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Posts posted by CaptainBly

  1. I think the bottom line is this release will have an adverse effect on the release of CMSF now. BF have pissed some people off, perhaps a lot of people off. I've traveled around and this game is getting good/bad all over the place not just here. Some places it's more bad than good, it looks like about a 50/50 split for the most part though. But, as I said I think this release is going to have an effect on the bottom line of CMSF now. Some people will now be in the leery state of mine, skeptical, wait and see mode of purchasing the next game.

    Me, I'm waiting on CMC anyways, so, it doesn't effect me either way. I KNEW I wouldn't like this game because it's an rts kiddie clickfest and I just don't care for clickfests pause or no pause. Plus, I already KNEW I wasn't going to buy CMSF because I am not interested in modern day hypothetical warfare. When/if they do some WWII modules then I might find interest again. Going to be a long cold spell from BF games I see for awhile. It's already been awhile since CMAK.

  2. Close Combat is near best they come to great computer wargame. Combat Mission and Steel Panthers right along side it. But, this game, this game, this game kid fodder. Too much going on, too much pausing, too much like kiddie rts games of before. BF best stick to what make it famous and do away with the likes of this game. This game need publisher more like EA or Strategy First where it expected game to be crap.

  3. It is good idea not to play on store bought puter. I be buildin my own puters for over 10 years now. Store bought never optimized, crappy old bios an only good for bout 1 year out of box. I play over 10 year and never have ctd or other hardware issues with games. I laugh really when I see people with hardware issues and can only think they buy store bought Dell or Hewlett Packcrap or build their own and overclock to extreme levels and expect everything to work because other games do. lol too funny. Optimized mean just that optimized not overclocked or store bought. Learn to optimize and you find you have less trouble with games.

  4. I think people that rely on looks(graphics) for enjoyment are both vain and shallow. It's no different than wanting some 19 or 20 year old when you have a 40 or 50 year old spouse. Shame on those with that type of mentality.

    Looks do not improve anything but cosmetics and in truth that's what a lot of looks really is; a glob of cosmetics, take all the goo off of something and then you really get to see the truth.

    Therefore the CM game doesn't need to advance in cosmetics as much as it needs to advance in ease of play and quality ai. Those should be first and foremost not what lipstick to use.

  5. Being RTS it's just not going to appeal to the grogs out here that are pretty much around because of Combat Mission series and Strategic Command. I don't see this as being a very popular game, nor, shockforce either for that matter.

    And since COH came out it's going to be very hard to compete with that game both in graphics/design and fun value. Compared to COH, TOW looks like an old win98 game in the graphics dept.

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