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Posts posted by PanzerMike

  1. It is quite easy to make a mission briefing. In JonS' tutorial you can read how to do it. You can make it with notepad and import it into your scenario.

    As far as artwork is concerned, you can do it with MS Paint if you need to.

    If you are finished you can upload it in the Repository. You do need to make an account for that.

    Edit: if you really can't figure it out how to add mission briefings and artwork, or how to publish it on the repository, I am willing to help you. Mind you, my graphical skills are not exactly stellar, but you can check out my work by downloading some of my scenario's. You can send me an email with your scenario.btt and I can add the mission text for you and throw in some pictures. I can then even publish it under my account and make VERY sure all know that it your baby in the description and designer notes. But really, wouldn't it so much better if you carry this through yourself? You are almost there!

  2. i didn't see any post about this issue, but lately i see less and less scenarios in the forum. CMFI - havn't seen a new scenario for months. CMMG - no scenarios since the launch, etc etc.

    it seems that the community is dying, and the game with it.

    i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels it.

    Hi jkobmadrid. I released another scenario last week: MG Betuwe on fire. It's on the repository. So far I have had very positive reviews on that one, so I suppose it's not total rubbish. Check it out!

    CM is alive and kicking :)

  3. PanzerMike, don't know if it's at all possible, but maybe you could add some playtime for this scenario?

    No can do Sir, link up with the Poles at Driel ASAP! Our brave lads hanging on at Oosterbeek are counting on you to come to their rescue! Now get crackin :D

    Just kidding. Anybody else feel that the allotted time to complete this scenario is too little?

    One more thing, historically the attack failed. So I designed it in a way, that a succesful attack is no easy feat to accomplish. Not impossible, but very hard nonetheless. So don't feel bad if your victory is not total.

  4. Thanks guys. Takes me a few weeks of hard work, but if the end result is pleasing to some, it is worth it.

    Perhaps I should have called this one "The Diabolical Dike", good one Seedorf81.

    If anyone can achieve a British victory, I'd really like to hear it. It's pretty hard.

    You can play as the Germans too, I tried to teach the AI to put up a good fight, but as you will understand that is not easy when the AI is on the attack.

    I am not sure if and when I can make more scenario's. I'm a beta for BFC, that will likely eat up some playing/designing time you know :)

    And yes, just like the King of Oosterbeek, I like to make a scenario that will draw you in the action sooner rather than later. If you don't have too much playing time in between work and other obligations (like me), I like to get down straight to business. And I admire the guys who make monster scenario's, but they take a lot of time to play. To each his own.

  5. The Oosterhout master map is a wonderful map. I adapted it slightly for this scenario. Ofcourse the addition of the drainage ditches is the most obvious, but there are more.

    My intention when designing this scenario was to experience just how difficult fighting on the Island was with tanks. Being confined to the roads due to the polders was a real issue. And I hope it shows in this scenario.

    Has anyone had some success playing the British?

  6. I have made 2 CMBN scenario's the last few months and upoaded them to the repository: In the heat of the morning & King of Oosterbeek.

    I will upload another scenario probably next week: Betuwe on fire. I am playtesting and tweaking it. Almost finished.

    But sure, more scenario's would be great. Yes, it is harder than it was in CMx1. But it is perfectly doable. Especially with Benpark's and Pete Wenman's master maps. I have used them twice now and I think it is the best thing since sliced bread. And JonS made a wonderful guide to scenario making.

    Perhaps people are making scenario's but feel they are not good enough to share with others? If so, don't! Share it. Constructive criticism never killed anybody :-) Why don't you give it a try?

    "Ask not, what CM can do for you. But what you can do for CM"


    And I disagree: CM is not dying. It keeps getting better and better.

  7. Welcome COL Handgrenade to the forum.

    I too played CC ever since the first microsoft game was published some 20 years ago. But CM beats CC hands down for me. I can't go back to 2d anymore. It will take you probably some time to get into CM, but once infected with the CM virus there is no turning back.

    Actually, the learning curve for CM is not that steep IMHO, but I speak for myself. I think learning to play CM is quite easy in fact, bit it is pretty hard to play it well. Just my 0.02.

    Anyways, enjoy CM!

  8. Yep, the link to JonS wonderful thread should help you. Also check out the pdf in the install directory, also by JonS (great document!). If you have photoshop skills you can use the original graphic files provided in the repository. I absolutely suck at Photoshop and I am too lazy to learn, so I just improvise with some DYI :D

    And keep at it. Will check it out once published in the repository. Nice to see people using the gorgeous master maps! I have almost finished my second scenario too.

  9. Really, you liked the Hobbit? I really wanted to like it, but I just couldn't. So many things in the movie that I hated: the Goblin King, Radagast, racing bunnies, the stone throwing giants (boooring), the ridiculous chase through the Goblin Mountain, Azog (who needs him, gawd), etc, etc, etc.

    I put up with Legolas and his skateboard and some other stupid stuff in LOTR. I learned to live with some changes Jackson made to that story, although I I did not like them at all (Aragorn falling of the cliff, the Arwen crap, Army of the Dead, etc.). There was so much other stuff that was really great to compensate the flaws to some extent.

    Not so with the Hobbit. What a mess. Argh.

  10. Ow, my wife knows I love Tolkien. She married me despite that... I must have read LOTR at least 7 times, first time I was something like 14 years old. I sort of dragged her to the movies at the time. Gawd, I was so excited when the trilogy hit the theaters. And, grosso modo, I really liked the movies a lot. Still do ten years on.

    Not so with the Hobbit. When I heard Jackson was going to weave all the other stories into the Hobbit and make 3 movies out of it I was excited. I liked that idea a lot. So many interesting stuff that is hardly touched upon in the book itself. If done right, it would make a great new trilogy. But Jackson botched it IMHO. Perhaps he can redeem himself in part 2 and 3. Or even with the extended edition of part 1 (which I have not seen). I hope so, but that remains to be seen.

  11. Thanks for the thanks, and a reminder I need to put the latest Hobbit movie on my Netflix queue. The last one convinced me I'm not going to spend money seeing the next two.


    Big Tolkien fan. Loved the LOTR trilogy (despite Legolas and his skateboard and other stupid stuff). The Hobbit movie on the other hand...what a HUGE dissapointment that one was. I had Phantom Menace flashbacks watching that one :eek:

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