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Everything posted by david12345

  1. You got to be kidding. My Japanese hit the beaches around canaberra with massive carrier support in JULY. Guess what, it's snowing. huh? I went to a website to check if this is possible. http://www.myforecast.com/bin/climate.m?city=50396&metric=false According to this, under history and record monthly snowfall for July, there is a N/A, I'm guessing it hasn't snowed there. Am I wrong, or is this a bug (a costly one for me, now suprize is lost). On the bright side, I did learn that summer is winter and winter is summer in Australia!
  2. Dude! Thanx. I have played all the SC games except pacific and never caught on to this!
  3. This caused a problem in my latest game. Italian level 3 subs fighters making the Med. real tough for the British. in 1943.
  4. Agreed Masterclaude. But the game, for no good reason in my opinion, took a step backwards in this regard since Italy and France were Majors, and it worked well. Still a great game.
  5. The problem I have is that Italian units are German units now. Germany pays for them. German HQ's support them. They get German tech advances (super u-boats and tigers in the Med.). This is not historical. Same problem with france. England sucks up the money, French lose their level one tanks, etc.
  6. I agree. I was told that it was becuase the engine would not support another major power. I love the game, but for what I paid, the engine should have been tweaked.
  7. I found a funny bug in this. Against the axis, I never lost paris and france never fell, but when the USA troops started landing in france, and one moved into paris, I got the message that the USA had lieberated france and that DeGaulle returned to france!
  8. I just think a physical convoy beats the abstract model. The computer would move the allied convoy after the axis turn, so the allies could see where it went, and send units to cover it. The axis would have to attack the "icon" to kill mpps. The allied covering units would not be assigned, but rather existing units that are moved. The allied player could also choose not to escort, and which (when more than one) to escort if units are low. The AI moves the convoy more or less along the historical routes. Convoys could blunder into ambushing subs (something that happened). The escorts would not have to guess the path because the convoy would move at the end of the axis turn, so it would be in place for the allied turn. I don't think this is too much micro-management at all.
  9. thanx for the input, but you guys making this sound much harder than I was thinking. The computer could randomly generate convoys and move them, if they get to the destination port, the computer would automatically apply the mpps. There is no micromanagement at all. All you have to do is cover them with dd's. Of course there can be losses to subs that could lower the strength of the convoy. example: convoy generates in usa port. moves a speed of 4-5 tiles a turn to either murmask or an english port. Let's say the convoy is 50mpps in strength. A u-boat attacks. Let's say it takes off 10 strength. The convoy continues and lands as a strength of 40. Upon arriving at the port, it's remaining strength (40) is automatically added to the receiving nation.
  10. Was thinking that convoys could be randomly generated and a specific strength, and move like ships. The owning country could escort them if they deem necessary. The convoys would move along the convoy routes, controlled automatically by the computer. The enemy could attack them physically with units. The "money" that each convoy carries would be it's strength, and attacks could slowly reduce the strength until it is destroyed. If more control by the player is wanted, they could even be "created" units. For example, the USA would like to send 50 to England, just build a 50 convoy for the cost of 50, and it would appear the next turn. I think this would be way better than the current model... Not sure if the SC engine would support this, however.
  11. Is there a list or chart of units that show up that are not in the reinforcement queue? I keep getting units for free that make me wish I had spent my money different..
  12. I took the port from the axis in Yougoslavia and tried to land the Brazilian expeditionary unit there (yeah, lots of weird things can happen in this game). Anyway, British units can use the port, but not the allied Brazilian. Is this intentional? If so, how can I know what units have these types of restrictions?
  13. Cool. I continue to be amazed at the hands on approach you have to games, and questions by players, Herbert. Thanx One thing, I would hope that the brest choice would only be delayed and not lost if the allies control brest or it will lead to players just holding the town for 1 turn then running to nullify the possibility.. Eagerly awaiting the patch..
  14. A couple quick things happend that I wondered about. 1. France fell, I had a british unit in Nantes and controlled brest. The Germans improved brest while I controlled it.. 2. In the evil alliance the russians kick Japan off the mainland (korea). it's been 10 turns since then and I'm still gettting the message about soviet seige on seoul reduces japanese strength...
  15. Ok, I took out Spain and made Romania mad. It is now Dec. of 41, the Spain thing slowed (bulgaria or hungry, forget which) but they joined late with no chits. So I keep thinking Romania will join. It's at 86 and I have no chits. So, will it ever join without chits? What about Finland in the same situation? thx
  16. I liked the old way of adding elite any time (think panzer general), but if you think about it, it really does not make sence. Losses create disorganized chaos no matter. New men, coming in, who don't know you, etc. I think a unit that takes, like your example, 50% losses is going to lose experiance, and should. I think this way is more realistic.
  17. This may not really be an answer, but from what I have seen, just setting them to mix (yellow) seems to work the best while on offense, then to fighter (green) if on defense?
  18. In a multiplayer game, my opponent had is ship in a tile that, i guess after his move, turned into ice. my ships were unable to surround it and attack, although I could attack from a couple of tiles that were not ice. So, question: Is this normal? will his ship be able to leave the ice before it melts?
  19. Ok, I will agree that variety is the spice of life, but Japan completely allied fighting on from Korea? France lost every unit and every city and did not surrender? I think that's taking it too far.
  20. What I do is start a hot seat with the fog of war off, then I DOW eveyone and see the troops and their starting positions..
  21. Thanx so much for your reply, Mr. Cater. I have been playing since the SC1 days, and I know that you are trying to make the best game possible. Your participation on a regular basis here proves it. Not sure what you mean by a "decision" concerning the Japanese surrender. If I'm Japanese, of course I will decide to continue the fight. Probably, I misread what you were saying. I do hope that you consider the possibility that, rather than adding more variety, you may be causing frustration. Players want, for example, to be rewarded for a swift victory (let's say taking Paris) as opposed to having to spend several turns "mopping up" a defeated opponent. But maybe that's just me, and maybe I have just been really unlucky so far. dav
  22. I'm sorry, but the surrender rules in this game are just plain broke. I just took Rome, after slogging up the boot, and they moved thier capital to Venice? You got to be kidding. In the real war, the Italians surrendered without even losing Rome! Add to this the fact that France stayed alive a turn after losing EVERY city in France (and every unit). Add to this the fact that I had all of Japan and they moved their capital to Korea? Add to this the fact that I took just about every city in Russian and no surrender. Seriously, what are you guys thinking? Such a great game, but so many irritating things...
  23. oppss! I agree z-plan was fantasy, but I could see a toned down version..
  24. I did not say no on vichy because france did not surrender. Update, they did the next turn. So, since my ships are raiding the convoy by norway, how about we have a silent mode like the subs for ships and bombers? But what carvarrt says makes sence, you should not be able to totally block the german units from leaving, which kinda was my intention! Can I disband Italians when the allies invade?
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