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Posts posted by Markus86

  1. schön dass es immer noch menschen gibt, deren lebensinhalt ein computerspiel ist und die sonst nichts zu tun haben. ;)

    der eindruck entsteht hier teilweise.

    rumnörgeln macht die logistik auch nicht schneller oder? es läuft nicht optimal das ist mir klar, aber manchmal ist das einfach so. murphys law :eek: ;)

  2. Maybe it's sometimes smarter to just shut the mouth?

    Cleaning the forum of mental bull**** just binds human ressources.

    Critism is one thing, behaving like an idiot is something completely different.

    But this topic was discussed enough ... welcome to the world wide web.

  3. Hi,

    Fil, a member of the russian development team, opened some time ago a thread in the russian forum: "Wishlist for an Addon".

    I thought we could collect some ideas too, over here.

    It would also be a possibility for Battlefront/1C to see what the community would like to see in the game.

    1. Enterable buildings / City fights / House to house fighting

    2. More equipment (flamethrowers, mines, magnetic anti tank explosives, ...)

  4. bad news, how I interpret the game files it's hard to edit them.

    While mission files are relative easy to mod, main game files are hard to access.

    I was not able to open them. They are saved in a strange format. I don't remember right, but I think it was a kind of archive saver for c/c++/delphi.

    Can't remember right.

    Maybe someone here finds a solution. (as far as these archives aren't password protected)

  5. I can understand the arguments, but I still think it is missing smile.gif

    But I understand that it never could be added in a patch.

    Like Martin wrote it is a lot of work, work which has to be done by workers and they need something to eat. To get food they need money. Patch = no money :D

    So I have still hopes for an addon.

    It would be my nummer one on the wishlist.

  6. Since new computers are shipping with Vista, isn't it good to know if ToW, CMSF, SC2, etc etc work with it?
    that is an argument smile.gif

    I just meant, that normal unsers should better wait some time. (when it is possible, as you said new pcs=vista)

  7. Why do you install Vista so early?

    At university we get it for free but lots of software isn't running on it yet. I like some features and the look but I have to work with my computer :D

    And not to forget the IL2 engine was the basis, it was heavily edited.

  8. Meins ist auch vorbestellt und freue mich drauf. Auch wenn ich relativ sicher bi dass der Multiplayer in der jetzigen Form unbrauchbar ist. Aber man darf ja hoffen.

    Desweitere hoffe ich auf "kleine" Verbesserungen. smile.gif

    Häuserkampf, Nahkampf, mehr Infanteriewaffen (Minen als AT Waffe, Hafthohlladungen, Gewehrgranaten, G43 usw.)

    Was ich sehr schade finde bei dem Spiel ist, dass man an die eigentlichen Daten (Models usw) nicht ran kommt. :( Thema Modifications

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