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Posts posted by Scook

  1. November, 1944

    {South China Sea}

    America and Australia get serious about oil. They can't get enough of it.


    We find a carrier, periscope depth reveals no aircraft to be found, so we surface and use the deck gun. Lexington goes to a strength 2.


    The American Airborne in Italy no match for German tanks, this is not Bastogne! Concerned about the air and shore bombardment of Rome, as there is a transport just waiting to enter and empty city nearby.

    Soviet tanks, they are everywhere again: 2 in Manchurian area, 1 in Turkey, and 1 in Russia, the other 2 unaccounted for this turn. I do believe my opponent has learned much about combined arms in this game, and mixing the tanks with infantry.

  2. {European Theatre}

    Bah, the one turn I have Venice open he drops in. Skies clear up over the west, our air hits the tanks, scratch two more tank groups, this time from the Americans. We ping down the Soviet Army in Bulgaria, but no kills. This time the assault will be with ground pounders, they are so much more resistant to air strikes, so this could be tougher. What other game would the German troops want to head to the Eastern Front? No casualties, we have a gap between them and us.

    {Pacific Theatre}

    Think we sink a CA in the South China Sea (might be 1 strength, dont recall), sink a corps loaded on invasion boats our subs catch in ports. Rough seas prevent the launch of carrier strikes against the American Navy.

    Burma/China: Lot of finger painting, kite flying, and some sushi eating, but not a lot of fighting.

    Manchurian Border: We kill a Soviet SF, that is all.

  3. {Java Sea}

    Going to pay for it, but surface fleet with subs attacks, sinks 1 BB, CA, and DD, knock another DD to half strength. The way is cleared for SF in DEI to make their escape, so they do.


    We pull some troops who need R&R off the front lines. We get the kill on another Chinese army, on a roll now! (Well, not really, everyone else is pretty entrenched, that is probably all the killing.)


    All quiet on the Western Front. We reduce unit density for the Russians in the north. Bosporus Straits could become an issue again, as per standard Soviet protocol.

  4. Bahhhhhh, typed a big post, and it got lost just before posting. Giving a quick summary now.


    2nd paratroops die in Riga, we form up our line starting there. Air strike tanks in Turkey, reduce them to a 6. We hold our positions and dig in.


    We pull back from Russkies, too hot for us. We can't touch them, and they are pounding us. It's not an experience thing, just higher morale and readiness. I think Japan needs more Logistics training. Army in Batavia is only strength 5, but if it rains, we might be able to hold.

    We thank the Chinese for coming forward out of the mountains, we promptly smack em down. Lucky cruiser bombardment knocks American corps down to strength 1, Japanese corps finishes the job.

    Hmm, thats about it.

  5. Ignoring the Pact with Stalin will cost 7-10% in Soviet mobilization. The Baltic States is huge, if you do that, roughly 25%, if I recall. You will probably win more games if you play linear, just tactically address problems, and keep things up-tempo so the Allies have to constantly react. What you see in a lot of the AAR's will result in a lot of Ally wins, but you will keep seeing them because it's a) fun, and B) more interesting reading than if you do the same thing every time.

  6. Correct me if I am wrong, I thought Paratroopers can't drop two turns in a row. Unless I am mistaken, Soviet 2nd Para, who dropped into Riga this turn, dropped south of Leningrad the previous turn. I just might have interpreted something incorrectly, but thought I had one more turn to garrison Riga. Minor point, but clarification would be good for future.


    Airborne land everywhere to lower my MPPs. I lose 50 from them running through a city and 2 mines, and some extra from cutting the rail lines in France. I abandon France and pull up my defenses along the German/French/Belgium border. Kill one American airborne in Germany.

    With Russian airborne dropping behind the lines, and tanks assaulting in the front, we retreat a bit. One Soviet airborne and two more Soviet tank armies die. The river protection for Rostov is gone, so that should fall next turn.

    Next turn, I should be able to put the whole 3rd Reich on one screen of my monitor.

    {South China Sea}

    One sub sunk by a carrier before I run it away. The waters from Dutch East Indies to Phillipine Islands is American owned. Think the US is making a video that can't be viewed in theaters, calling it "Navies Gone Wild". Show us your flat tops! Paratroopers escape by sea from Palambang, and reinforce Singapore.

    {China et al}

    We just hold our positions, just waiting to be attacked.

  7. {DEI}

    My counter attack consists of my damged BB sinking a cruiser on his way out to safety, and finishing the other tank off. McArthur opening up the straits was pure gold for the Allies. We keep the oil, but we don't have the port facilities to ship it anywhere. So I guess it's kinda good we don't have many ships burning up that oil!

    {Rest of Asian Theatre}

    Just some pinging everywhere, but it's eating resources I can barely afford to spend as Japan.

    {Fortress Europa}

    Crispy now has two large air bases, one named Britain, one named Spain. Yay! Bombers going to make this ugly. Looks like the air and ground troopers are going to get into as much as the ships have been pounding me. The race for the capitals will be on. Right now, there is a substantial army between Berlin and Allied victory.

  8. May 19944


    Now that's an invasion!


    I would feel bad, but sitting there for almost a year waiting for Spain to join......overrun them, bwahahaha!


    Greece liberated in the face of no one. Lots of Russian air still in the area, so not believing it's done here yet.


    Kill one SF that moves up, hold the line gentlemen, hold the line.


    Staring contests everywhere. Hard to move when the attacker takes more losses than the defender.


    Air Strikes remove one American tank so he can rebuild it.

  9. In the game with Crispy, one reason I went into Britain is you get good Diplo hits with both Spain and Turkey. Counting on diplo hits is a big mistake and I forgot about that. Spent a year with Spain not shifting at all. Also threw a couple chits into Russia, to hold them back a bit. Money well wasted. I eventually got Spain, but it was well after the point it would help me at all.

    I also thought I could push the Chinese around a bit more than I did. All I did was help build experienced Chinese units. Taking myself back to the drawing board here and revamping what I do early with Japan.

    One thing Terif (aka: Yoda) always said is watch your transporting/operate costs, they will kill you. Now that you have to build in your home country only, and the distance you have to cover, I think infrastructure is a very worthwhile tech. I wouldn't go crazy to max it out, but tech 2 or 3 really makes a difference in doing what you have to do.

  10. March, 1944


    No major movements anywhere, we dig in even more, if that is at all possible.


    Small invasion so far at Sicily. We catch the clear weather over Bulgaria 1st, get to unleash a bit of Hell. This would go down as the longest and biggest tank battle, we have been at it for 6-8 months so far. 2 more Tank Armies sent to the dirt, we reinforce, and now await our fate.



    This game we are playing a variant of poker/chess. We both like feints. We both like deception. We both like tactical and strategic reserves. Neither of us believe what the other side is showing us. So the action can be a little slow on the map compared to other UFC matches, but there is a ton happening behind the scenes here. In some places I can slightly dictate terms, but it is rapidly shifting entirely to Allied initiative, which it should. Crispy hasn't caught too many lucky breaks so far, but persistence will pay off, soon.

  11. February 1944


    Subs lost all luck and confidence, ends moves next to Allied ships, always. Bombardment continuing through winter.


    Ping unit that landed cutting off Sicily from the mainland, expecting full scale invasion there next turn, or the one after. We sit and wait in Bulgaria this turn.


    Lines are drawn in the snows of Russia, looks like more WWI setting in. China is quiet this turn.


    Tanks and HQ land next to the capital. Tac strikes one tank, we hunker down, gonna make them dig us out of city. CA and BB sunk by my carrier strikes, waiting on the next turn to see what that massive fleet he's trying to hide with subterfuge is going to do.

  12. {Atlantic}

    Between British Empire and USA, they have 58 ships. Throw in the 4 Soviet vessels who have joined the Allied navy, you have some serious throw weight. About half of these (or so it seems) are on anti-sub duty. The other half is probing Fortress Europa, looking at what SHAEF wants to do in the summer of '44. Only thing going my way this turn is Allies have blizzards and snow over Europe on his turn.


    Another Soviet Tank dies, and the SF unit is killed before they can get completely off the trains. Looks like I might have bought a turn around Sofia. The scary part is Crispy wanted that tank to die this turn so he could rebuild it ASAP. He might be building navy for the Cold War that follows.


    We would celebrate Christmas together, if the Soviets weren't Godless sub-humans. It's a staring contest, and they know I will need to blink 1st.

    {Manchurian/Soviet border}

    Enough rain prevent bombers from keeping the rail system down, the Russians show up. Luckily, we take Chita this turn.


    This looks a whole lot like the Battle of Gettysburg right now, with me being the Confederates. China has nice shortened lines backed by artillery (aka, American Aircraft). I can't even touch a corps in a fort with 5 or 6 armies, and that's with no entrenchments. All I am doing now is building his experience. More troopers show up in the north though, to help my assault


    So far stalemate, but those Allied bombers are gaining experience, that will be telling in the very near future. Rhodesian corps going to be a PITA.


    Quiet for now. Either a) soon they will get together and blast me, or B) they all headed to Europe for invasion support.

  13. {Pacific Theatre}

    Even though I don't like the bombing US is doing on me, I do love the modeling, long term residual effects works. China is just a playground for both sides, shoot whatever moves. Burma will be a hotbed soon. Oil fields taken by Indian troops will be a pain too. Chitka (sp) in Russia will fall soon.

    {Eurpean Theatre}

    Russia- Staring match

    Most Every Other Place - we watch that navy

    Balkans - Half under rain, half not. One Soviet tank dies, one goes to strength of 2. We move towards the straights, but bad mud slows us short of our goal. Elite 1st Falschimjaeger (13 strength) moves into the front. Even though a narrow front, this is such a powder keg if he can expand the front. Game will end here if Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary fall.

    Edit: Sorry, been really busy, replies will be shorter and no screenies for a few more turns. Just working on getting turns done for now :)

  14. [Great Britain]

    Huh? Ships are now being made by excited liberated Britons at a rapid rate. One CV and one SS so far. Noooo, Germans wouldn't capture those, or destroy them as we leave. Guess it's the super secret laboratory under Liverpool we didn't know about.


    Rain. We kill one British minor corps, reinforce the line for the next Russian tank assault.

    {Manchurian/Russian border}

    Coastal areas secured, just need to work on deep inland.


    Fresh Chinese corps proves to be superior to 5 assaulting armies/SF units.

    Think thats about it, pretty quiet elsewhere. Awaiting assaults from Allies now. They do have the units to spare.

  15. August 1, 1943

    [Manchurian/Soviet border]

    Even armed with the best the IJA has to offer, our men resort to World War I tactics, grinding down our opponent. All our troops against two corps result in pinging. Thank the Emperor for our bombers, without those this would be a lost cause.


    Looks like monsoon season is over, we brace for impact near Burma. Slogging now in Northern China, but favorable pinging around Nanning. No movement though.

    [Pacific Ocean]

    It's all gone cold. I now play the guessing game as to what my opponent is up to.


    As much as it pains me, I withdraw as many troops as possible to the mainland. With the Allied naval superiority, the fight for the island would be extremely one-sided, so the correct decision is to fight on the continent. We are call Landers for a reason!


    General Guderian is killed in the bombing assault on Sofia. He is awarded a Knight's Cross, posthumously. We allow replacements for the tank group to come from locals, so we rename the unit, Sofia Tank Group. Goering is recognized, his swift decision to move so many fighters into the area is the only reason Sofia holds out. Fighters bomb a Soviet tank out of existence, strip both carriers of any offensive assets, and help destroy a British Army. Romanian and Spanish fighters prove their worth in this arena too. We do have to withdraw 2nd Luflotte from Italy, too much shore bombardment is hurting.

    [Eastern Front]

    We push back, Rostov falls, a tank and army vanish. We do fail on our ground strikes to eliminate another Soviet fighter, but he has to be hurting. Blood is flowing like rivers all along the front.

    [strategic Reports]

    Just going to report, no comments needed.


  16. Trying to edit screenies, decide I need Photoshop. Paint is too archaic, and no multi-levelling. Want to show a lot without giving up too much info. I am giving up some, but that's ok. We have one year to go on the over/under.

    July 4, 1943

    {The Atlantic}

    I figured the troop ships were just dilly dallying out in ocean. They have come too far to turn back. Tirpitz is first to action again, and runs smack dab into a transport. We sink 2.9 transports, and 1 DD. Wolf pack has had almost divine intervention luck, hoping for more. Sidenote, last turn was the 1st German sub sunk.



    There comes a time to go all in, and that time is now. We push forward, some troopers die, and we get lucky and smash a fighter on the ground. Leningrad, Moscow, Voronezh, and Rostov all can be threatened, depending on what I and my opponent want to do.



    Our fighters ground strike the British fighters, and then one comes up to defend a fighter hitting a unit. One fighter down, one corps down, Bulgarian corps advances as Tigers roll into Sofia.



    Allied Ships pounding the coast hard. I smell another invasion here. Would show you, but limited to 5 screenshots per post.

    {Mainland China}

    More pinging, Strategic bombing working very well against the poor Chinese. Able to slowly kill and no reinforcements in my face. Burma is raining (imagine that!) again. The American presence in the air is very noticeable, but not a telling factor......yet.


    {Russian/Manchurian Border}

    Fighter for Soviets in Irkutsk is a freebie because I invaded, gets into a skirmish as I keep the rail lines interdicted. Cities looking prime to fall here, as German pressure on the other side will make it hard pressed to pull units to this front.


    {Pacific Ocean}

    Hiryu sinks a sub we have been following for 6 months, decide now is a good time. We also catch a transport closing in on another island. We are playing cat and mouse, and slowly the mice on both sides are being eaten.

    Next turn will give the strategic reports.

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