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Everything posted by fantasy57

  1. Hello, I installed SC2 on my 2 computers. Now, I had an irreversible crash on one of my HDD and had to reformat it. As I can remember that only two installations were allowed, what will happen if I reinstall SC2 on the 2nd computer ? Thanks for your help !
  2. Thanks for the answers so far ! You are definitely right. I was assuming USSR could separately attack its neighbours, while this (e.g. Baltic States) is actually managed by the script. Silly question #2 : isn't it possible for the Canadian coastal Bomber unit to find its way to Europe ? I just can't have it move out of Canada !
  3. I tried to play with the Allies (version 1.01) and some innovative tactics. Then, I have to face the trouble that if USSR declares wars at the early stage of the War to country like the Baltic States, its unit can not enter on the minors's territory. Did some one already clarify this ? Is it intended ? I anyway I can see no comment on this in 1.02 patch description. So who can help ? Thanks !
  4. As a French, I have to point that the main reasons of the defeat in 1940 were not so social but mainly that everybody, especially in the army, was convinced that French army was the best while it was directed by St-Cyr (french West Point) Generals thinking that horses were the future of the military art and never ever had read anything from De Gaulle, Guderian or Liddle-Hart. Also, only defensive strategies were established and nobody could even imagine that German panzers could rush through the deep woods of the Ardennes. Maginot line was the unbeatable Fortress. Aside of this, tanks were great, planes & ships too, and some of the troops also (colonial, Foreign Legion, Corps-francs...) but led by stupid generals and silly tactics. Regarding what is due to the US, yes, I understand how much it did cost to the average US family to send his sons dying on the far away beaches of Normandy or whatever, and we all feel thankful for this. Aside of this, if we speak about US politics (and consequently not about the average american) would the US have (as french and british also should have) raised their voice (and maybe more) during the Spanish Civil War, would some industrials not have seen Hitler as a nice guy with whom making business was fun (remember the Ford/Opel trucks and some more...), would the US Congress have been much less isolationist, which makes some people seriously think that Roosevelt made the choice to let Pearl Harbour happen while he was aware of the coming attack, only to have the US finally enter into the war, then maybe a lot more of lives could have been saved. Of course, America finally did a lot and more for "freedom" and paid its due, but is definitely not the immaculate White Knight and as a rising major power also grabbed a large profit from this conflict...
  5. Hello from France, So let's add my 2 bits. I am currently playing my first game (with the Axis) and I only played one demo game of SC1. Although I made some beginner's mistakes because I didn't want to read all the rules in detail (for example it took me one year to get Norway), I am now at the end of 42 and took Moscow and Leningrad, and probably Stalingrad very soon so Russia shall fall. In the meantime, Allies stayed very shy, only air raiding France. All of this with max. difficulty level and +0.5% bonus for the Allies. So, maybe the main issue of this superb game, is the poor IA in single mode. Regarding the discussion, first I have to mention I didn't use the morale boost before attacking Russia. Second, I was surprised to see that I got a message "Russia prepares for war" just before I attacked. I assume this was the IA reaction to my troops accumulation near the border. Therefore, the morale boost could in that case considered as recreating the actual effect of surprise. Otherwise any Red player knows it will be attacked one or the other day, which was probably not Stalin's case in June 41.
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