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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by PanzerMike

  1. I'm suspect that the sales of CMRT are not so big that you and I want to be. There are no clear figures (commercial secret, of cause) but the quantity of mods and maps in BF Repository can give as information for a rough estimation. 

    So in this situation it is a adequate decision to release new game and not a new module. Sadly...

    Fewer mods probably because the quality of the stock graphics are already pretty good. Maps? The ingame QB maps are great, bot quality and quantity. 


    I made 5 extra missions for CMRT just after it was released (in addition to the one that was included in the release). Yes, compared to the number of missions that was released for CMx1 titles, the harvest is somewhat modest. But making a good scenario takes considerable more effort with the CMx2 engine. Not everybody is able or willing to make that effort. The end result (if a mission is done properly) is superior to what was made for CMx1 IMHO. But yes, fewer in numbers.


    And new module(s) will surely come in due time. But Bulge is most probably next in line if Steve is to be believed according to his bone that Vanir linked to. And Steve is the boss man, he he he.

  2. Yeah, because nothing motivates me more than not making money :D

    The truth is that if I thought we could make a game 1/2 as good as Combat Mission and it would sell 10 times as much, I would do it in a heartbeat. Yeah, you heard that. Although I am passionate about the games I make, I would be even more passionate about retiring with a huge truckload of money. You should be thankful that we let our passion get in the way of our ambitions instead of being critical of it.


    Steve, will you marry me  :D

  3. Long thread. Do the graphics suck? Not in my book! Could they be better, sure. But given the limited resources of BFC, I think they are doing a helluva good job.


    A new engine? That would be great fer sure. I really do hope BFC will make the effort some time in the near future. I will wait for it patiently and sure be around when it comes. 


    Here is to many years of having a great time with a great game with a lot of great people. And may there be many more! Cheers!


    *steps of his soapbox now*

  4. Finding detailed accounts on tactical battles is hard indeed for Bagration in my experience, compared to the wealth of sources available on Normandy/Market Garden/Bulge.


    That is why I decided to go the fictional/semi historical route. All scenarios I have done for Bagration are fictional but rooted somewhat in reality (the backstory and units names are often historical, but maps and OOB are mostly/completely fiction). 


    Take a look for example at Fester Platz Polozk. The backstory is historical. The map only slighty resembles the real city though. There was a bridge over the river in the city of Polozk. There was heavy fighting for it. But the streets/buildings/OOB are pure fiction.


    But hey, so what. If the scenario is fun to play, good enough for me. Use your imagination  :)

  5. I beseech thee most worthy demi-God for some advice that a mere mortal scenarion designer would need to make that pitiful scenario less pitiful  ;)

    Ah, that's the spirit lad, he he he.


    When creating AI-plans, is there some way in 2D to see where units and fortifications (trenches, foxholes) are placed? That would make it a lot easier to "paint" targets for orders.

    Alas, you can't see them in 2d mode. I use a simple workaround. Just before the design of the AI plan I paint areas of special interest (like a trench line) with terrain tiles with outstanding color (red rocks or sumfink) in 2d mode. When I am finished doing the AI plans, I change the terrain back to what is was supposed to be. A trick only a Demi-God would think of I suppose :P 


    Also, the target for each order - if you make the area large, will the units try to find the best protection/concealment or spread out evenly?

    In my experience a unit will normally fan out and occupy roughly the (larger) area you painted. As far as I know they do not necessarily seek the best cover they can find however.


    Your humble servant and demi-God wanna-be

    Keep this up and Beta Paradise may just await you ;) . Of course that is ultimately up to the Upper God of the BFC pantheon, Steve the Magnicifent. All hail Steve!



  6. Nah, I am not being mean. You know, if us Beta demi-Gods would share all our design secrets with these outerboardes...what would be the fun in that? That way they can make great scenarios too. Pfff, can't have that :D


    Betas are a special breed, and we would like to keep it that way, thank you very much :P  


    Ok, seriously, what would you like to know, Rocketman? Maybe I can help you? Need tips?

  7. Not that it is likely you'll ever get one Emrys, but you may want to take note of what happens when old people refuse "Friend" requests. You know with this new forum and all, someone might actually slip up and send one to ya.

    Yeah some people would do that to old farts. But I don't send anyone, I do my own dirty work.


    I invite Emrys to do something actually useful, like taking a look at a scenario that will hopefully be released to the community at some time, and he bluntly tells me to go to he.. eeeh.... take a plunge in a cesspool or sumfink. Sjeesh.


    I really thought I made some "friends" here...


    And there was much weeping and wailing in the Floydian House.

  8. Hear ye, hear ye. All ye Knits, Squares, Serbs, Justaburbs, Olde Farts, Donkey boobs and Others Recognized. 
    In the House of Floyd there is much rejoicing for a new scenario has been begotten: CMRT To the Berezina!
    It needs some playtesting. More precisely, it needs to be played as the Axis defender against the Allied AI. Yeah, you heard it right, the AI is the attacker. That means it will probably put up a better fight than Washer.
    It is quite large (large map, large force size), but since you play the defender, it is VERY manageable and not too time consuming. Trust me on that one; I do not have the patience to play monster scenarios myself, so I resist making them.
    Map is finished. There is one AI plan right now for the Allies and I need to know if it is any good. There is a briefing and some briefing graphics, but they are still somewhat rough.
    If you feel like you need a break playing H2H against the Pengers and want to give this a spin, lemme know. I could of course ask around at the Outreboard , but there is only SSN's there: useless feck...eeh..fellers. And the usual suspects on the Beta forum are mostly busy playing with their dic..eeh...dinky toys like the M1 Abrams (where is the fun in that?). So maybe you wank...eeh...good people can score some points with the Floydian House and help out.
  9. Parbleu DaftLaurier. I take it you want to pass for a Frenchman? The French famous for their cuisine. Hmmmm, let's see.


    Outside of the US, who has the most McDonald’s? Yup, it's the home of Freedom Fries itself, France. When Burger King opened up in Paris in November, people stood in line an hour and a half to order.  As it turns out, the French love their fast food, and more importantly, they love burgers. In a recent study, 1/3 of restaurants cited the hamburger -- sorry, "le hamburger" -- as their top-selling dish. Which is probably why one out of every two sandwiches sold in France is in fact, a hamburger. In 2007, it was one out of every seven. Au revoir jambon beurre. The fallout is that nowadays about one in 10 adults in France is obese, and almost 40% of the entire population is overweight.
    Incroyable! Ce n'est pas vrai, he! Mais oui, ces't vrai! Turns out inside every Frenchman, is an American trying to get out. An overweight American.
  10. How in the world do you hail this concoction as "Dutch" cuisine? Its ingredients were obviously stolen from former colonies when the Netherlands was more than just a half submerged version of Belgium, and had access to some real ingredients and superb cooking tecniques. 

    You are a dimwitted donkey. Fact.


    It was the Dutch who spread fine cuisine all over the world. Fact.


    We did not steal anything; the people of the world lined up to give us their ingredients to make something outstanding out of them. Fact.


    And it came to pass that Patatje Oorlog was born. And it rocks. Hard. Fact.


    You should do what Crapscout did. Make some Patatje Oorlog and enjoy it. Make some and also amaze your friends...ow wait... eeeh. amaze your family (the ones that are out on bail currently) with this outstanding dish. Raise a glass to the fine cuisine of the glorious Dutch who sailed the Seven Seas for Patatje Oorlog.


    Don't fight it, embrace it. Crapscout did and he is better man for it. Here: NG Cavsprout was correct!


    Now go Nidan1! Make yourself some Patatje Oorlog! You know you want to.


    Ow, and can somebody please give Emrys his medicine. He is very excited over something that makes him drool (more than usual) and mumble about poops (or something). This kind of excitement can be deadly for old people. So make sure he takes his pills!

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