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Posts posted by Markus86

  1. *irony on* great idea *irony off*

    It's no excuse, it's honest community support. They could have said nothing.

    I don't understand people. Bitching around because of no information, bitching around because there are information.

    No possibilty to please people.

    It's just the official announcement that is delayed, not the release.
    So far it's just an info, that a problem with the multiplayer part occured. Nothing more.
  2. I run the game on a AMD Athlon 64 4000+, 2 GB RAM, Geforce 7800 GT. Maybe anyone is interested.

    I installed it also on my notebook for testing. It runs but doesn't look that nice.

    But don't forget the game just looks nice, while zooming in. When you zoom out all the details fade out.

  3. or someone will mod it that way
    the only thing which is "easy" to mod are scenarios, with their .xml files, descriptions and overviewmaps.

    Anything else is not possible or hard to mod. It seems that they've put together all important game files into SFS - Files (Maps.sfs, sounds.sfs, models.sfs).

    Ever tried to open sfs files? ;) Maybe they don't even want us to open them. I think there are possibilities to open these files (as long as they are not password protected - then good night) but I don't have the required software (delphi+plugin) at the moment.

    For sure it is not "Oh I open the Pz IV h file and edit some gun data" or to add new skins, models or features.

    Kind of sad and strange :( :confused: When you look at games these days, most times mods are the only long play motivation or the motivation to buy a game at all.

  4. I see you know the game very good ...

    To make a few things clear:

    - no binoculars

    - no first person view

    You are the camera ghost flying over the battlefield, giving orders to your units. It's a real time strategy game or how some like real time tactical but for sure no shooter, or simulation.

    If you want to watch the enemies, staying on the upper hatch of your tank you could try out WW 2 Online or Red Orchestra.

  5. multiplayer is at the moment crap. I don't know what 1C had in mind when doing it?

    Strange alliances German + Russia vs German, British vs British etc. every constellation is possible. Forces a bad joke and in the middle f the map neutral units shooting on everybody argh ... they have to redo it.

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