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Posts posted by PanzerMike

  1. This can be done by lowering morale.  This can be done by greater command and control difficulties, command delay, confusion, scatter of men who only slowly reform and that only if they are safe, by much slower recovery from suppression, by incomplete recovery from supression caused by losses (rattled conditions), by global morale morale effects and contagion that make units pin because others they can see take losses, even when they did not - and all similar mechanics.

    It can also be done by having a threshold willingness to continue fighting, which, if hit, forces that side to offer ceasefire.  If the other side thinks they are winning and also so offers, this will end the fight early, with whatever objectives reached and losses so far obtain at that specific moment.  If both sides hit their respective limits, the fight will end then and there, in mutual exhaustion.  The men are simply *unwilling to continue*.  It does not matter what the commanders want.  The men have stopped listening.  They've had enough, and will not die for nothing any more, today.


    Combat Mission is first and foremost a game. I think it is very likely that a lot of players would not enjoy a "realistic" battlefield. But still, for some players this might be just their cup of tea.

    Perhaps it would be an idea to be able to select a play mode (say "Game" vs. "Realistic" for lack of something better at this point). In Realistic mode troops will behave more in line with what you wrote. Game mode is the way things are now.

    This will potentially make it harder on the scenario designers if both play modes are to be considered. What would be a pretty easy job in Game mode could be really hard in Realistic mode.

    But still, I think it is not a bad idea to cater for players who desire a more hardcore simulation. All in IMHO.

  2. Hello,


    can someone tell me why is the game so expensive for a game so old and still 60 euro

    Okay, I'll bite.


    It is not expensive. Bang for the buck is excellent, you will get MANY hours of enjoyment out of this game for a long time. The game is not old, it has been updated constantly. Bottom line, this is the best game of its kind and the asking price is actually a steal.


    All IMHO.


    And yes, I am a fanboiii.

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