to send a Nanny to BillyBob's place. that must be one soiled diaper. Apparently, mummy never came back from her "date" :D

    Atta boy, he's been warned on pain of being banned & you judge now the choiset time to get your blade in.

    Quality. [/QB]</font>

  3. Just replayed that kursk scenario on Hardest, and it was a slaughter on the Russians, I killed some 35 tanks and lost 3 pz myself, and that was pz4:s, my tigers got tracked and 1 tiger got degunned. German tanks at least dont have any problems killing stuff, and the tigers can take a horrendous beating if handled right. The above stuff in this thread must be a bug of some kind.

  4. Originally posted by JG53_Jaguar:

    Well I have falaise pocket mission saved and the Shermans are making swiss cheese out of my panther and tiger...all the time...within 10 - 15 seconds max. All the Tiger and Panther shots are bouncing of the shermans (yeah right) and ALL (so far that I have seen replaying this part 10 times) the shots fired from shermans always hit and somehow damage the Tiger and Panther - so what's with Panther's sloped armour ? As I'm a software developer for 14+ years I have to say that to have realistic gun penetration data in the game is one thing...but having seen in game test results is something else. On top of that it's also about how you use & manage the data in the game formula/business rules - the data by itself is one part of the product. So it could be the formulas or perhaps the armour values for the tanks. I will happily provide the saved game file.

    Is this the "Escaping the pocket" mission you are writing about? Is just that i cant remember that there were any tigers in it, and just 1 panther if i remember correctly, the rest was pz3j crapboxes and the like......

    Or maybe it is "the mongoose" mission?

    [ April 30, 2007, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: chanss ]

  5. Originally posted by KiloAlpha4:

    "It's called 'Clickfest-Ultra'. Get "The hang" of that and your mouse-wrist will sieze up solid."

    there are a lot more games out there that are click fests, this one is on the low side in comparison.

    Far from a click fest when I play. But EASY it sure as hell is not!!!
  6. Originally posted by KiloAlpha4:

    how about no matter what campaign you play from it isn't always uphill battle against the enemy ?

    Yeah, totaly agree, some mission balancing wouldnt hurt. Would calm down things here on the boards alot I believe. Easy level isnt really easy is it?
  7. Originally posted by molo:

    I don't necessarily dislike the LOS/LOF currently in the game, but it doesn't make a lot of sense. When I play, AT guns that I cannot see nail my tanks and infantry (!) with first-round-on-target accuracy, enemy tanks snipe my AT guns in one shot, and my forces generally get slaughtered at 1500 m despite crawling around in what appears to be tall grass.

    Maybe I'm not doing things right, but if that's the case then the game needs a much more obvious overlay of cover/concealment information. My ten years of playing the Close Combat series with realism mods and the time I spent with the original CM don't have a lot of value here.

    What difficulty level are you on? I suspect your problems is due to the mission balancing that has been choosen for the game, it seems that the AI opponent in many cases has outstanding Gunner and Scout skills, much much better than what the gamers units itself has. Then what one gets is theese one shot kills AI units. I sugest you try the game on lower difficulty to start, it sure is difficult enough anyway. I hope Battlefront will tweak the scenarios a bit in an upcoming patch.
  8. Originally posted by BillyBob:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by chanss:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Normal Dude:

    Oh yeah, by the way, I have had very few LOS and LOF problems. Heck, I even find plenty of cover for my infantry! I keep them low and don't let them run around!

    Whoever has a severe problem with their game, post screenshots here or some arrows and show what you are doing. I'll bet I can point out the problem immediately. Although at this point, it's an argument for the sake of it.

    Do you know why you have not found any LOF/LOS problems? It is because there is not any problems. Theres just a bunch a whiners that havent got the energy to sit down and and try the game out, if they DID they would find what you and I have found and that is; it IS possible to move Infantry undetected proning; LOS/LOF IS working but its not an ON/OFF simple LOS thing like in other games, it works by DEGRADING LOS. </font>
  9. Originally posted by Normal Dude:

    Oh yeah, by the way, I have had very few LOS and LOF problems. Heck, I even find plenty of cover for my infantry! I keep them low and don't let them run around!

    Whoever has a severe problem with their game, post screenshots here or some arrows and show what you are doing. I'll bet I can point out the problem immediately. Although at this point, it's an argument for the sake of it.

    Do you know why you have not found any LOF/LOS problems? It is because there is not any problems. Theres just a bunch a whiners that havent got the energy to sit down and and try the game out, if they DID they would find what you and I have found and that is; it IS possible to move Infantry undetected proning; LOS/LOF IS working but its not an ON/OFF simple LOS thing like in other games, it works by DEGRADING LOS.
  10. Originally posted by BillyBob:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:


    Er...so why are T34s (and Shermans: see thread, 'Shermans, panthers & Tigers) getting the best of Tigers and Panthers on an alarmingly regular basis? You can post all the technical flummery in the world, but the in-game experience vis-a-vis real-world accounts from the people who were there speak for themselves: "something stinks".

    And that's on top of the invisible trees and bushes etc. </font>

  11. Originally posted by BillyBob:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moon:

    You can repeat this over and over and it's simply not going to get any more true. But if really the people who like the game keep attacking you all the time, then let me apologize for it. :D


    There's no need to apologize for them, I have absolutely no problem myself with whatever they can throw at me, abusive or otherwise. Just please don't label me, or others, differently for defending our opinions and observations. smile.gif </font>
  12. Ahm....I would recommend starting at the easiest level, this game is not easy. After a while you will get the hang of it and can continue on realistic level. I played quit a long while on easy level and that was dificult enough for me anyways.

  13. Originally posted by Vladinir Schotitov:

    After waltzing through the first two training missions I seem to be totally incompetent at defending my 2 AT guns in Mission 3. I try hiding them behind a tree but in seconds of START BATTLE they go up in a puff of smoke. Forget the rest since they have 5 tanks and we have a dozen frightened soldiers. What should I be doing?

    That mission is buged, just skip it.
  14. Originally posted by Freeboy:


    and I was playing on the middle level

    Note, this is the only time I have seen this, and on the next round, as I saved the game prior to this, the tanks all died without incident, so it was isolated. For anyone interested in small scale tank warfare, Two very enthusiastic thumbs up, I like this game although like others feel it could be so much more.

    I just replayed it on highest and sometimes you shoot and shoot on a tank, but when you take a closer look thers is bush in the way, and if you inch a bit to a side you will get a clear shot and then boom. Excactly this thing happend to me with a t-60 light tank. the weird thing is that there is visible hits on the tank but in reality i believe you dont hit it at all becasues of LOS degraded, it just SEEMs you hit it. You understand what i mean?

    By the way i had only 2 panzers left after I won it........pffft....

  15. Originally posted by Freeboy:

    OK, for those who do not know, this tank is a lemon, not bad by 1939 standards, but still, in 41 42 it is outclassed by almost everything.

    What makes it a lol, in the first train station German battle, about the tenth time trying to win, the last tank the enemy had was a lone BT7.

    I had two pac 40 75mm at guns and about 4 or 5 tanks, 25 men and all I did was pound this guy..

    even my armor peircing shells bouncing off, I did not see one penetrating round, and after about 30 hits I stopped counting. I wonder if there is some "uber" code, as I have played probably 25hours and never seen anything like this, that causes one tank to become an alien devi

    ce sent back through time and space to change the course of gaming destiny! :D

    Which scenario is it and what difficulty level did you play on? I would like to try it myself and see what I can find.
  16. Originally posted by Krull:

    If people responded to the negative feedback in a civilised manner there wouldn't be all the BS.

    The box of which i speak is abstract.

    It has a multiplayer tab in-game that does not function. Many people have this problem from what i see.

    Given that playing against the AI doesn't really fly i thought i'd cut out the problem where i could & have at it with a human player.

    But i can't do that either.

    In my opinion that means the title is pretty flawed & unplayable. In multiplyer totally unworkable.

    Why is it that playing against the AI doesnt fly then? What is the problem with the game for you? The box it wasnt it seems.
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