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Posts posted by Flanker15

  1. Oh so many issues with this sort of thinking. First, here is what 3D games looked like in 1995:


    I think we look a little bit better than that :D

    Second, "sprites" are 2D characterizations of 3D elements. We've never had any of those, not even back in CMBO days. "Fake" 3D games (isometric, mixed 2D/3D, etc.) have sprites. I'm mentioning this because if one wants to gripe about graphics, one should at least try to know what one is talking about. Just saying!

    Third, we are improving the graphics over time. Each release we've done has not only improved graphics quality but more importantly increased graphics speed. We've added things such as dynamic lighting, bump and normal mapping, various shaders, "Movie Mode", and other effects. Therefore, saying we haven't made improvements is either a statement of ignorance or a statement made by someone with visual impairment. Either way, it's factually incorrect.

    For CMRT's release we've done a bunch of things, but the most noticeable one is definitely hit decals.

    I don't mind being criticized for not having the state of the state of the state of art graphics. I do mind gross mischaracterizations of what we do have.


    Sorry I didn't mean any mischaracterization, "sprite" to me means any 2d bitmap other than the background/skybox, anything that can be ripped from the game and still look the same in a paint editor, so excludes anything with more than 1 polygon.

    I picked 95 as a joke, effects are better than doom but worse than Duke3d hence '95.

    Also this is only about the explosion and fire "sprite", all the other effects are great.

    Here's a pic for example from a game you should be familiar with.


    The explosion has 6 separate sprites moving independently to give a volumetric effect and the bits flying through the air are their own little sprites that spin and fly out instead of squares.

    Also very happy with hit decals, if they weren't coming this thread would probably be asking for them!

  2. I wanted to ask this for a while but didn't know how to say it without sounding negative.

    So new game, new opportunity for improvement but the effects are still so, soooo yuk.

    I'm talking about the explosions and fire in particular, the smoke and dust is great.

    I want to be honest, they look worse than the effects in CM:AK '04 and it's been almost 7 years (jeez that long!) since they arrived in Shockforce.

    You can change the sprite to a different sprite but it's still just a single sprite (and a bunch of brown squares flying out if its on the ground) or a bunch of identical sprites scattered over a burning vehicle.

    Everytime the game gets updated graphically the effects stuck in '95 stick out more and more.

  3. Am curious what the graphic actually represents. I understand that it's a glitch due to improper patch installation, but the graphic of an arm sticking out at 90 degrees must have been created for some reason. But, I do not recall ever seeing that in any game I have played. So, what is the original reason for this graphic existing?

    It's the generic neutral stance that is used for most 3d characters, if no animation is assigned they'll go into a stance like that as it's how the model was posed before animation coding commenced.

    Most games use it you just won't see it unless something breaks in the animations.

  4. I played the APOS demo, didn't like it that much, more of a ToW fan for that kind of game really. Probably would've liked it more if it had more tanks in the demo since I like their tank sims allot, apparently there's a new one coming out soon.

    Battlefront should open up CMBN to more modding so people could add in particle effects, model tweaks, animations and decals that they want without any work from the devs. It's worked well for other games.

  5. From the tests I want to field a theory that:

    (in the game) Being prone makes you harder to hit than a wall offers cover from rifle bullets. Accentuated by the problem of guys reloading while exposed at the wall (and windows) and not popping up and shooting then dropping out of los again. So the other guys can get repeat shots (hence better aim) on kneeling troops (which are easier to hit than prone guys).

    The wall has more non-fatal casualties too which is probably from bullets going through the wall and doing less damage.

  6. Damaged optics definitely effects spotting most but (I not 100% about this) I think it makes aiming slower too. So the accuracy is similar but it takes longer to get a firing solution.

    I've got my own armour damage question too! Is the turret rotation a damage component? Anyone see it disabled?

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